Magi Guard (Aether’s Revival Book 6)

Magi Guard: Chapter 27

Weeks blended together as routine again took over. The only change was the unit runs on the obstacle course. With Glasson’s squad running ahead and the others trailing them, it was different. Gregory thought of improvements he could make during their last run before they went back to Grakle.


Both eurtik sisters and Barny were becoming more comfortable with the men, who treated them like friends. The last trip into Gardenia had allowed the sisters to pick up more clothing and other personal items, also getting the things for Barny that he’d asked for.


The sergeants were a little worried about the town patrols after the solstice when Gregory had told them about the mayor. All of them vowed that their men wouldn’t disgrace the unit. Davis nodded along— he knew it would be harder, but he was confident in them; there hadn’t been a single incident with the men for the nine weeks they’d been having leave.


Gregory reached rank seven, but he didn’t have time with Darkness, which worried him a little. He hoped it was just her conserving her strength for when he spoke with Ling during the solstice. With no one he could ask, he did his best to push past the loss he felt from not seeing Darkness.




Gregory wore a smile as he rode ahead of his men. It’d been nine weeks since he’d been to Grakle last. This time, he would celebrate Yukiko’s birthday early, but he also had plans to celebrate his and Mindie’s belated birthdays.


The captain on the gate was the same as the last time. After a quick inspection, he waved them on, though he did invite Willof back to the tavern the city guard frequented.


“How was it last time?” Gregory asked Willof.


“Good, but they preen too much,” Willof snorted. “They’ve grown used to being captains of a city. I’d shudder if they suddenly had to command men in battle again. A few of them never even saw battle, having used family connections and money to keep them in the city for their entire career.”


“Not uncommon,” Davis added.


“Still grates on me,” Willof replied.


“Not a border city, at least, or it would really matter,” Gregory said. “Are you going back?”


“Yes. A couple of them are good people. I’ll share a few drinks, play some cards, and chat about my current task.”


“Shepherding a magi through his training?”


“They’re more interested in whether Egil will be here beyond this year. I haven’t told them yet.”


Gregory laughed, as he could imagine the faces if they knew Willof was going to be the one to take the position next year. “Are you going to?”


“Not until later. It’s been fun to hear what they think, captain to captain. If they knew, they’d try to earn favors or would be resentful. No one is stupid enough to insult an armsmaster, even if one or two feel like they should’ve been able to take the posting.”


“Not if they want to live,” Davis snickered. “Though Magi-killer is more relatable than I thought he’d be. I heard of him long before having met him. Not many triple armsmasters in the empire.”


“Six,” Willof replied. “Only a hundred or so armsmasters in the empire, but only six have been recognized for three weapons, three of whom are guards for the emperor himself. Interestingly, all six count the naginata as one of their weapons.”


That was information Gregory hadn’t known. He wondered how Egil had avoided being pulled into the emperor’s guard if he was in that small of a talent pool.




Rafiq walked beside Gregory as they left the barracks, heading for the manor. “This hasn’t been as unpleasant as I feared when leaving the academy.”


“You were worried that I’d do something wrong?” Gregory asked, a little hurt and confused.


“No, I meant the camping part. I do miss the baths, Egil was right about that, but camping with the men hasn’t been as bad as I thought it would be. If they weren’t yours, it might’ve been worse, but since they have taken after you, it’s been good.”


“I can see that,” Gregory said, feeling a bit silly for his misunderstanding.


“Myself and the other slaves have had a pleasant time with the unit, Gregory. You’re doing a good job leading them.”


“Thank you, Rafiq.”


The manor came into view and Gregory began to walk a little faster without knowing it. Rafiq grinned, but didn’t say anything as Gregory outdistanced him. The grin slipped away as he thought about how he would be when he saw his wife again.


Gregory was still waiting for the butler to open the door when the others caught up to him. A moment later, the butler opened the door, welcoming them back. Gregory thanked him before heading straight for Mindie’s room.


Chuckling behind him, the others paused to change their shoes. The fact that he wore enchanted boots that didn’t track in filth had become known in camp. Not knowing that, the butler turned to call Gregory back, but Willof held up a hand to stop him.


Flopsy was just stepping out of Mindie’s room when Gregory came up the stairs. “Oh, sir! Welcome back!” She turned to the room. “Mistresses, he is here.”


By the time Gregory made it to the doorway, Yukiko and Mindie were waiting for him. No one spoke as he embraced Yukiko for a loving kiss, then Mindie.


When he finally broke the second kiss, a cough came from behind them. “Shall I prepare a bath for him?” Flopsy asked.


“Please,” Yukiko smiled. “Dear one, go bathe. Mindie told me there’s a surprise for me today, but that we had to wait for you.”


Gregory gave her a bright smile. “As you wish, dear one. Just a rinse, not a full bath. I’ll soak later when you do.”


“Even better,” Mindie said. “Flopsy, go prepare the water for him.”


“Will the master wish me to wash his back?” Flopsy asked.


“No,” Gregory said. “I can manage on my own.”


Yukiko smirked slightly. “Only his wives get to wash him.”


