Maddox’s Pride - Warrior Wolves, M.C. ~ 2

Chapter 41 ~ Finally! Some Action!

Delilah’s POV ~

Tom’s curse to his wife proved prophetic.. Samuel didn’t want to be around her.. said he smelled other men on her..and refused to share a room with her.

I spent the morning getting him relocated and I found it odd that he wasn’t more upset. He is in high spirits.. Maddox asked him to take on some training duties when he wasn’t going over our legal issues. He was thrilled and agreed right away.

All the border modifications were in place.. our men were miles out.. ready to close the net, once the combatants entered our territory.. If they’re thinking this will be a quick get in/ get out situation.. they have another think coming. They haven’t fought against an army of wolves..

Venom had Axe move Max.. he has him in the Alpha’s panic room under heavy guard. The panic room is a small room built into the closet of the Alpha’s bedroom. Nearly impenetrable from outside.

The door is solid eight inch thick titanium.. and vacuum seals itself when closed.. Once you’re locked inside, you stay there until the timed lock can be overridden.. otherwise.. it’s a twenty four hour lockdown.

We had been working all morning getting our sharpshooters in trees.. and setting trip wires that will set off grenades and flashbangs when hit.. motion sensors on some of them will automatically trigger the detonators.

Maddox pulled me into his arms “We have been so busy.. One thing after another just keeps bulldozing over us. I want to be able to be normal newlyweds.. if only for a day.”

I giggled and relaxed against him “I’m sure we don’t know what normal is.. We haven’t had anything normal in our lives.. in like.. Ever.. Look at how we had to grow up.. I am not even sure we would know how to do normal.”

We were sitting down to lunch when the first reports started coming in.. A convoy of military vehicles were rolling west on I-60… in a line of thirty vehicles.. Four armored humvees.. fourteen armored transports.. four medic vans.. and eight cargo trucks..

Maddox said “We target the cargo trucks, first. Those are supplies.. and anything ranging from bedding.. and tents.. to food.. and ammo. According to this drone footage.. they are about a hundred and fifty miles out.”

Venom said “They will split off.. sending some North towards Golden Lake.. It won’t be an even split, I’m thinking.. Probably a third of that convoy will break away.”

Maddox ordered our bikers out that far to fall in behind the convoy. He’s on the phone with Manic when we hear “Let them see you! I want them off center.. They will wonder if you’re ours.. or just a different M.C out for a poker run or something. Keep them guessing.. and keep me notified.. If they stop off.. I want to know.”

I looked at Tom.. laughing and joking with some warriors.. and asked him to come over to our table.. He sat down.. looking at me.. then Maddox.. and asked “How can I help?”

Smiling at his enthusiasm.. I am really starting to get attached to him “Do you have any idea who they may have put in charge of this attack?”

He sat a few minutes, thinking.. “If it was me planning it? I would order Captain Gregory Blaine.. he’s combat hardened.. and has a thing about wolves.. Seems he had a high school sweetheart he was going to marry after she graduated.. but she turned out to be the mate of a Gamma wolf in a local pack.”

“But since I’m not planning it.. they probably have Commander Harris leading the charge.. For no reason other than he is expendable. Nobody really likes him.. and his strategy skills are subpar. If it’s him.. his tactics are almost always the same.”

I asked “Do you know his strategy? Can you give us any pointers?” He laughed and nodded “The man’s an idiot.. He will first issue the grenade launchers to prep.. while his grunts will be boots ready to charge. Then he will order the launchers to fire.. simultaneously ordering the infantry to charge.”

Maddox gasped “He would put his own men in the line of fire like that?” Tom nodded again “He has the highest kill ratio for friendly fire.. more that any other commander.. and more than several commanders put together. It’s the primary reason for keeping him stateside, riding a desk.”

Venom said “When they split off.. we start taking out the cargo trucks.. The men will disable them.. I have ordered not to cause harm.. unless it’s in the defense of their lives.”

I asked “What purpose? Will the entire convoy stop to aid in getting the trucks back on the road? Or will the transports continue on towards us?”

