Maddox’s Pride - Warrior Wolves, M.C. ~ 2

Chapter 26 ~ The Last I Remember

Maddox’s POV ~

I didn’t sleep hardly at all.. Steele was pacing all night.. Somehow, I had visualized an entire scenario on how this day would go.. I would wake up.. shower.. dress in my black jeans and tee shirt.. my cut on.. and I would wait.. at the bottom of the staircase, until Delilah came down for breakfast. We would discover we are most definitely mates and spend the entire day discovering everything about each other.

Delaney and Valerie had entirely different ideas. Apparently, Delilah needed a girls’ day of pampering and shopping. Instead of spending the day with me.. her mate.. who has been dying for days to hold her.. share our first kiss.. feel the long awaited sparks.. and our bond snapping into place.

No one will tell me where the girls are.. or when they will back.. Or what they’re doing. All their mind links are blocked.. and none of the guys will help me out. What they call building anticipation.. I call pissing me right the fuck off..

I slammed through my office door.. and Hunter asked if I was having a bad day.. I asked him if he liked his head where it was.. because I feel fairly certain I could relocate it.. pretty efficiently.

Venom came in and recommended I spar.. or run the obstacle course.. even race the track. I looked up and asked “Tell me, Venom. How would you have felt if everyone who is supposed to care about you found it amusing to deliberately cause you physical pain? My heart is aching.. I can barely catch my breath. Steele is in a constant state of agitation that anything could happen… There are people who want both Delaney and Delilah.. and aren’t above killing to get to them.. and all of you find it humorous to keep us apart even longer.. So, thanks for that. But excuse me.. for not wanting to be around any of you right now.”

Venom sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose “I told your sister this was a bad idea. She insisted you would be fine once your day got started.” I shrugged and spat “Obviously.. she was wrong. And I realize I could be more mature about this.. but even Delilah’s mind link is blocking me out.. not giving Steele the comfort of hearing her voice to calm him down. So make sure you thank my sister for that, as well.”

I could feel my wolf.. scratching and snarling in my chest.. and knew I needed to get outside. I barreled past Venom and Snake and raced out the back door.. Shifting midair, we hit the ground running and Steele was irate.. taking out everything in his path. Trees were felled.. shrubs uprooted.. boulders shoved and rolled down hills. My only hope was he would wear himself out and I could gain control over him again.. At this point, he was nearly feral.

I looked up and saw Torin standing several feet away.. allowing Steele to challenge him. Knowing that we would expend exorbitant amounts of energy, in a battle. We charged each other.. and the fight was on.

We slashed each other with claws.. nipped each other’s haunches.. we rolled over and around each other.. Blood, spittle and tufts of fur filled the air. We sparred and snapped at each other.. each trying to submit the other. After about an hour, Steele was exhausted and I was feeling more in control.

We shifted back and Venom asked if I was better.. I grunted and stood to go shower. I still had nothing to say.. As I walked into my office, I told everyone to get out and to not disturb me. I really was not fit company, at the moment.

I stayed in my office.. and away from everyone. I completed all my monthly reports.. and took care of supply requisitions and paid bills. I touched base with my allies to ask if they had heard or had contact with Cabot or Dylan.. Anything and everything I could do to try to keep myself anchored and focused.

By midafternoon, my head was pounding.. and I was sick to my stomach. I stretched out on the sofa in my office.. covering myself with a throw.. to fight the chills consuming my body..

My phone rang.. and glancing down, I saw it was Delaney. I didn’t answer.. I had moved past anger.. I was dealing with hurt, right now. All my life, Delaney has pulled pranks and practical jokes on me.. some were a lot of fun.. some.. not so much. They were hurtful.. and left indelible negative memories.. and although I would never tell her how deeply I was affected by certain pranks.. I still felt the repercussions. This was one of those kinds of pranks..

I’m not at all sure why my body is manifesting physical symptoms but now I am worried Delilah may be experiencing physical discomfort, as well.. and that’s not okay.. Because my beautiful girl will push through it.. just to not upset my sister.

On the tenth call, I picked up the phone “What?” Delaney giggled on the other end “Enjoying my surprise? Are you getting super excited for the party, now?” I didn’t answer her.. just waited for her to get it out of her system… “Aww.. is my baby brother pouting because he didn’t get to find out if Delilah is his mate? Venom told me you locked yourself in the office after you challenged Torin.. What happened to taking a joke, Maddie? We will be home in time for the party.. maybe you should spend the next couple hours getting over yourself!” I whispered “Maybe you should spend the next couple hours asking yourself why you’re the only one who finds this amusing.. or Fun!” I hung up and raced to the bathroom to throw up.

I mind linked Doc to come to my office.. that I think I am suffering from separation sickness.. and now I am too dizzy to walk to the infirmary.

By the time the doctor arrived and I let him in.. my entire body was sweaty and shaking.. He immediately took my temperature and blood pressure.. He nodded “It is definitely separation sickness.. Possibly the worst case I have ever seen.. and you’re not even marked. I can only imagine how bad it would be, if the bond was completed.”

I asked if Delilah would be feeling this, as well. He nodded “Possibly not to this degree.. but she would definitely be experiencing symptoms. I’m going to give you a shot of anti anxiety medication.. it should help calm some of your symptoms. Nothing but being with your mate will completely alleviate them.. but you should feel a little better.” I nodded and he administered the shot.

After he left, I laid back down.. hoping it would take affect soon and I could function, again. Laying there, my only thought is worrying about Delilah.. knowing she would try to push through it.. and my oblivious sister would just tease her about it being nerves.

Brock came in to check on me and was shocked.. “Bro.. you look like shit! Addie sent some tea.. said it will calm you down.” I growled.. pulling the blanket higher.. around my neck.. not feeling the need to talk.

After he left.. I tried to just sleep it away.. telling Steele we would feel better when we woke up.. because it will be closer to Delilah being back. But I just tossed and turned.

It was nearing time for the party to begin.. so I stood up.. I headed out the door to go shower and get ready. I wanted to look my best when I finally have the opportunity to come face to face with my beautiful mate..

I started up the stairs to my room.. and that’s the last I remember..

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