
Chapter Chapter Thirty-Three

“Love doesn’t ask for anything, love just longs to be accepted and to be there for another day.”

This is that same sentence, that my mother said whenever she told me a fairy tale, but then in the language the men spoke:

Ástin biður ekki um neitt, ástin þráir bara að vera samþykkt og að vera til í annan dag.”

I have been raised bilingual by my mother. And I always thought that the language was made up, as it sounds so strange compared to ours. But hearing the same words from those men in front of me, who were having the same braids in their hair, just as my mother always put in ours, makes me believe that our continent wasn’t my mother’s birthing place. And perhaps, her last name, isn’t ‘La Rue’ either, as that doesn’t sound anything like the strange language.

My back hit the wall behind me, and Terrence walked over. He was asking me all sorts of things, but all his voice did was sounding blurred, incoherent and strange.

My mother, Sigrid, took over my mind. Her long silver hair, braided in different styles, flowing wildly over her head. She was talking to me in her assumedly native language, and put even more emotion in it, when she was angry with me. But otherwise, the words sounded beautiful and we always had fun with tricking my dad, as he couldn’t understand a word we said. It was easy this way to hide gifts from him, or to talk funny about him, and then giggle afterwards.

She was ferocious, as she had been a warrior in my old pack. I loved how she fought, as she used different techniques than any other wolf of our pack. I never thought different about it, just thinking that she was experimenting or something, but now I know different. She belonged to a whole different pack when she was young. A whole different continent even!

I stood up again, and was surprised to know the words they spoke, ever so fluently. Those words never left my mouth, ever since my mother has died that day, and I vowed myself to never use them again. But, as those men in my cells were speaking it, how could I not?

“Terrence, I’m alright. Please, just stay here, they won’t hurt me.” I said to him.

Terrence wanted to intervene, and tried to hold me back, but I shook my head, and put my hand on his chest.

“Really, it’s alright.” I said again, before unlocking the cell door, by nodding in the camera.

The men inside the cell looked confused, upon me entering it. I walked over to the Beta and watched him standing up, all naked, and in full glory.

“I won’t mind if you don’t…” Dakota said with a mental smirk in my mind.

“I wouldn’t mind, but now is not the time.” I chuckled to her.

I began talking in the odd language, and Terrence cursed under his breath, he clearly doesn’t understand a word that we exchanged. And he doesn’t like it, when he can’t help me, or follow me in my decisions.

So far, I have come to know about where they came from, as he is from an old pack, up in the northern lands. Lush green fields, wide waterfalls, black sandy beaches and active volcanoes roam their lands. Another thing that I learned is that he is indeed a Beta and his name is Berrant.

“It sounds beautiful and all, but I’ve got more things to do. Tell me, why are you here Berrant?” I asked him.

“Like my warrior said before to you earlier, we are searching.” He said in a strong voice.

“For what?”

“Not a what, but a who. And I think we are done searching, although I have to be sure by asking you one more question.” He said.

South of the river:

“What are you searching for?!” I yelled to the broad braided man in front of me.

The translator had arrived and upon torturing the man some more, he had finally said something else, other than the thing that he won’t forsake his King. The rugged man’s eyes greyed over, letting me know that someone was talking to him.

He brambled something in his language again, and chuckled. I looked at the translator, silently asking for an explanation of those odd words.

“He won’t tell us, my King. He says that they have found what they were searching for.” The translator said, and I roared.

So all of this was just a waste of time? I’ve been here, spending hours, two days actually, without result? All those other people who died, died in vain? What is all of this? I have to find out what they found, otherwise I won’t have an explanation for the council, or my pack for that matter.

“Ask him, what they have found.” I told the translator, but the man chuckled again. He replied that they had found the rightful heir. But to what?

I asked him more questions, begging for an answer, as I still don’t know who they found, and to what he is the rightful heir off. I’m the rightful heir of this continent. I am the King! No one else!

On the table at the first cell, there was a gun, loaded with silver and wolfsbane. I grabbed it, walked back to the cell where the man was in, and shot him through the head. I was done with this act.

“Why are you being so reckless? What has gotten into you?” Winston asked me, and I really didn’t know, but I’m fed up with all this bullshit.

“Why did you do that my King?” The Alpha of Red Mesa asked me.

“Because he won’t give me more information, and there will be other attacks, I’m sure of it.” I said, trying to reassure myself with the decision I made.

“But didn’t he just say that they had found what they were looking for? Why should they keep attacking then?”

“Shut it! I know what I am doing!” I yelled to the Alpha.

But I wasn’t. He was right, and he knew it, just as Winston knows. What I just did was stupid, but I’m not going to be dictated by another Alpha, and I’m not going to spend more time here, with someone who won’t explain anything further. So, I left the Red Mesa Pack and went home again. To my palace.

Unfortunately, it was a few days later now, and just as the Red Mesa Alpha suspected, there were no more attacks. The foolish I was to kill that captive, I had none to interrogate now.

“We will just say, that you killing that enemy wolf, was just a threat to all of them, and that out of fear of you, the attacks had stopped.” One of my councillors said, and I nodded. I felt dumb right now, but we have to keep up appearances to my pack.

“But that still leaves us with the question, who this ‘heir’ is and what he is the heir of.” Another one said.

And that question was bugging me too, I was constantly thinking who this heir could be. Maybe it was someone in one of the packs? I’ll send off messengers to every pack on the continent, and ask if there are missing boys or men, most likely without any parents, as otherwise one of them would be the rightful heir, of whatever land the man meant.

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