“As you decree, mistress.” Flopsy curtsied, then left.


“She was just asking, since she washes us,” Mindie giggled.


“Have you had any luck finding her a good home?” Gregory asked.


“No, but I’ve made some discreet inquiries. The last person I spoke with assured me they knew a few people who might work. I’ll be speaking to them again after the solstice.”


“Okay. I’ll hurry, but not enough that I don’t clean properly,” Gregory said, collecting shorter kisses before striding off.


Yukiko and Mindie watched him until he vanished down the stairs. “He’s more confident than he was before,” Yukiko smiled. “Good.”


“Agreed. He walks like he controls everything near him. It’s not the arrogance of most magi. You and Jenn project that same controlled confidence.”


“You don’t shrink in as much as you used to, either.”


“I’m doing my best. Egil has really been working with me during our training.”


Yukiko gathered Mindie in her arms after closing the doors. “Which makes me happy, our dear healer. Let’s see if I can’t tease some hints out of you before he returns.”


Mindie blushed, then turned her head to give Yukiko better access to nibble her neck. “I won’t give you any hints, no matter how enticing you are.”




Gregory walked with his wives to either side of him. The flower garden park was quiet in the slightly chill autumn air. A child’s laughter broke the quiet before a young girl went racing over to one of the flowerbeds to pluck a daisy. With the flower in hand, she ran back to her mother, smiling brightly.


“I did that with Mother once,” Yukiko smiled softly at the memory. “It was the year before I went on the road with Father.”


“Was she as happy as that mother?” Gregory asked.




“A mother’s love is precious,” Mindie murmured, clearly thinking of her own.


“It really is,” Gregory agreed, his memory drifting back to his mother’s smiling face.


“I didn’t mean to make you both melancholy,” Yukiko said.


Gregory pushed past the memory. “I know, dear one.”


“It’s okay, Yuki. We just have moments of remembrance, is all,” Mindie said.


“It’s not quite midday, so I don’t believe we’re going for a snack,” Yukiko said, wanting to change the topic for them. “I wonder what you have planned for me?”


“You’ll see shortly,” Mindie smiled. “Patience.”


It didn’t take them too long to reach their destination, but it was removed from the main thoroughfare. Yukiko looked at the sign that declared it as ‘Hidden Comfort’ with clear speculation. Stepping inside, the scent and feel of wet air made Yukiko smile.


An otter eurtik woman stood behind the counter. “Oh, Magi. We have the room ready for you. Everything is as you asked.”


“Thank you,” Mindie beamed.


The woman bowed to them. “My pleasure, Magi. It is the second door on the right.”


Mindie started down the hall. “This way, Yuki.”


“A bathhouse?” Yukiko asked, but it was obviously the answer.


“I wanted to give you a day of true comfort before you go back out,” Mindie said. “You will let us wash you, massage you, and care for you. This is your birthday present from all three of us. Jenn and I used it before she left last time to make sure it would work for us.”


“I love it,” Yukiko said, following Mindie into the room set aside for them.


A large bronze tub dominated the middle of the room, steaming water wafting out of it. One wall held stone benches with more buckets of steaming water, along with some soap. A younger woman, clearly related to the one up front, jerked when they entered, having been setting out the last bucket.


“I’m sorry, Magi,” she said quickly, bowing to them. “It’s ready. The table has the towels and oils and, as you can see, the water is waiting.”


“Thank you,” Mindie smiled. “Everything looks to be in order. You’ll bring the juice and snacks?”


“I will get them right away, Magi.” With another bow, the woman left the room.


When she left, Mindie turned to Yukiko. “Gregory will be the one to wash you, and I’ll be the one to massage you. Both of us will handle your drinks and food. Any questions?”


Yukiko’s lips pulled up crookedly. “What if I want you to wash me and him to massage me?”


“We can change that up for you.”


“And if I want you both to do both?”


“You’d be pampered by us both, though it would make handling the food and drink difficult if we both have oily hands.”


“That’s fair. I concede to your prepared plans.” With that, Yukiko began to strip.


Mindie was swift to join her, but Gregory glanced back at the door.


“You can wait if you want to, dear one,” Yukiko said. “Considering that she works here, I doubt she’d be shocked to see guests naked.”


Mindie’s cheeks reddened. “They understand.”


“Oh? Did they catch you and Jenn?” Yukiko giggled.


“I asked about massages and they offered last time,” Mindie replied. “I declined then, but it did let me know that they had the items for it.”


Gregory shook his head. His wives were mostly disrobed already, so he went to follow suit. “Very well.”


“After this, we’ll be having a romantic dinner,” Mindie said. “Then, when we get back to the manor, the two of us will be focused on you, Yuki. Today’s all about our dear merchant.”


“I won’t fight that at all,” Yukiko smiled. “Did you ask to drag Jenn back early?”


“Yes, but Egil said no,” Mindie sighed.


“At least you asked. I’m ready when you are, Greg,” Yukiko said, taking a seat on the bench and looking back at him.


“Be right there,” Gregory said as he finished stripping.

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