Mafia Kings: Valentino: Chapter 33
The awkwardness continued after dinner.
Don Vicari told us he had business to attend to, but he apparently remembered what I’d said to his daughter earlier.
“You two should get to know each other better,” he said.
I already knew Isabella well enough to realize this was going to be the worst arranged marriage of all time. I didn’t need to get to know her any better.
I just wanted to call Niccolo and bitch him out for ruining my life.
But I didn’t have that option, seeing as Don Vicari had my phone.
“Isabella, show him around the property,” he ordered – then added, “Chaperoned, of course.”
“Yes, Papa,” she replied timidly.
By ‘chaperoned,’ I assumed somebody would watch us from a distance.
I didn’t realize that every fucking woman at the lunch party except for the great-grandmother would walk along behind us.
Probably the only reason the great-grandmother didn’t go was because she was too slow.
Not only that, but four foot soldiers with shotguns accompanied the group.
I couldn’t fuckin’ believe it.
There I was, walking through the gardens behind the house with my future wife…
While 15 relatives and female servants chatted with each other about 20 feet behind us…
And four dudes with shotguns came along, too.
Fuckin’ weird.
“Is this normal?” I asked Isabella in a low voice as we started the walk.
“What – being chaperoned?” she asked in surprise.
I looked over my shoulder. “If that’s what you call this – yeah.”
“It’s normal if boys visit, yes.”
“I’m not a boy,” I said humorously.
I thought it was funny –
But Isabella’s face immediately clouded over, and she stared down at the ground in embarrassment. “Of course not – I’m sorry…”
“It’s fine,” I said, alarmed that she was acting like I’d yelled at her. “I’m a boy. It’s cool.”
She looked over at me and forced a halfhearted smile, then looked down at the ground again.
I guess that’s what having Don Vicari for a father will do to you.
“So… uh… have many boys come to visit?” I asked.
“No. Just a couple of times.”
“And did you go out on chaperoned walks?”
“What happened after that?”
“We didn’t have much to talk about, and they never came back.”
Lucky them.
Apparently, they weren’t locked into an arranged marriage.
“Well, since I’ll be sticking around,” I said, only half-joking, “what do you want to talk about?”
“I don’t know,” she said quietly.
This was like pulling teeth.
“How about you tell me your favorite place you’ve visited?” I asked.
“I’ve been to Palermo a couple of times.”
“No, I mean, like, outside of Sicily.”
“I’ve never been outside of Sicily.”
“WHAT?!” I shouted.
The entire group of women behind us fell silent –
And two of the foot soldiers reached for their guns.
“It’s cool – it’s fine!” I yelled at them.
The women all looked at me distrustfully –
Especially the darker-haired servant girl, who was walking directly behind Isabella and staring at me intently.
At least the foot soldiers relaxed.
“Jesus,” I muttered, then turned back to Isabella. “Seriously – you’ve never been off of Sicily before?”
“No. In fact, I’ve only been off our estate maybe a dozen times in my life.”
“Oh my God,” I said in shock.
“You shouldn’t do that,” she whispered.
“Do what?”
“Take the name of the Lord in vain.”
Holy fucking SHIT.
I wanted to ask her, Do you KNOW what your father does for a living?!
But I didn’t say anything. I was too surprised.
Isabella whispered, “Not that I care. I don’t. But some of the others are very religious.”
She gestured with her head behind us.
I turned to see a couple of the older women giving me the stink-eye.
Okay, good to know.
“Thanks for the heads-up,” I muttered.
“You’re welcome,” she whispered, then returned to her regular voice. “So, where have you been?”
“Lots of places.”
“Like where?” she asked excitedly. “Have you been to Rome?”
I chuckled. “Uh… yeah.”
“And Paris, and London, and Barcelona, and New York, and Los Angeles, and Zurich, and – ”
“Oh my God!” Isabella exclaimed –
Then her eyes grew wide. She clapped a hand over her mouth and looked back guiltily.
I glanced around to see all the women giving her the stink-eye –
Except the dark-haired servant girl, who was having a hard time suppressing a smile.
“You’ve been everywhere!” Isabella whispered in awe.
“Not even close,” I said. “I haven’t been to Africa, or Asia, or Australia, or South America – ”
“But I haven’t been anywhere,” she said mournfully. “I’ve only read about them.”
“And seen them in movies,” I added.
She didn’t say anything.
“And seen them in movies – right?” I prodded.
“Papa won’t let me watch television.”
Don Vicari was a fucking monster.
“Okay, that’s got to change,” I said, shaking my head in astonishment.
“Papa doesn’t like change,” she said apologetically.
“I’m starting to realize that.”
I looked behind me again –
And noticed the servant girl was staring at me.
When our eyes met, she quickly looked away.
I stepped in closer towards Isabella. “What’s with you and – ”
“Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!” the Sicilian women started yelling at me –
All except the servant girl, who looked amused.
“What?! What?!” I yelled back at the women.
Isabella winced. “You should probably keep an arm’s distance between us at all times.”
Holy fucking –
“Alright – ALRIGHT!” I yelled at the women as I stepped back. “There! Happy?!”
They stopped shouting, but every single woman was giving me the stink-eye now –
Except for the servant girl, who had to cover her mouth with her hand to keep from laughing.
“What’s with your servant girl?” I asked Isabella.
Isabella glanced behind us. “Ludavica? She’s been with me since we were children. Her mother worked here, too, until she died a few years ago. Ludavica’s my best friend in the whole world.”
“Oh. Well, that’s nice.”
Isabella flashed a smile behind her at Ludavica, then turned to look off into the distance. “If I didn’t have her here, I think I’d go insane.”
I 100%, totally and completely understood what she meant…
Since I was starting to go insane here, too.