
Chapter The Prophecy

Madilynnes POV

Finding out that my childhood friend is actually my mate is surprising, to say the least.

I have so many unanswered questions, does he want a broken girl? Will he end up leaving me because of my past? Can I trust him?

Lost in my inner monologue of pain and questions, I felt a hand reach and grab mine. In a reassuring kind of way. It was like he could sense my worry, the spark-like contact seemed to calm down my nerves a bit.

In my dad’s office, he started to explain to everyone why we were all here, to begin with. Me.

Alpha Grant had set out an old book onto my dad’s desk for us to look at, I stood from my seat and went to Dad’s desk where the book lay. The book looked worn, it was made of black leather and had gold engravings along the cover that looked to be like ancient hieroglyphs. The one that stood out to me the most was in the center of the cover, a small white wolf wrapped in a gold blanket with a crescent moon sown onto it, like the marking on my shoulder.

“So this book, it’s going to have some answers about my wolf?"

Alpha grant cleared his throat and spoke to me, “Madi, it might not have all the answers you are looking for but it will tell you a bit more about your wolf."

I nodded my head as thanks, grabbed the book, and began to read.

“Uh, hey guys what’s a rogue king?"

The room fell silent and everyone sat there, staring at me.

Alpha grant spoke first “A rogue king is just like an alpha, except he has the power to rule over all wolves, only if the true alpha dies.. if the rogue king is to succeed in killing the true alpha, whoever it may be, then we all are doomed to a life of pain and destruction.” I soaked up what Alpha Grant had stated like a sponge, and continued reading the next passage in the mysterious book.

“Uh, one more thing, it says there’s a prophecy about my wolf here.. look"

My dad stepped towards me and looked at the book and then looked at me confused.

“You can read this?” He said pointing to the book.

Also confused I said, “Yeah, why?”

“Because this language it’s written in, it’s not English.”

Alpha grant chimed in just then and stated ” The book is enchanted, only the true alpha can read its contents, any other wolf who views it, sees it in a foreign language. I’ve never been able to read it but what your father has told us about you, I had to see for myself. Some of the elder wolves in our pack have shared stories for decades about the True Alpha and the Rogue king.”

Completely shocked at what’s happening I kept reading, I read over the passage that mentioned the prophecy of my wolf.

“Dad was right about my wolf, except it wasn’t just decades that a sighting of the blessed wolf has been reported. It’s been 100 years. Every 100 years the moon goddess gives life to the blessed wolf who is a healer and a protector, making that wolf a true alpha. The wolf’s purpose is solely to take the life of the Rogue king, if there is one. If the wolf fails and the rogues’ life is spared it could mean the destruction of all wolf shifters."

"Well, it seems like we have some work to do." My dad stated.

“Aiden starting tomorrow, I want you to personally train Madi. Since you have been training all of our warriors, I think your methods would prove effective in this case. She’ll need all the training she can get.” My dad spoke to Aiden.

Aiden stood from his seat and agreed “Yes alpha, I’ll teach her everything I know.”

“If there is nothing else, everyone is dismissed, for now, alpha grant and kade, rooms have been prepared for you.”

My dad spoke.

“Thank you, alpha Finn. If you wouldn’t mind, I’d like to see Madi in action tomorrow.”

Alpha grant stated.

My dad rubbed his chin like he was thinking and spoke again

“I think that should be just fine alpha grant, maybe she can teach us old dogs something new.” He said playfully with a chuckle.

After everything was said and done we all left my dad’s office, I took the opportunity to finally talk to kade.

“Thanks for what you did in there.”

kade raised his hand to my face and gently brushed my cheek in an affectionate manner, I couldn’t help but lean into his gentle touch, while he sighed his reply "It’s not a problem, I could sense your worry through the bond. We might not be fully mated but we can pick up on each other's feelings.”

“I don’t want to pry, but what was it that you were so worried about?” He looked at me with his piercing emerald eyes.

“It’s a long story, can we talk somewhere else?” I sighed.

Kade nodded, and we headed outside to where I first shifted. I walked to a log facing the river and gently patted the spot next to me. “Get comfy big guy, this story might take some time.”

