
Chapter Chapter Fifteen

On the other side of the couch:

I don’t know why I’m capable of telling him my story. No one else knows about it, not even Amy. Of course she had been raped, but this was only once, and the next day we managed to escape, so she doesn’t has the experience that both me and Terrence had to face.

But this man, this Alpha Daniel, was comforting me in some sort of way. I never felt the urge to tell anyone else my story, but his aura is compelling to me. His demeanour is intriguing. His Alpha power is strong, and can maybe even be equalling my own Alpha command.

He hadn’t shown me any sign of bad intend, and he was truly committed to hear my story. But the longer I was talking to him, the more I got the feeling that there was something that he wasn’t telling me. He wasn’t actually lying, as I could have easily spotted a lie, but he was skipping something important.

“So, are you going to held up your end of the bargain?” I asked him, once I was done talking about my past.

It was his turn now to explain to me about the fact that two men, called me a freak of nature, this evening. He had said that he was going to tell me ‘what’ I am, even though I’m not sure if there is something else besides me being a wolf.

He cleared his throat, and took a breath for a moment. Maybe he was taking it all in, what I had told him. My story was known to me, and I had made peace with all my torture a while ago. But this was all new to him, maybe he had to digest all my terror first?

“Well?” I asked him without having the patience.

“Yes, hold on here for a minute. I have to get something.” He said.

Was he going to get a something for his stomach? He wasn’t that weak of mind, right? He is an Alpha after all, he should have experienced some of these things in his past. Not personally maybe, but his pack members should have.

I frowned, took another glass of whiskey, and waited for him to get back.

It had taken him quite some time, as I had drunken three more glasses of the golden liquid. The alcohol didn’t really bother my biological system, as my Alpha blood, won’t allow me to become drunk. Yet, the buzzing of it, warmed my body, making me feel relaxed.

My wolf however, was restless.

I had walked around the room, and started to look at all the furniture, books and other expensive stuff that stood in here. It was strange, that only me and him were in here, and that no one else came in too. This must have been one of the rooms for guests, right?

But if it is a common room, then why is he getting something, and taking his bloody time to get it too? Where is he getting it, and is there no one to keep him from browsing through the King’s stuff?

“Here, I brought this to show it to you.” He said while searching through the pages of an enormous leather bound book.

He put the book on the pool table, closed, but kept his hand in between the pages.

“Before I let you see this, know that I’m putting my trust in you somewhat. As what this is, is dangerous and there are people who won’t agree with me to let you walk out of this room, once you get to know about this information. So, don’t tell anyone about this, am I clear?” He said with somewhat of an Alpha command, but he wasn’t intimidating me with it, for one bit.

In fact, I even got a little angry by his words.

“I haven’t warned you before I started talking, did I? So why are you threatening me now with this?” I said irritated.

“I’m not wanting to threaten you, but, if you are what I think you are, then a lot of people will want to have you killed.”

“And you don’t?” I said.

“I’m not sure what I want. You interest me, somewhat. But if you are opposing a threat to my pack, then I will do everything in my power to protect them. Just like you would with your pack. Does that sound reasonable?” He replied.

It even sounded logical, but I’m only more curious as to what he thinks I am.

“Just open the book, this is nonsense! I’m nothing but a strong wolf!” I yelled.

I opened the book, he removed his hand, and stepped aside.

From the other side of the pool table:

I could see her eyes, follow every sentence of the open pages. Sometimes her eyes drifted towards the image on the left, towards the picture of the Lycan. Her breathing stayed steady and her face remained emotionless, due to all the terror in her past, she was trained into not showing what was going on in her mind. So, I could only wait, for her to finish the large page in the book, which explained the full history of Lycan’s and their origin and uncontainable behaviour.

As that is what Lycanthropy means. ’The ability to transform into a rabid, uncontrollable, primal form of wolf. A dangerous combination of human and beast.’

She shifted her stature, she was now standing above the book, with her hands on either side of it, leaning on the pool table. Once she was at the bottom of the page, she turned it, to see if there was any more information. She was clearly looking for something, maybe something more about her past?

“Uncontrollable.” She scoffed.

Her eyes glazed over, clearly she was talking to someone of her pack.

“I’m leaving, right now.” she said.

“No, please stay!” I pleaded.

“Why should I? You aren’t telling me the truth about yourself, and when I told you my complete history, you show me this? You think that I’m some uncontrollable idiotic creature, that can’t contain her anger and kills for fun?” She grunted.

She turned around and started walking away, only to turn around once more.

“You intrigued me, and my foolish wolf trusted you. Don’t ever come close to me again, or I will kill you.” She said coldly.

I quickly reached for her, and grabbed her arm. She didn’t turn around, all she did was growl the thing that no wolf wants to hear, the thing that hurt me to my core.

“If you don’t confine your wolf Winston right now, and release me…” She stopped for a moment.

“… I will reject you, right here, right now.”

In a moment of total incredulity, I let go of her. And watched her walk out of the room, while I stood there, immobilized by her words.

Realization seeping in. She is my mate.

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