
Chapter Mate?

Madilynnes POV

I woke up to the sun streaming through the curtains, blinding me as I opened my eyes. I rolled over to check the time and it read 8:45am. I groaned, forcing myself out of bed. I needed a shower. After shifting last night I was a total mess. I grabbed a simple black tank top and my favorite distressed Jean shorts along with my black bra and pantie set of course. I jumped in the shower and cleaned all the dirt and leaves out of my hair and off of my body, finally feeling clean I shut the water off and got out of the shower. I glanced into the mirror for the first time in a long time really looking at my self, my jet black hair was to my mid-back and seemed shinier, my hazel eyes didn’t seem as dull anymore, I had a light dusting of freckles across my nose to just under both of my eyes. They seemed more noticeable now too.

As I started to turn out of the bathroom I caught a glimpse of something on my shoulder. I didn’t have any tattoos yet, so what is it?

I looked over my right shoulder and saw a gold crescent moon on my skin. I panicked.

In the middle of my crisis, I lost my footing and fell, I let out a few curses to myself and then quickly jumped up hoping that I didn’t wake anyone up. I walked back into my room pushing the mark out of my mind for a minute.

That’s when the knock came, I didn’t want to open the door because I knew why they were knocking. I kicked myself for being so clumsy, I let out a string of curses again and threw on my clothes as quickly as I could. I took a moment to dramatically recompose myself with a huff and opened the door.

Dad greeted me and after a brief conversation, we’d meet in the kitchen for breakfast. I turned back into my room to comb my hair and throw on some mascara, and grabbed my sandals, I paired my look with a red flannel and tossed it on. Simple was my go-to look.

I headed for the kitchen to grab some breakfast and coffee, I managed to beat dad here first. I decided on a bagel with cream cheese and some coffee with my favorite creamer in it. I sat down at the island and started thinking about what dad said of Kade coming to visit with Alpha Grant.

We use to go to the same school for kindergarten, he was always with Katie and I. We’d play and pull pranks together, and anytime any of the boys in the class were teasing or picking on me, kade was always there to stand up for me. I’d like to think that if things happened differently the 3 of us would have been best friends. I sighed with disappointment at the thought of my lost childhood and friends. I wish Katie was still here..

Lost in my thoughts I didn’t hear dad and Aiden enter the kitchen, “Everything okay Madi?” My dad asked.

“Yeah, just thinking.” I solemnly replied.

Aiden and dad gave me a soft reassuring smile and grabbed their breakfast and coffee.

Aiden and dad sat down next to me, for a while we just enjoyed the morning in peace and quiet.

Aiden finally broke the silence when he spoke “Alpha, I just got word that Alpha Grant and his son have arrived on our territory they should reach us in 5 minutes.”

My heart jumped at the thought of seeing my old friend again. I also felt a stir deep inside of me. Not knowing what it was I decided it might just be my nerves getting the best of me. “Thank you, Aiden we will be outside shortly to greet them.” My dad spoke to Aiden.

My dad and Aiden stood from their spots, my dad turned to me and nudged me with a warm smile. “You ready Madi?” I nodded with a smile back and rose from my spot. The three of us headed outside past the porch to meet Alpha Grant and Kade like my dad said. We watched as the SUV came closer and finally came to a stop a few feet away from us. Alpha grant stepped out first and greeted my dad formally “Alpha Finn, thank you for having us.” My dad bowed his head in respect for his Alpha friend. “Thank you for coming on such short notice old friend, I appreciate it.” My dad responded back.

I watched as the passenger side door came open and Kade stepped out, he was taller now. Reaching almost 6′, his hair was a deep brown and his build looked like he spent his free time in the gym. His skin was tan, he looked like a god. Muscles on full display beneath the fitted shirt, deliciously showcasing themselves to me. When his emerald green eyes met mine, my breath hitched. I lost every thought in my brain when the only word that came to mind flew out, loudly.


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