Kade chuckled, he sat down leaving space between us so I could talk without being distracted. A girl could really get distracted by those big muscled and tattooed arms that looked like warmth and safety. Remembering that I was going to open up to kade about what’s running through my mind, I cleared those distractions quickly saving them for another time.

I looked off into the distance and took a deep breath before speaking.

“A few years after my dad sent me away, I met someone at school. At first, things were perfect, he treated me like I was gold. After dating for a couple of years, it was like he was expecting something from me. He started pressuring me into sleeping with him and started talking about how all the other girls have done it already, I told him I wasn’t ready. A few weeks went by and he started to get mad, started lashing out. He became verbally abusive towards me and then gradually things got physical. I tried to stay away from him but he always found a way to get me alone. The one night that things took a turn for the worst was when I was staying at a friend’s house, she was throwing a small birthday party for me and someone invited him without us knowing. He came with one of his friends, his friend was always kind to me.” Reflecting on my past is hard I want to stop this conversation and not have to relive that night but Kade needs to know of my past. I took a deep breath and continued speaking.

" Well, that night I decided to head to bed after a few hours of mingling and games. I didn’t think he would dare come to my room with all the people in the house, I was wrong. He barged into my room and started shouting at me saying that I was a whore and I didn’t want him because I was sleeping with other guys. I denied the accusations and told him to leave, he became even angrier and took out a knife from his pocket. I still remember how terrified and helpless I felt at that very moment. I tried to calm him down and tell him he didn’t have to do this, but I failed. He charged at me and tackled me to the bed. He attempted to rape me, I fought him. I fought for my life, he didn’t deserve that part of me and I would never willingly let him take it. When he wasn’t able to get what he wanted from me he gave up and said ′fine if you don’t want to give in then no one can have you.′ He stabbed me in my stomach with the knife he had. I remember lying there, thinking, what was it I did so bad to have deserved this? Why me? Before he could do any more damage his friend was running into the room and tackled him to the ground. The cops were called and I pressed charges against him, I was taken to the emergency room for my knife wound. I still have that scar, it’ll always be there. Always a reminder of that night.”

I didn’t look at kade, I couldn’t. I didn’t want to see the emotions that would be written on his face. Ashamed of my past I spoke again. “What you felt earlier was me reflecting on my past. I needed to tell you this I just didn’t know-how. I need to know that I can trust you, I need to know that you won’t just leave kade. Can you be with a broken girl?”

Kade looked at me with emotions flickering in his eyes, anger, sadness.

“Madi, I’m so so sorry you had to go through that. If I was there..” I quickly turned so I was facing him completely and said “Don’t do that, it isn’t your fault. I don’t want pity, I just want you to understand my past.”

He sighed and said “I understand, I’ll never put you through that. I could never harm you. He was stupid to treat you that way, you deserve the world Madi. I’ll die trying to give you just that and more.” He tucked my hair behind my ear reassuring me, and I leaned into the sparks shooting from the contact.

“Thank you for listening Kade, it means a lot to me. I just want you to know my past before things go any further.”

“Well, I guess it’s my turn now, huh?” He said with a sad smile.

I looked at him with an eyebrow slightly raised in a questioning way.

“There was someone else in my life before I found you, I thought she was perfect. I thought she was my Fated mate. The signs were there, the sparks, her scent. I thought she was the one I’d call wife one day, my Luna.. There was a rogue attack one night, she was at her house and I was at mine. She didn’t even have the chance to fight. They attacked when everyone was asleep, they killed her. The pain I felt, of my mate dying was horrible. I thought I was going to die along with her. I could feel her life slipping away through our bond. I couldn’t save her, Madi. I failed her as a mate, and I’ll live with it for the rest of my life.” his voice was filled with sorrow and pain, I could never imagine.

Kade wiped the tears from my face I didn’t know had slipped out “Kade, I’m so sorry that happened..”

“You’re my second chance mate, Madi. And I’ll protect you with my life. I’ll love you for both of us, I’ll cherish every waking moment spent by your side. I’ll fight for you, protect you with my last breath.”

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