
Chapter Chapter Sixty-Four

I quickly turned my head towards Amy, and found that she was grabbed from behind by a Nightstalker three times as big as the one I held in my grip. She was still alive, but with his arms around her body and neck, I couldn’t do a thing.

In matter of seconds, all the other wolves around me were taken into a hold as well, but those Nightstalkers weren’t as bulky and well-fed as the one that held Amy tight.

He had stepped into the moonlight, to let me see who I was dealing with.

This Nightstalker didn’t have the cracks in his skin, and nor does he has his teeth shaped into all canines. His ears didn’t look strange either, it was as if he was almost human to the blind eye.

But he isn’t… I can feel the demon-like stature breath through his skin, he is the vilest of them all, if not their leader.

He is wearing black leather pants, high black leather boots, and a loose white shirt above it. It was cold this night, but he didn’t seem to be bothered by it. In fact, he didn’t seem to be bothered with anything that had happened right now.

“Who the fuck are you!” I yelled in the cold language.

He laughed menacingly, and tossed Amy aside with ease, where three more of those vile creatures popped up and took hold of her. Amy wasn’t screaming, so instead of looking towards her, I kept my gaze at the tall creature in front of me.

He stalked my way, and looked down on me. Goddess why am I this small? It gives every arrogant damn male the idea that they can subdue me with ease. I hate this!

“You can talk in your old language as well, little one, I know every language there is.”

“I don’t give a fuck if you can or not! Who the hell are you!?” I yelled to him, unafraid.

“My name is Radu and I’m the Monarch of my people.” He said calmly, with a smirk on his face. “You are the first to capture one of my scouts, I’m impressed.”

“Yes, I get that a lot.” I huffed, but kept talking in the cold language.

“Get what a lot?”

“That people underestimate me.” I clarified.

“Oh, don’t get me wrong, I haven’t underestimated you. Clearly you have noticed that I have captured every single one of your… kind.” He said with a scrunched up nose.

“If you are detesting our scent so much, then why have you taken several of my wolves with you!” I yelled again, but he didn’t seem fazed with my little outburst.

“I don’t like where this is going Em.” Dakota said.

“I’m definitely not detesting you. In fact it is scrutinizingly difficult to not tear your flesh apart right now, and ravish myself in your blood. Your scent is the most luring one that I have ever come to smell.” He said while leaning in closer. “I’m going to take my time with drinking that special blood of yours, Queen.” He delicately said that last word.

I don’t care about his threats, I have been threatened with worse, but the fact that he called me Queen, inflates me a little with fear. Does he know who I am? Has he been stalking us, longer than we had thought of in the first place? I know that they had to plan every attack, but how long have they had the time to plan everything?

I mean, the cameras were of no use, the guns were not going to hold these creatures down, and nor do the people that had shifted into their Lycan form. This demon in front of me, wasn’t one to defeat easily, and I could admire the challenge if not for the fact that every single wolf around me was captured by his ‘men’.

Aron came rushing in with all of the wolves that were stationed with him.

“Em? You alright?” Aron asked me, as he had seen all of the wolves around the centre of the village being captured in the Nightstalker’s holds.

Aron stopped his wolves and my grandfather from attacking, as he saw too that their leader stood right in front of me. He wasn’t that stupid to attack blindly, as that can make Radu hurt me instead.

Radu nodded his head and more Nightstalkers popped up out of nowhere and now all of Aron’s warriors, my grandfather and Aron himself are captured as well. Some of them had those same teeth as the scout, others looked similar, yet smaller than Radu.

Aron fought against them, and even managed to bite one in the arm, at which the creature hissed, and teleported himself away. But Radu wouldn’t have any of it, and with the flick of his fingers about six more of his men appeared out of nowhere and had Aron pinned to the ground.

And I just stood there, not being able to do anything, as everyone I care about, is in a dangerous position right now. If I would have attacked this Monarch Radu, he would have just given the sign to kill every single one of them. I’m not afraid of the things that he could do to me, but I am afraid that he will use every skill in his tactical arsenal to hurt every other person here.

At the moment I couldn’t do anything for all the pack-members, my sister or my mate. These Nightstalkers were too strong for us, as we are unaware of their capabilities. So, I turned towards Radu again.

“So Radu, it seems that you haven’t used your lackeys to hold me tight.” I said as I tightened my hold on that of the scout’s neck, upon which he gasped until he couldn’t anymore. With a simple snap he fell lifeless on the ground, but Radu didn’t seemed to care.

“Why should I? I have all the people that matter to you.” He said.

“I’m not going to let you take them!” I yelled.

“Aren’t you afraid of me?”

“No, you are just another masochistic animal, who will get what he deserves in the end. Mark my words, if you kill any of my people again, I will rip you apart.” I easily stated, without a hitch in my breathing.

