
Chapter Chapter Thirty-Five

On our flight to my father’s pack, I talked a lot with Berrant. He had decided for himself to never leave my side again, as I was now his highest priority. After all, it turned out that I’m the one that he was searching for, as my mother isn’t alive anymore.

Apparently, my grandfather wanted to search for his daughter, as word had reached their far away pack, that there was a Lycan, taking control and wreaking havoc.

“About thirty years ago, we had organized a raid to this continent. To see if we could establish a pack here, to disperse our strength across the globe. But in that little war, against the King of your lands, your mother got lost. She was never able to reach the ship in time and was assumed to be dead.” Berrant said to me.

And now of course as she would have been about almost fifty years of age, and hearing about a Lycan messing around, they thought that she was still alive. Not figuring out that I could have been born.

“But why are you so surprised that I am here, and not my mother?” I asked Berrant.

“Because back in the day it was not within our normal standards, to mate with non-Lycans. We wanted to keep that gene pure and to ourselves.” He simply replied.

But it wasn’t simple for me, although I could admire their strong will to keep the race strong and undefiled, it is still a narrowminded way of thinking. That way, some incest might be common, as you want to keep the good genes in the family, literally.

“So, I suppose Lycans have chosen mates, instead of true mates? You know, with other packs, to keep the DNA not entirely intertwined within the own families?” I asked him.

“Yes, it does occur a lot, possibly more than with ‘normal’ wolves. But don’t forget, that Lycans are on other continents now too, and that the rule of no-mingling has been adjusted to also be allowed to mate with very strong wolves.” Berrant explained to me.

I nodded in understanding, knowing that it is smart for them to agree to changing that rule. Otherwise there wouldn’t have been many Lycans left, within a few decades.

All the while I was talking with Berrant, Terrence sat on the other side of the aisle, carefully listening if there were any threats made. I looked at him every now and then and smiled lightly to let him know that nothing was wrong. But I can imagine that if you can’t understand a word that is spoken, that it is entirely frustrating.

“Terrence, I know it is difficult. But please know that nothing is wrong.” I said to him, while grabbing his hand.

“Yes I know, but it almost seems as if you don’t have any more time to speak to me, and only talk to your newfound friend.” He said, not looking me in the eyes, only gazing at our entwined fingers. “I really thought I lost you there, in the cell. And it would have been all my fault.” He said now with sorrow lacing his words.

“I’m not one to die that easily, you should know that by now. And besides, all you ever wanted to do, is to keep me safe, right?” I asked him.

“Yes, but still.” He said, and Berrant growled behind me.

I turned my gaze towards him, as he sat on the seat at the window, and saw that he was returning to sit in the back of his seat now. Apparently he had seen me holding hands with Terrence, and didn’t approve of it. I sighed, as I couldn’t get through life, without a man being jealous of me holding hands with Terrence.

“You are unmated right?” Berrant asked me, while looking at my neck to be certain.

“Yes, but you don’t know what I have been through, and you don’t know how much my Beta means to me. I’m not having sex with him, it’s just a touch. Nothing more. Could you trust me with that?” I said to him.

He was frowning his brows for a moment, a bit fazed by my boldness about speaking so lightly about sex.

“Besides, I have rejected my mate and you already have one. So why are you jealous?” I asked him.

He now had wide open eyes and began to smirk. Shit… If I think, what he is thinking, then I’m not going to like it.

“No, no, no!” I said in plain English.

Terrence practically jumped up and stood tall in between our seats.

“I’m not going to mate with one of your Lycans! I can’t have any man now!” I yelled in the old language now. And because I was yelling it, Terrence got even more angry towards Berrant. He was assuming Berrant was asking, or doing something inappropriate.

Upon seeing Terrence standing all defensive, Berrant stood up as well, so now I’m seated between two Betas, glaring at each other, ready to attack and defend my honour. While we are in a fucking plane!

They growled towards each other and I could see them both slightly shift. Are they suicidal? If they would shift in here, they would tear this aircraft apart by only using their claws! If they would accidentally throw one another against the metal walls, then we would have to find out how to grow wings!

I stood up as well, shifted slightly to reach both their heights, and grabbed both stubborn wolves by their throat.

“If you don’t calm down now, I’ll throw you out of this plane myself!” I roared to Terrence.

“And you too!” I said to Berrant.

Soon the flight attendant and several of my warriors, along with Berrant’s came rushing in. They all looked in fear, not wanting to have to fight inside a plane. But still they were at the ready, to do whatever was necessary.

“Stand down!” I said in both languages, using my Alpha command.

And even though Berrant’s warriors aren’t mine to command, they still lowered their bodies and bared their necks.

I sighed by this mess, that only men can make. What is it with men and their need to be all protective towards a woman, of whom they think they can be protective of? Come on! I’m not made of glass, I’m the strongest Alpha there is to find on this continent! And I’m not bragging about this, it’s just a simple fact. I had rejected Daniel, for not being worthy. If he was stronger than he is now, then I would have never even thought of rejecting him.

But he is not stronger than me, and he is not the strongest Alpha, and thus not worthy.

I told Terrence to learn the old language and commanded him to talk to Berrant’s warriors. He has to learn to trust them, as they are a part of my life now.

I don’t know how I’m going to fit them into it, but I do know that I can’t just abandon them. Apparently I have a grandfather, a family of Lycans, and a true origin. My roots are part of me, so I have to find out about it all.

“Berrant, why were you smirking? I’m not going to be mated to any man, any time soon.” I said to him.

“Sure… once you will get to our land, and meet the other Lycans, you might change your opinion.” He said, smirking again.

I couldn’t resist the thought of seeing even stronger men than Berrant. How do they look like? I mean he is the Beta, so what does an Alpha male Lycan look like?

“I like where your mind is going…” Dakota purred in the back of my mind.

“I’m only thinking about them, not actually wanting to do something!” I roared to her.

“Sureee….” She dragged that word out longer than necessary.

But before we go to the northern continent, we have to get to my father and confront him with all my new knowledge.

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