Mages of Buldoun (Aether’s Revival Book 5)

Mages of Buldoun: Chapter 18

Gregory kissed Jenn and Yukiko’s cheeks when they showed back up. It was nearly time for dinner, so they exchanged stories. Gregory explained his day with Adolphus and Hao first. By the time he’d finished, the others were laughing at how the two cheats had been trapped.


“You had fun, which is good,” Jenn grinned.


“Educational and fun,” Gregory replied. “What did you all get up to?”


“Shopping,” Candace smiled. “It was nice. The clothing here is so different from what we have at home.”


“We didn’t spend much,” Yoo-jin said when she saw Hao lean back slightly. “Just an outfit or two for everyone.”


“And the jewelry,” Umbrose added, showing off a silver bracelet. “I tried to stop her.”


“Her daughter is just like her,” Jenn snickered. “You did try, Mother.”


Adolphus sighed. “Your family is too generous, Hao.”


“Family is precious,” Hao replied. “There’s no such thing as too generous when it comes to family.”


“After that, we visited a tea house,” Mindie added to the conversation.


“They have those here?” Gregory asked, surprised to hear about it.


“A normal tea house,” Jenn snickered. “Not a magi tea house.”


“Oh. That makes more sense.”


Yukiko caught Gregory’s eyes, hers twinkling in silent laughter. “It was very soothing.”


“We’re taking Elsa after dinner, right?” Gregory asked.


“Yes,” Yukiko smiled. “We talked about her while we were out. After dinner, we’ll go up to speak with her. As we go to leave, we’ll spring it on her.”


“You’re terrible, Yuki,” Jenn laughed.


“She does seem to like practical jokes,” Ling said.


“It’s very at odds with how she acts most of the time,” Roshana added.


“That would be Hao’s fault,” Yoo-jin said. “He loves his small surprises, too.”


“We should call for dinner,” Hao laughed. “Yu, make sure she knows that there will be nothing easy once the tournament is over.”


“I will, Father.”


“She’ll be working hard for us,” Jenn said.


“All of us,” Mindie said gently. “That single servant was the one who took care of our entire group.”


“We won’t be soft, but we won’t be brutal,” Ling added.


“What they said,” Gregory said. “But yes, dinner sounds good.”




Gregory had been happy with the food— the aether was higher, and it was all still tasty. “Even better than last time.”


“I believe the owner purchased better bane meat, since she knows that she’ll have magi visiting her inn,” Hao smiled. “I didn’t even have to ask her.”


“She is very attentive to her guests,” Yoo-jin smiled.


“Do you want me to come up with you?” Umbrose asked.


“No, Mother, we’ll handle it,” Jenn said. “You can come with us, Sister.”


Candace hesitated, then smiled. “Thank you, Jenn. I’ll stay with Mother and Father… and Mother Ulga. Sorry, Ulga. I’m still getting used to it.”


Ulga smiled softly. “It’s fine, Candace. It’s a big change.”


“We’ll see you tomorrow?” Hao asked.


“The tournament starts the day after,” Gregory said before the others could. “It might be better if we stay in camp tomorrow and make sure we’re as ready as we can be.”


“What about the days between fights?” Yoo-jin asked.


“Barring injuries that require us to rest,” Yukiko said. “Mindie will do all she can for us.”


“Yes, I will,” Mindie nodded.


“Very well,” Hao said. “We will be there for the fights. I made sure to acquire one of the boxes for us. It fits six, so it’s just large enough for the family. Lin will, of course, be posted on the door for us.”


“Fight well,” Lin said as the magi stood.


Goodbyes were said, and included hugs from Umbrose, Ulga, and Yoo-jin. Gregory smiled sadly as he once again thought of his own mother. He kept most of his feelings off his face, but Yukiko took his hand as they left the room. She didn’t say anything, just letting him know that she was there. Jenn took his other hand, giving him a soft smile, as well.


I know they both love me as much as I love them, Mother… he thought as he climbed the stairs. Did you see all of this before your death?


Clover was the first one to the door, so she knocked, giving Elsa a beaming smile when the maid opened the door. “Hello, Elsa.”


“Hello, Clover,” Elsa grinned. “Did you come to visit with me again?”


“We did,” Ling smiled.


“If you don’t mind?” Roshana added.


“I always enjoy speaking with my friends,” Elsa beamed. “Even my newest ones.”


“Very gracious,” Mindie giggled.


“Yes, we should probably reward her later,” Yukiko said, lips pursing as if considering. “We’ll have to find something good.”


“We should,” Jenn nodded.


“I’m sure we’ll think of something,” Gregory chuckled.


Elsa gave them all a curious look. “It sounds like you’re planning something.”


“Maybe,” Yukiko laughed before she hugged Elsa. “We might have figured out something ahead of time. Time will tell.”


Elsa laughed, hugging Yukiko back. “Thank you.”


The others collected hugs, then settled in to chat with Elsa. They explained what their day had been like, and what their days going forward would likely look like. Elsa described how she’d been doing her best to be a maid for Jenn’s family, taking advice from Yoo-jin’s maid when the families were out of the rooms.




It was getting late when Yukiko finally stood up. “Elsa, thank you for welcoming us again.”


“Yes, we appreciate it,” Jenn grinned. “Greg, do you think we have a fitting reward for her?”


“Hmm… not sure. I mean, we did kind of fire the servant that was taking care of us today. Perhaps Elsa would like to be our maid for the tournament? She’d have to take care of all of us. It’d be a big task, but—”


“Yes!” Elsa nearly screamed in joy as she hit Gregory with a tight hug. “Please!”


