
Chapter Chapter Eighty-Seven

The field became full again of fighting wolves and bloodsuckers.

In the corner of my eye I could see the Translation Twins going after the Nightstalkers at the same time. One was shifted into a white wolf, with a black tail, and the other was a black wolf with a white tail. It was magnificent to see how much they relied on each other’s movements and how gracefully they killed monster after monster.

Behind me I could hear Bjorn laugh, and when I had turned around Radu, I could see that he was smashing two scouts at the same time, pushing their heads down into the ground. Bjorn had yelled ‘twenty-two’ towards someone else and when I had seen that it was Oleg, he had grunted in return and killed another assassin as he ripped off his head.

“This is going to take ages, little white.” Radu suddenly said.

“No, I’m getting hungry. This will be over at breakfast.” I replied, while Aron hit him in his back.

Radu stumbled for a moment but then whistled a single low sound and Marius was right next to him.

“I’m not going to fight her!” Marius said to Radu.

“Yes, yes, lousy brother. Take him instead!” Radu said and pointed at Aron.

Marius looked at me for a moment, there were I could almost see some regret in his eyes, but then smirked and went for Aron.

Radu might be the strongest Nightstalker here on the field, but Marius is the fastest of them all. I know first-hand, as I now have fought against both of them.

I looked how Aron got hit the first second and I wanted to help him, but Radu flashed in front of me, waving his finger from left to right and making an annoying sound.

“No, no, no, little white. Your focus should be on me.” He said, with an arrogant smile on his face, which I rewarded with a hit to his thick jaw.

I got surprised by what he did next, as he took hold of both of my arms, twisted my wrists and pushed me to the ground. He straddled my waist and held my hands tight above my head.

I tried everything I could, as I wiggled my ass, tried to pull my hands free from his grasp, biting his wrists and so on. But nothing worked. He was holding me tightly and I couldn’t find a momentum to build up some strength to push him off of me.

Radu lowered his monstrous head and opened his jaws. Two long elongated fangs showed itself and he carefully grazed the skin of my neck, from my ear down to my collarbone.

“I can sense your quick heartrate beat through those delicious veins!” He said and I just turned my head to the side in disgust. After all this time, that I had spent in his bed, he is taking this moment to drink from me directly?

For a few seconds I looked around me and I could see the assassin wolf, Magda, fighting against some scouts. She was still wearing her dark outfit and had not shifted at all! For a moment I wondered how she was able to fight those fast bloodsuckers, but then I saw that she had small daggers at the palms of her wrists, pointing outwards to pierce through whatever piece of flesh she encountered. And due to her fast movements she could easily take them on and hurt them badly.

I turned to look up at Radu again, as I could hear Aron growl. I had only looked away for a second or three, expecting Radu to bite my neck, but in that little moment Aron had noticed that Radu was on top of me and now he was trying to get to me. Marius however took control of his body and pushed him to the ground.

“So, where is she, little white?” Referring to my grandmother, Radu asked me, instead of biting me.

“She is dead.” I answered.

“LIES!” He said and lowered his fangs again to pierce through my skin, to bite me afterall.

I could smell my own blood seeping out of the little holes that where now being created at the side of my neck. Radu took a few sips and I could feel that the pressure on my wrists released just a tiny bit.

Aron’s pack doctor had said that the first few moments, a Nightstalker was zoned out, when drinking directly from the source. But I hadn’t thought that a royal Nightstalker would be like that as well.

Still, I took the opportunity and placed my feet flat on the ground, then pushed up my hips and used a quick momentum to turn myself from underneath Radu and kicked him in the groin.

“Bitch!” He yelled while holding his hands between his legs, and blood dripping from his mouth.

“Yep, that’s my middle name.” I replied while wiping away the blood on my neck and walked over to Marius, who still had taken hold of Aron.

“Release him.” I said to him.

“And then what? You really think you can fight him, using Dakota’s eyes and such? Even with ten wolves, you can’t win from him.” Marius said.

But now I smirked.

Not even Marius knows that I’m a hybrid. Sure, he knows that Yrsa is my grandmother, but all he has seen is the mark on my head and the power of that of the Lycan, but not that of a Nightstalker.

I still don’t know what I am capable off either, besides using the flashes, but I’m dying to find out, and if Marius is going to be my test subject, then so be it.

“You have been nothing but nice Marius, but I implore you greatly, to let go of my mate.” I said with the nicest voice I could muster.

Marius furrowed his brows, as he was thinking really hard, trying to figure out my behaviour.

By now Radu has recovered from his manly interruption and was walking towards me again.

“I haven’t read your past yet, little white, but what are you implying towards my brother? Why should he let go of your mate?” Radu said.

He has the power to read into someone’s past, and he has touched me plenty of times already, but he hasn’t used his power to read me?

“Why haven’t you? You could have known everything that I have done the past month, so easily.” I asked him.

“No, I wanted to give you a fair chance of fighting me, but now I won’t wait for it any longer!” He yelled and frantically flashed towards me.

I was done playing around and I was getting pissed off by Marius not releasing my mate and by Radu being the ignorant, arrogant, asshole he is right now.

With Dakota’s eyes, I could see the destination of where he was flashing to, and I quickly stepped aside. Radu reached for me with his arms, but missed me at the last moment. I then circled around Marius, and quickly kicked him in the back, releasing my mate, so he could fight Marius again.

Radu was screaming in anger, as he wasn’t able to touch my skin. I kept looking at his movements and dodged every attack Radu launched at me. And then when I was a few yards away from Radu, as I had run away, I used my speed and flashed right towards Radu, at the same time that he flashed towards me.

Hmm, I guess Marius isn't going to be my test subject after all.

Confusion plastered Radu's face, as he didn’t know what was going on right now.

Yet, this was my plan. This was what I wanted to happen. So, I had raised my claws at chest height, and when Radu and I collided, my hand was lodged into his chest, surrounding his oddly beating heart. With my other hand I had gripped his shoulder, and he had gripped my waist with his hands, puncturing my skin with his dark and sharp nails.

From the pain I hissed a little, but managed to keep my hand around Radu’s heart, and with a loud thud we fell on the ground on our sides. After a second or two, I pinched his heart and straddled his waist, to maintain the upper hand in this situation.

Radu’s face contorted back to its normal stature and he took slow breaths, as he knew in what kind of position he was in right now. He was clearly confused as realisation had kicked in, about the fact that I was not only a Lycan, but also a Nightstalker.

“Go ahead, pull it out.” He said, almost looking defeated.

“Giving up that easily?” I asked him, curiously.

“You’re one of us?” Marius asked me, as he had found a stable pose again after receiving a swipe from Aron.

“Partly, but yes, it seems that way.” I replied.

Marius quickly flashed to the other side of Radu, to avoid getting more hits from Aron.

“Is she really dead?” Marius asked me now, referring to my grandmother again.

I could tell, by the sorrow look on his face, that he would be devastated to hear if she would have actually been dead. So, instead of torturing him further I told the truth.

“No, she is hidden.” I replied.

A/n: Let me hear your thoughts, because a lot has been going on. What is up with Radu? I'm curious what you think of his odd behaviour. 😊💛

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