
Chapter Changes

Finn’s POV

After explaining everything to Madi she spoke "Okay, I think I understand now." I wanted to be proud of her knowing she was going to be getting her wolf soon and her acceptance to it all, but I also didn’t want her to be submerged into this life. I was scared. After losing kami, I wanted to shield my daughter, my baby girl, from everything this world would throw at her, protect her.

Oh how I wish her mother was here, she was better at these kinds of talks than I was. I still needed to tell Madi about the rogue we captured that night, but there were more pressing matters at hand.

'She needs to know what to expect tonight when her wolf starts to emerge, and let’s not forget when she finds her mate also.' My wolf said sternly. Just as I was about to reply to my wolf Madi spoke up, "Dad? Everything ok?"

"Oh yes, Madi there are some things I need to explain to you. Most likely tonight is when your wolf will emerge, they usually come to us the night of our 18th birthday. Most of us are prepared for their arrival early in our lives, but we didn’t have that option for you. So, tonight you should expect to feel like your whole body is being set ablaze, that’s both of your souls being bonded together. It may be painful but do not fight the process it will only cause you more pain, open your mind to your wolf." I explained.

Madi looked at me with slight confusion when I called her Madi, that was her nickname when she was younger. She also looked afraid, "Do not be scared, Madi. It’s not as bad as it sounds and afterward, you’ll feel almost complete. Like you’ve been missing a part of yourself. I say almost because of one reason. After your wolf comes to you, you will soon after find your mate. Mates complete the other half of your soul, they are a treasured lifelong partner. The bonding of the mates will surely follow, just like the bond between you and your wolf. The mate bond consists of marking and mating." After a few minutes of silence, Madi spoke.

"Wow okay, wolf bond, find mate and mate bond. I think I’ve got it all dad, thanks." She said in shock and hesitation. With everything being said Madi excused herself to go to her room to finish unpacking, there was still more I needed to say but couldn’t find it in me to form the words. Madi is a special wolf just like her mom was, I didn’t tell her that most of us are bonded with our wolves before the age of 18. I didn’t want her to feel different, but that’s what she was, a special kind of different.

'Stupid human, she needs to know. Should’ve told her.' My wolf barked at me.

'I’m trying okay, kami should’ve been the one to explain this to her. It should’ve been us that was killed. Not her.' My wolf whimpered and disappeared to the back of my mind.

After my banter with my wolf, Aiden cleared his throat and spoke "Why didn’t you tell her most of us bond with our wolves before 18?" I sighed, running my hand roughly down my face, "Because I don’t want her to feel any more different than she already is. All of this was a bomb dropped on her and her life has been changed forever. For good, I’d hope but I don’t know if she feels that way."

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