“I’d like to see you try.” Radu said and I just raised an eyebrow to him.

“Em? What are you doing?” Dakota said.

“Doing the thing that I’m good at. Taking care of the situation.” I replied.

“So, what are you going to do now?” I asked Radu.

“I planned to take all of you with me, so that I’m done with finding more blood donors.” He replied.

So, he was going to take plenty of people from our pack, as then he would have enough blood to feed upon. Well I can’t let that happen, but my pack isn’t going to like what I’m about to do.

“Why take them? I mean, you would have to house all of them, feed them and spend a lot of energy to keep them subdued. It would only cost you money and more energy, than that the blood of them would provide you with.” I said, trying to talk my pack out of this.

“What are you doing!?” Frida yelled, with pain in her voice, and it hurt me a little to hear her say it like that.

“What’s going on?” Amy asked Frida in English, but she couldn’t answer her, as she was torn to tell my sister.

“Emerson, don’t you dare do, what I think you are going to do!” My grandfather now pleaded in my head.

“Em, love, don’t do this. We will find another way.” Aron too begged, but I ignored both of them.

I blocked them out of my mind, because if I would keep listening to them, I’m sure I would have backed out on my decision. My emotions can’t have the better of me now. I have to save all these people. I’m the only one that can.

“What are you suggesting then?” Radu asked me, with a gleeful smile on his face.

“Take me instead, but only me.”

“NO!” Aron shouted, and Amy turned to me to look confused, because she still can’t understand a word in the odd language.

“Shut up!” Radu yelled and instantly his men pushed Aron down to the ground further. Then he turned his gaze towards me again, and smiled as he asked me why he should take me, instead of all the wolves that are here now.

I had taken a few breaths, but did the only thing that I could think of right now.

“Like you said, everyone around here matters to me. But I will outlive every single one of them.” I said while looking at Aron, with hurt in my eyes.

Aron growled as he was trying to break through my link. He was silently begging me to not go further with this. He knows me like the back of his hand, he knows what I’m about to do.

I switched my gaze towards Radu and he looked a bit startled, waiting for me to explain my statement.

“I will go willingly, because having a mate won’t matter in a few decades, because I can’t die anyway.” I whispered and lowered my head.

Several pack-members including my grandfather and Aron were growling wildly.

“What’s that? You can’t die?” Radu asked me.

“No, I’m a rare breed of Lycan.”

“Show me.” He said.

I shifted in my full grown Lycan, not bothering about my clothes or my nakedness. My white fur sprung out of my skin, my body contorting and raising in height. I did it slowly so Radu could watch me do it carefully. I needed him to be distracted and only focused on me.

“A white female Lycan.” Radu said, while caressing my furry skin with his hands. I shivered from the touch of his cold skin, and also because he disgusted me with his gaze.

“That is a rare sight indeed. But I have seen more of them in the past, and none of them were able to live forever.” Radu said, after putting his hands behind his back and walked around me in a circle.

I was curious as to how he could have seen other white Lycans. Our historians don’t know about Radu, so where has he been hiding all this time then? And why didn’t the other Lycans have written down anything about him and his people?

“True, but I’m one from a strong family of rulers, and I doubt you have seen white Queens a lot.” I said after shifting back, and he nodded agreeingly.

I wasn’t going to let him in on the fact that I have the protection rune from my grandfather. Nor am I going to tell him that I don’t know how many times I can live through death. I was just simply hoping that I could return plenty of times for Aron to build up a defence or for Radu to be bored with me.

“Fine, but if you deceive me, then I will return and kill everyone here.” He said.

“No need to threaten me further, I already told you that I would go with you willingly.” I snapped.

I hated that I was forcing this upon myself, and my new pack. Today we are going to lose this battle, but with all the new information, I hope that in my absence, Aron will be able to win the war.

From underneath the Nightstalkers:

No! I can’t believe she is doing this! I know that she cares for every single soul in our pack, and that this is the only way. But I don’t want her to do this, not even because she can save everyone that is captured here! I will gladly get myself killed if only for her to stay alive, but this is not the way! She can’t sacrifice herself this way! She can’t leave me!

I roared massively and tried endlessly to get into her mind again, I even managed to get some of the creatures off my back, but there were too many!

Emerson looked my way, and then shifted her gaze towards the scout that she has killed, for just a split second.

And moments after, all of Radu’s people released their grip on my warriors, and vanished into thin air, as fast as they had arrived here. I sprinted towards Radu and Emerson, but he was too fast. He took Emerson’s naked body in his arms, and I took one last look into her eyes. A tear rolled over her cheek, and before it hit the ground, a flash made them disappear.

A/n: If you like my story, and haven't pushed that cute little heart-shaped button, please put those soft paws on it now! And pretty please leave a comment to let me know what you think. 💛

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