Maddox’s Pride - Warrior Wolves, M.C. ~ 2

Chapter 12 ~ Her Ass!

Maddox’s POV ~

As soon as Delilah mind linked me Blue had smelled human blood by the borders.. I grabbed Hunter and we hauled ass to her location.

We topped the hill to see both girls.. Blue laying down.. while Daisy bounced around her.. pulling her tail.. nipping Blue’s ears. She slammed her front paws on the ground.. her little butt in the air.. wiggling like crazy with the speed of her tail wagging. So absolutely adorable.. and totally ignored by Blue..

Hunter chuckled in my head 🐺 Daisy is an absolute ball of energy.. Blue is so patient with her.. but I gotta be honest, bro. She wears me out when we run.. She’s like the energizer bunny on crack!

Chuckling to myself, I shifted and pulled on basketball shorts.. hidden in the nook of an oak tree.. Delilah shifted.. slipping into an oversized tee shirt that sent my imagination into overdrive. What the fuck? I have never sexually visualized a particular woman before.. It was better for me not to.. I never wanted a fictional image to compare my true mate against. But this girl? This girl has me thinking things…

We all walked in the direction of the smell.. Hunter and Val stayed wolf.. in case of danger.. We came upon a body.. naked.. and in such bad shape, we weren’t sure she was alive.

I mind linked Venom and Delaney to meet us.. and we needed the medics and transport. As I examined the woman’s injuries.. she was barely recognizable.. She was familiar to me.. but I couldn’t recall where I knew her from.

Delilah said “She’s really been worked over.. My guess.. she’s been gang raped.. possibly whoever did this ran a train on her.” When I asked if she was certain.. she nodded “The location of the bruises on the insides of her thighs.. finger bruises.. and she has dried blood.. front and back.. That’s why I am believing she’s been train wrecked.”

Delaney and Venom pulled up on a side-by-side.. towing a trailer with a gurney. She jumped out.. with a medical kit.. walking to where we stood. She looked down at the woman and gasped “Tammy.” Ohh! That’s why I recognized her.

Venom hurried over to us.. growling.. Torin was not happy.. “Too much of a coincidence. I don’t believe in coincidences. Unger spotted coming out of a bank.. followed by Cabot and Dylan.. You meeting with Renegade.. and him.. conveniently mentioning Thor and the Vikings.. then, bringing up ‘the girl yammering about Delaney’.. while talking with an Eric..about Delilah.. See what I am seeing?”

I nod.. then say “And now.. the same yammering girl is beaten and raped.. dumped close to our north entrance.. Would someone do something this heinous to gain entry to our club? Have they decided to plant Tammy as an informant for them?”

Delaney responded “What bothers me is.. this shit all happens on the very same day of your meeting with Renegade.. when he just casually mentioned the bullshit with Thor.. Why was he at the Vikings clubhouse? Is he allied with them? Because we aren’t.. and that is concerning.”

Delilah shrugs “Speculating won’t gain us satisfaction.. We need to get this girl to the hospital.. then we need to see what Gizmo and Geek have found with the video feeds in Trenton Falls. As well as sifting through everything we found at Elizabeth’s house.”

I nodded and agreed “When do you want to interrogate her.. anyway?” She grinned.. evilly.. “Three or four days.. bread and water twice a day.. should get her in the right state of mind to share her secrets! That woman likes her groceries!! As illustrated by the size of her britches!”

I laughed and asked “You did not just call her fat, did you?” She shook her head and denied it “Absolutely not.. She’s always been a big girl.. even when my dad married her.. easily a size eighteen.. Now.. she’s like a size 26. Fat.. doesn’t describe what she is.. Even her doctors told her calling her fat was an injustice.. that he was going with the term morbidly obese.. and her health was suffering. She called him a quack.. found a new doctor and ate an entire rotisserie chicken.. That was a fun day!”

We had made it back to the clubhouse.. and Tammy was taken to the infirmary. Delaney went with her.. while Delilah went back to close the diner for the night. I sent Derek with her.. because I don’t feel comfortable letting her go alone.. Not until we figure this shit out.

Gizmo and Geek were setting up a monitor when we walked into the conference room.. I raised an eyebrow at them.. Geek responded “We found several curious things in tracking the video feeds around Trenton Falls.”

Snake asked “What kind of curious things?” Gizmo smirks “The more questions than answers kind. Hold on.. I’m almost all set up. Then, hopefully, we will be able to start putting this puzzle together. It would be easier if all the officers were here.. together.. so we only have to go through all the information once.”

I nodded and said “Delaney is at the hospital.. with Axe and Valerie.. Delilah is at the diner with Derek.. Brock is training.. so why don’t we save this until after dinner time? That’s only a couple hours away..”

Venom said he thought that was a good idea.. so I asked Hunter to come to my office with me.. Once there, I said “Ready an email to send to Renegade.. with a list of all our current allies.. and the potentials we are planning to contact within the next two weeks.”

He replied “Ookkaayy.. any particular reason?” Nodding, I dialed Renegade’s number.. as soon as he answered, I said “Renegade.. I am sending emails to all my allies and requesting they do the same.. It is a list of everyone I am allied with.. to date.. and all the ones I will be allied with within two weeks. I am a firm believer in knowing who I am affiliated with.. and would like my allies to do the same. In the interest of full disclosure.. would you be willing to send a list of your allies?”

He asked “Would it be a deal breaker if I am allied with clubs you aren’t affiliated with?” I replied “Only if you’re allied with my enemies.. that is definitely a deal breaker.. unless you were to sever ties with those clubs.”

He agreed to send the list and I nodded at Hunter to send ours. After I ended the call, Hunter chuckled “Strategic move, brother! You actually learned something at the Alpha Academy!” I laughed and told him to fuck off!

We had all sat down for dinner.. when Derek skidded into the dining room in a shirt.. underwear and his tube socks. He started singing ‘Old Time Rock ‘N’ Roll’ .. I was shocked.. then puzzled.. while Delilah was laughing so hard she fell off her chair.

Hunter asked what the fuck was happening.. and Brock said “Douchebag over there lost a bet with Delilah.. That’s his pay up.. I didn’t actually think he would go through with it, though.”

Before Derek sat down, I told him to put some fucking pants on.. Making Delilah laugh harder.. if that was possible. When he finally sat down.. I told him to tell me about the bet.

He growled “It wasn’t a bet. Brock is stupid.” I chuckled “Be that as it may.. whatever it was.. why were you nearly naked and singing a song from the last quarter of the last century.”

He had the nerve to look offended “That was and will always be a classic! And it wasn’t about the song.. it was about having to portray an entire movie.. in one iconic display.”

I’m still not following… so I look at Delilah “Perhaps you can explain what this is about without going around your ass to get to your elbow.”

She grins.. “Of course I can.. duh! We were playing name a song with that word in it.. If one of us stumped the other one.. then we had to do what the winner says. I gave him the word Rainbow. He lost.. and I told him it was okay.. we could just do a different word. He thought I was patronizing him because there wasn’t a song with Rainbow in it. I argued a few minutes.. well.. until he aggravated me. So.. if I could prove that rainbow is in quite a few songs.. he had to act out a scene from a movie.. that would make me immediately recognize what the movie was. Still thinking I was full of shit.. I named six songs.. off the top of my head.. primarily ‘Somewhere Over The Rainbow’.. so here we are!”

Hunter looked over at me.. then Delilah and said “Dude.. you went around your ass.. my ass and HIS ass to get to your own elbow! Damn! Can nobody ever go with the short version?”

I busted out laughing.. with my mind seeming to get stuck in one place… Her ass! What the fuck is going on with me!?

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