Everyone started to laugh, gathering around to pat her back and explain how they’d hoped she’d agree. Elsa cried tears of joy, as she was going to get a small taste of what she hoped her future would be.


After a few minutes, Yukiko cleared her throat. “Elsa, you need to gather your things. We need to get back. We wake with the third bell.”


“Oh. Yes, Yuki,” Elsa said, letting go of Gregory and dashing into a side room.


“She’s as excitable as Daciana right now,” Ling giggled.


“Or me,” Clover laughed.


“Or you,” Jenn smiled broadly.


“She’s so adorable,” Mindie said softly. “I wish I’d known her as long as you all have.”


“It’s been new for me, too,” Roshana said. “She’s full of happiness and joy. It’s hard to believe her own mother refused her.”


“She’s not overly eurtik like the other children,” Yukiko said, “which is why I think there’s more to her story.” She glanced at Clover and Ling. “Do your best. I’m going to help her pack.”


“We’ll give her the place she was denied,” Gregory said softly.


Mindie nodded emphatically. “Not all healing is physical.”


“We’ll be glad for your help,” Jenn said, placing her hand on Mindie’s shoulder.


“If we all help, the packing will be done quicker,” Clover mentioned before going after Yukiko.


“Yes, we should help,” Ling nodded.


Gregory watched them all go, knowing that they already had too many people helping. We’ll give you the love your family didn’t, Elsa… you and the others, he silently vowed.




It took a bit, but they eventually had Elsa’s things together.


“I want to make sure I understand your routine so I can do my best,” Elsa said as they left the city behind. “You wake at third bell, and breakfast is shortly after that?”


“That’s correct. You’ll need to make sure you have enough for all of us, and you,” Gregory said.


Elsa bit her lip, then nodded. “Okay, so I’ll need a cart, at least. After that, you all work on Magi Squares, then study until sixth bell?”


“A little before sixth,” Jenn clarified.


“What’re you studying?” Elsa asked.


“We’re learning about the Resonant Mind, which is combining the path of spirit and mind,” Mindie said. “It’s been very interesting. Gregory’s reading it to us.”




Gregory rubbed his neck. “Yeah. Been a bit weird, but we only have the one book, so one of us has to read it to the others.”


Elsa nodded, then focused back on her job. “After studying, it’s the Peaceful Fist… will I be able to join you?”


“Of course,” Yukiko said, “as long as you’re not falling behind in your tasks.”


“I won’t,” Elsa said determinedly. “Sparring follows that.”


“You could help Mindie,” Roshana said. “She’s just learning.”


Mindie flushed. “I dislike fighting, but I’m working on it.”


“I’ll help,” Elsa said before she looked at Yukiko, “if I’m not behind.”


“We doubt you will be,” Gregory smiled.


“Then, we do magic practice,” Clover said. “That means Greg, Yuki, and Jenn all fight outside with aether while Ling and I practice inside the tent.”


“I heal them during sparring and magic practice,” Mindie said when Elsa looked at her questioningly.


“I had been creating water obstacles during their fights, but I think I can fill the tubs, instead. That’ll be intensive to get them all done,” Roshana said. “After all, it means going to all three tents.”


Ling, Clover, and Mindie suddenly realized that they should probably not bathe with Yukiko, Jenn, and Gregory. They didn’t want to have Elsa asking to join them, as Gregory would take it badly.


“You can get the tubs heated for us,” Roshana went on. “And then join either me and Mindie or Clover and Ling for a quick bath.”


Elsa looked at Yukiko and Jenn. Her eyes widened and she nodded, realizing the same thing the others had. “Yes. That’d be best.”


Gregory exhaled in relief. “Maybe switch back and forth between the two groups?” he suggested.


“I will.”


“After that, our days will be open, as we’ll have trained all of our paths,” Ling said. “That means we’ll be going into the city at times to see their families.”


“Or we’ll be fighting in the arena,” Jenn added.


“After the fighting tournament, some of us will be playing in the Empire’s Gambit portion,” Roshana added.


“The fights have everyone doing a single match a day, then a day off,” Yukiko told Elsa. “We might see our families in the encampment after the days we fight, too.”


“While you’re doing that, I should be doing the laundry and getting the tents in order. Should I arrange dinner, too?”


“We’ll have to ask Lightshield if he knows what times the fights will be,” Gregory said. “I’m sure the arena will be used for other things, too.”


“Oh, good point,” Yukiko said. “We’ll find out tomorrow and plan around it.”


Elsa yawned, then shook her head. “I will do my best.”


Gregory patted her shoulder. “We know, Elsa. This is so you know what your life later might be like. You might change your mind after this.”


“No,” Elsa said emphatically. “I’ll be a magi or your maid.”


Gregory was about to reply when a vision hit him. It was split— in one, he saw the previous image of Elsa as a maid, welcoming him home. The other side was different. Elsa had on the novice kimono of Aether’s Guard, and she was bowing formally to Bishop at the clan hall. Gregory shook his head and the divided image fled.


“Greg?” Yukiko asked.


“Sorry… I’m fine,” he said, giving her a smile. He mouthed the word “later” when Elsa looked away from him.


Yukiko nodded slightly. “We’re almost there. It’ll be good night after we settle Elsa in. Lightshield said he’d make sure the other man was removed for us.”


“Good riddance,” Mindie snorted. “We’ll have much better help now.”


Elsa beamed, walking proudly beside her friends.

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