Maddox smiled “They will stop to check on the trucks.. offer aid if it’s a quick fix.. otherwise, they are military.. and will adhere to whatever time schedule that has been preordered.”

Delaney grins “Well. That’s stupid.. and I gotta tell ya, Tom.. I’m neither shocked.. or awed.” I laughed “Yet.. You aren’t shocked and awed, yet.. Never know, sister.. They might have a trick or two up their sleeves.”

Venom shrugged “Bring on the tricks.. Puh-leeezze bring on the tricks! The military have done the same thing in ground strikes since its’ inception.. Charge! Yes.. we have learned to use our surroundings as cover.. but.. charging an enemy that is aware of you coming is committing suicide.”

Tom laughed “They have no way of knowing exactly what they’re up against. I know this because the intel I was given on your compound was sketchy.. at best. It was estimated you have just under four hundred members.. Never more than two hundred in and around the territory, at any given time. I damned near shit myself the day we arrived to try and bring Max in.. Two hundred armed men.. easily visible.. That’s shit that nightmares are made of!”

I laughed “Yet.. you seemed so calm.. Not a care in the world.” He grinned “That was the first time I realized I was fighting for the wrong side.. What Venom said that day resonated with me. When I passed him my private number, I knew I was taking a huge risk.. Either way, I had decided I was done.. “

Maddox smiled “Their loss.. definitely our gain! Samuel is a much appreciated addition and you have fused so well with him! I think I agree with you.. You are born to be wolf, my friend!”

Delaney asked “I have a pertinent question.. Once this group is vanquished. And we all know they will be.. When will they regroup for another strike? I’m asking because I want to get my hair done.. and this shit is interfering with my “ME” time.”

Venom rolled his eyes and lifted her into his lap.. while the rest of us laugh.. Valerie says “Me too, Laney! My nails are horrible.. we definitely need a spa day.” I looked down at my own hands.. I don’t know.. out of feminine instinct.. and Maddox chuckled.. grabbing my hand and kissing each finger “Your nails are always perfect, my love.” And it was my turn to roll my eyes.

Tom’s wife stormed over to our table and demanded “Tom.. you need to tell these new friends of yours to just hand Max over.. This shit wouldn’t be happening if they weren’t being so stupid..”

Sanuel growled “Hazel.. walk away from me. Now! Right now, you’re lucky I haven’t snapped lover boy’s neck myself..” Then he looked around the table “Yes.. brothers and sisters.. Max Unger is my wife’s lover.. Well.. one of them.. but he is the most recent.. She is so stupid she never figured out he was fucking her to gain information on me.. “

Hazel raised her hand.. preparing to slap him.. and I grabbed her wrist “You don’t lay hands on one of mine! Ever! I don’t know what your deal is.. and I left my give-a-fuck in my other jeans.. but never.. and I do mean Never.. approach this table again. VIP means invitation only!”

She stomped off.. and Eliza and Alaina quietly asked “Do we need permission, too? We are really sorry for Mom.” Tom pulled both his girls into a hug and I told them.. “You are children. You are always welcome to be wherever your dad is.. You need never be afraid to come talk to MadDog or me about anything.”

Maddox’s phone rang and he put it on speaker.. saying “Heads up.. it’s Derek.” After saying hello.. Derek said “Four cargo vehicles down.. The targets stopped to refuel.. so, in the time allotted, we were able to slice through all twenty four tires.. I am thinking they don’t have any spares. Some chubby guy in the first humvee ordered his men to move the equipment from the four downed vehicles.. to the four remaining.. Blaze is rolling under as many vehicles as possible.. placing electronic scramblers in the undercarriage.”

Maddox responded “That’s great news! Gizmo will shoot a signal to the scramblers when they are about ten miles away. Let’s see how enthusiastic they are when they can’t restart their trucks!”

Venom asked where they were stopped to refuel.. and we were told that it was a junction.. the interstate and a highway.. Derek said “If they do what we are thinking.. the squad they are sending to Golden Lake will take off down highway 167 and head north.. I will shoot a text when we leave.”

Delaney took my hand and tells our men “We are gearing up.. Gonna sit a tree branch awhile.” I smiled “Finally! Some action!”

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