
Chapter Chapter Forty-Seven

Showing her around:

I had arranged for her bags to be brought up to my room, so she could change in clothes that she was comfortable in. But she only took out some underwear and kept wearing my clothes. The long shirt that she had taken out of my closet only barely covered her ass, so I had growled a little, when she walked in front of me, and some other unmated wolves had looked at her, when walking by.

“Either stop growling, or I will get through these halls naked.” She said, and I’m not taking her threat lightly. I’m positive that she will do as she says, as everything that she says sounds like a promise to me. Besides, she had been through these tunnels naked before, so what would keep her from doing it again?

She has a beautiful body, and when she had passed out in my arms, Úlfur had really trouble with carrying her. Me too, but I’m more in control than he is.

“Go left here.” I said to her, pointing out where the kitchen was, to get something to eat.

In my pack we all eat together, at whatever time suites us, as we have no ranking in the kitchen. She had told me that she enjoys people around her, and that she feels whole when being talked to, as it gave her a comforting feeling. I only assume that is because of those years that she had to spend in that lonely cell of hers. Well lonely? It is troubling for me too, to know that she was forced to have sex with that Beta of hers, but I’m not going to judge her for it.

Besides, the moment that she had pushed him up against the wall, there was a slight moment, where I couldn’t have cared for her to have killed him. But he was her best friend, her most trusted one too, so if she would’ve continued, I was going to stop her.

He has made a mistake, upon telling Berrant everything, but somewhere I believe he did it with a purpose. And he wasn’t to blame for his actions at the dungeons either.

“You, get lost!” She shouted, and upon following her gaze I saw her Beta in the kitchen as well. He raised his arms in defeat, and took his breakfast with him.

“You have to talk to him sooner or later.” I said to her.

“Later then.” She replied.

She is one hell of a feisty woman, and I doubt I will ever be able to tame her. Not that I want her to be a loving and soft little puppy, but maybe she can drop her guard with me a little.

For today she wanted to talk to her grandfather and her sister. Not sure why she would want to talk to her sister, but I trust her actions and she has to do things on her own. I can’t force her to accept the bond that we have, although I wouldn’t mind to use a little force, as I suspect that she would appreciate a strong man in her life.

She isn’t a fragile girl, that needs protection or soft caring hands, she has to be handled with the strength that she has, only just a little more. No problem there, I am stronger, and I don’t want an easy lay. I will show her my strength and the way I rule my pack. And if she is going to play hard-to-get, then we will play along.

“Damn straight! Her wolf Dakota is beautiful and strong too, I like her speed. We almost weren’t able to catch her.” Úlfur said.

“Hehe, but no matter what, I will always push you on, to win from her.”

“And always win we shall. Don’t worry.” He replied to me, and I mentally nodded.

He is right, no matter what she does, in the end we will be her mate.

From the other side of the breakfast table:

His rugged beard, scar and broad build, has definitely taken control of my mind. There was nothing else that I was thinking about, besides him. Even Dakota admits that he is far different than Daniel is, and we are glad that we have not chosen him to be our destined mate.

Maybe because I have a ‘normal’ wolf father, that I have the fortuitous fate to meet another mate after rejecting the first. Daniel is just a werewolf and Aron is a Lycan. I have the blood running through my veins from both races and thus maybe that’s the reason for having two mates.

Not that I want them at the same time, nor do I want Daniel back.

Daniel is a good guy, and due to our severing he has become a better King of the continent. He has even trained his warriors just as ferocious as I did, as I could tell from their fighting style at my father’s pack. They were transformed into bulkier wolves and I admired Daniel’s effort for that.

Us wolves should be tested upon our limits, and pushed even further. We have the strength, agility and power to become very strong creatures to defend our loved ones, so we should endeavour to find out how far we can go.

But still, Daniel isn’t truly the one for me. Like I have been thinking before, his way of life wouldn’t suit me. And the way that people live here, does. Even if I wouldn’t have met my mate here, I think I would still want to move and live here permanently. This cold continent is where I belong, mated or not.

Rather mated than not… but still.

“Since when do you want a mate?” Dakota asked.

“Not sure, and don’t ask me about it. I’m confused as it is already.” I said with true sincerity. I don’t know what this man is doing to me, but he is very interesting.

I smiled lightly towards Aron, and he returned the gesture. The beast that he is, will be fun to play with, after I’m done with thinking about my decision.

“So, where are we actually? As this isn’t a normal cave right?” I asked Aron.

Because when I looked up, the ceilings were propped with boards and beams, to keep assumedly the dirt from coming down. So we were underground, and not inside a mountain.

“No, it’s not. I’m not sure in what kind of cave you live, but this one is behind a waterfall.” He said, following my gaze.

Hmm, I’m not sure if I like the idea of water running wild, right above us. But I guess that my grandfather enjoys the feeling of being surrounded. I like that too, and I love the natural feeling, but the imminent threat of millions of gallons of water that could come down any moment, doesn’t really comfort me.

“I have to talk to my grandfather first, and was planning to talk to my sister in person. Would you like to come with me, so you could see my mountain?” I asked him.

“Your mountain?” He said.

“Yes, she claimed the lands above the river to her own. She is our Queen there.” Terrence came walking in and heard our conversation.

I looked angry towards him, but he just kept walking, on his way to the kitchen counter.

“Just returning the plate, don’t worry Alpha. But one day, you will realise why I did what I did.” He said, and I already know why he did tell Berrant everything, but that doesn’t mean that I like it.

I hate being forced, and I hate that he’s the one who did it.

“Besides, you’re not the only one in that story. It included me as well.” He stated and left the kitchen again.

Aron didn’t say a word, and just kept on eating his breakfast. I know perfectly well, that he told me to talk to him sooner or later, and he is perfectly aware to not push me in this matter. I’m glad that he chose not to mingle in between us, even though he knows that Terrence had sex with me in the past.

“Fine, I will talk with him first.” I whispered to Aron and he chuckled.

Somehow he still managed to force me… really annoying.

“You want to kiss him, love him and touch him…” Dakota sang gleefully.

“Get lost.”

“I can’t! I’m trapped in this forever jail of torment and sarcasm! Ahh, the pain!” She complained and I rolled my eyes.

“Terrence, please, we have to talk.” I told him, when I walked out of the kitchen as well and had caught him in the hallway.

“Yes we do, for multiple reasons.” He said.

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