Mafia Desire (Erotica)

Chapter 12

Chapter 12

Ava's Point of View

"Pause right there."

I sighed, knowing that only one person in the house spoke to me with such disdain in his voice.

I didn't bother turning around; I just started walking faster towards the door, which I had gotten my hands on and opened.

Before I could slip through, the door slammed shut and Andrew whipped me around, forcing me to face him. Since I escaped, no one, not one male, had touched me except on my hands. When he touched my waist, it felt like his hand was burning off my clothes. He took his hand from my waist and placed it on the back door.

Both of his hands were now on the door, trapping me inside. His chest was only a few inches away from mine, and I could feel his body heat radiating onto me. I inhaled his scent and was reminded of how nice he smelled. I looked up at him, his face so close to mine that I looked up even more, meeting his gaze. I was mesmerized when I looked into his deep green eyes. He appeared angry, but I was calm. I was able to observe him and noticed a hint of brown bordering his pupil, which only added to the beauty of his eyes. I knew he was angry, but when I looked into his eyes this time, I didn't see Sylvester, I didn't see my fears, and I didn't see all of my bad memories.

"I told you to stop, kitten." He spoke in hushed tones, barely above a whisper.

His voice was bitter and enraged, reminding me of why I didn't want to be this close to him.

"It's Ava to you, and I'd prefer you weren't this close to me so I don't break your arm.” With annoyance in my voice, I said.

I crossed my arms across my chest, wondering what insult he was about to throw at me.

"We're going to discuss what you said to Dalia." He replied, remaining firm in his stance.

"What are you talking about? If you haven't noticed, I spent all day with her, so you'll have to be more specific.” I spit and rolled my eyes.

"I'm not in the mood to play games, kitten.” He stated

"I told you, you'll call me Ava, not some stupid animal name, and to be honest, I'm not in the mood, so let's make it easier on both of us, I'll leave, and you won't have to deal with me.” Cool, okay, cool, bye bye." I turned around and reached for the doorknob again, feeling his presence behind me but choosing to ignore it.

He grabbed my arm and dragged me into the living room, where he threw me onto one of the large sofa chairs. He towered over me and grabbed both arm rests, trapping me.

"I'm just not in the mood." He yelled as I jumped in fear, not letting him know.

"OK, relax, Dalia is in the other room, and I don't want to scare her." I said, trying to get him to shut up

When I didn't see Dalia enter the room, I relaxed and returned my gaze to him.

"So are you going to tell me what I allegedly said to Dalia that made you so upset?" I grumbled, knowing I'd miss my train if I didn't leave soon.

"You told her I made you upset and that I was mean; I don't care what you say about me outside of this house, but when you're in here, you'll talk to me and about me with respect.” He said this while raising his voice.

"So I'm supposed to lie to her and basically tell her that lying is acceptable because her older brother has no morals?" I fired back, my gaze fixed on him.

"Shut your damn mouth, I've never been mean to you, I just made sure you knew who you really are." I know this little act you're putting on is a ruse; I know the real you, the real you I saw in LA." He said it again, hinting at my past, which I wished would go away.

I sighed, knowing he'd say something like that, knowing he'd use my past against me. He'd already called me a "whore" and stated that he was only going to judge me based on what I used to do. He had no knowledge of my past, and I would rather accept all of his words than open up to him and reveal all of my secrets. Even if I told him what had really happened, he would only use it against me. So I just took the heat because he wasn't worth it.

His words had no meaning, for me he was just another jerk.

I stood up, forcing Andrew to back up.

"Okay, Andrew, I'm not going to tell Dalia about you anymore." I opened the door and rushed outside as I walked to the door.

Even though it was July, New York was never as hot as Los Angeles. I was relieved to feel the cool breeze on my cheeks. I stood outside in front of the house for a few minutes, inhaling the heady aroma of all the roses. My moment was cut short when I heard the guards conversing by the gate. I sighed and approached them, expecting them to open the gate. I squeezed through the gate as soon as it opened slightly, trying to get as far away from Andrew as possible.

I was walking home with Andrew's words running through my head. His words meant nothing to me, but I felt a tear fall down the side of my cheek.

"I can't be crying over what Mr. Asshole said to me,” I said quietly, wiping away a tear.

I remembered seeing his eyes when he pushed me against the door; I could always read people through their eyes. So I was surprised that when I looked into Andrew's eyes today, I didn't see everything I feared in them. I tried to recall his eyes, trying to figure out who he was and whether he was truly worth everything I was giving him.

I wanted to believe that he was a good person and that he was only acting when he did these things to me.

I was lost in thought as I took my keys from my purse and unlocked my apartment door. I entered my apartment and locked the door behind me.

"It has to be an act; he has to be a nice guy.” I told myself that I was trying to be a better person than him, who only judges based on first impressions.

"There is no good in the devil." "I mumbled, recalling everything he'd done to me and cringing at the thought.

I jumped into the shower and let the hot water run over my body until I became numb from the heat.

I put on an oversized T-shirt and baggy shorts. I climbed into my bed and realized how exhausted I was as soon as my head hit the pillow.

My eyelids became heavy, and one thought passed through my mind before falling asleep.

That Andrew was no longer someone I liked or tolerated.

Ava's POV

Finally, it was Sunday, my day off.

I spent the majority of the day hanging out with Jenny, who shared my apartment. We sat on the couch, eating whatever junk food I could find and watching scary movies. I decided to tell her about Andrew while we were watching the third movie.

"You're much too good for him.” Jenny stated unexpectedly.

"Wait, what do you mean?" I was perplexed as to what she meant.

"He seems to like you because he constantly bothers you.” She responded, unconcerned about what she had just suggested.

"Did you hear anything?" He hates me and tried to hurt me, I just said." I was taken aback by what she was saying.

"Has he ever physically harmed you or crossed a line you couldn't handle?” She inquired, her gaze fixed on the television.

"No, but I'm more capable than most people.” I responded, knowing she already knew.

"I suppose, but it appears to me that he is trying to talk to you and convince you that he is a bad person so that he believes it and does not hurt you.” She casually stated

"OK, I love you, but we're changing the movie genre because this isn't some sappy romance where he pushes me away because he feels something for me that he's never felt for another girl.” I exclaimed, laughing.

She paused the movie and looked at me, her eyes not amused.

"I'm serious, he may not be attempting to push you away or anything, but you have the ability to read people through their eyes.” She stated solemnly.

"I know, and the first two times I saw nothing but hatred and all that was wrong in the world.” I responded, finding it amusing that I had that strange talent.

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