
Chapter Training

Madilynnes POV

Last night Kade and I shared a heart-to-heart conversation. I told him my past. He told me his past. My heart broke for him hearing how his first mate was killed by rogues. At first, I was jealous at hearing he had a mate before me, but hearing she was killed by rogues broke me. It made me remember Alley, Katie, and my mom. I knew how he felt since I lived through that pain. The pain of loss. I couldn’t help but cry for him. He didn’t deserve that, and neither did his mate. She deserved a life of happiness and to grow old with her mate. Even if her mate was Kade. After talking, Kade walked me to my room. I could feel his gaze on me as we walked, but continued on our path.

Once we reached the room we shared a heated kiss, the sparks flew everywhere. I didn’t want to break the kiss but we had a long day ahead of us tomorrow. I needed to train, to be prepared for anything.

After we parted ways I slipped into my room and lay on my bed, exhausted. Sleep took hold of me easily.

My alarm went off at 530, shit I was supposed to be up 30 minutes ago! I raced around the room and threw on some black shorts and a maroon top, thinking nothing of it. I bolted out of my room and raced for the stairs, next thing I know I was crashing into a hard chest with sparks bursting at the sudden contact. It was Kade.

When he noticed what I was wearing he let out a growl. After a brief back and forth about my outfit I took my leave and headed down the stairs, out onto the training grounds behind the house.

My dad, Aiden, and Alpha grant were already there waiting for us. After my dad greeted us Aiden stepped forward “Alright Madi, I won’t go easy, you need to learn that rogues fight dirty. They are relentless and cruel creatures, they will fight until one of you is dead.”

With that, training had started. We spent hours of running laps, running in the woods to learn agility and stealth, and hand to hand combat, and how to take your enemy down in one swift move. I managed to take Aiden down a few times which earned me gasps and smiles of approval. Surprisingly, I wasn’t as exhausted as I thought I’d be after training so hard.

‘Now that you’re a shifter, we share energy. We are stronger than humans.’ Willow' tired voice drifted inside of my head. Makes sense.

It was finally time to head back inside and eat breakfast, I headed upstairs to my room to grab a shower and a change of clothes.

When I was done I headed for the kitchen, I was starving. Do shifter’s eat more than humans? Because right now, I think I could smash through an entire buffet and then some. Ugh, I need food, like yesterday.

Upon entering the kitchen I was greeted by Aiden “Man you pack one hell of a punch, kid. You move fast too.” He said holding an ice pack to his cheek where I landed my first hit.

I smirked back “Didn’t anyone ever teach you that the small ones are the most dangerous?”

The room filled with laughter and teasing Aiden for getting his ass handed to him by a girl.

“Seriously though, how did I do?” I said, after getting control of my laughter. “Fantastic, I think after a little more training you’ll be a force to be reckoned with. Speed and agility are definitely on your side, well need to work on a few more take downs but I think you’ll learn quickly.” Aiden said proudly.

Kade came up and hugged me from behind. “You did amazing out there, I’m so proud of you Madi.”

I relaxed in his hold and embraced the sparks, man I’ll never get use to those sparks. Being in his arms felt perfect.

I turned and looked up to meet his eyes “Thank you, kade.” My thanks held a double meaning, for the conversation we shared last night and for his recognition of my training today. I could feel myself finally being pieced together from my past, by this man. His eyes held a knowing look as to what I meant and he leaned in and kissed me. After a few moments of the lip-locking, spark heating contact we broke apart to eat breakfast.

We ate and enjoyed everyone’s company, my dad spoke up finally asking the question I knew eventually would come. “Madi, I couldn’t help but notice the scar on your stomach. What is that from?”

Knowing eventually someone would ask I still froze. Kade grabbed my hand and looked at me, his emerald eyes calmed me and I took a deep breath in to tell my story.

After finishing what I had to say the room was filled with deep growls.

“He did what! Who is he? I’m gonna kill him myself!” My dad shouted. Aiden shrunk at my dad’s outburst and I felt bad since he couldn’t help but cower to my dads alpha dominance. Something I noticed when Kade first arrived.

“I didn’t tell you because it was handled, I didn’t want you to worry about me. I’m fine, he was arrested and I pressed charges. I haven’t seen him since that day.”

My dad ran a hand over his face and sighed “You’re my daughter it’s my job to worry and protect you, Madi. You should’ve called me.” But what would I have said? I felt ashamed, I just wanted to forget it ever happened.

“I’m sorry dad, it’s in the past that happened years ago.”

“Madi, we need a name. If he’s still a threat to you we have to take care of it.” Aiden finally spoke up. Was he still a threat though? I haven’t seen him since that day. Sure he was angry, but it was dealt with. I’m sure he’s moved on and forgotten me by now.

By the looks on all the faces in the room, I could tell I wouldn’t be leaving until I spilled.

“Miles” I spoke softly, looking down away from everyone.

“Miles walker.”

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