Lycan King's Nemesis

Chapter 110


The moment I heard Abby's statement, my ears perked up, my body tensing, knowing it was my handwork. I came out of the shower, grabbed the white towel on the hanger by the wall to wrap around myself and followed Ashton who was apparently fuming.

He snatched his clothes from the bed and made for the door, not sparing either of us any glance.

"The vampire King is here for real?" I asked to be certain, drawing closer to Abby who was just turning back from staring after her brother.

She nodded. "Yeah, I'm surprised too. What gave him the nerves to come here?" As she spoke her facial expression relayed her disgust.

I sharply looked away, choosing to make my way to the wardrobe to pick up my undies and start preparation. It appeared I would have to go down as soon as possible since the guests were already starting to arrive. "Gwen?" Abby's voice drawled suspiciously.

"Mmm?" I wore my bra, picked up my thongs and wore, not looking her way.

"Why do I feel like you have a hand in this?"

"Me?" I eventually gathered the nerves to face her, done with my underwear. I would need help with the gown because the back had twines to be fastened rather than a zip. "W-why do you think so?" I stuttered, arching my brow. I maintained a neutral expression.

"Gwen!" She clawed. "It's you! I should have known. No member of this family would dare invite members of the forbidden creatures. No one but... you!" She was in front of me at once, her eyes wide. "My brother is going to be so crossed with you, what have you done?"

"I don't care." I finally bucked, picked up my gown, and checked for how to wear it. The door opened and Kora walked in.

"Your Highness, the guests are starting to arrive and there is a little uproar downstairs as..."She paused, contemplating how to say what I already knew.

"Come help me, Kora." I waved her forward.


"I'm going to handle it, Abby," I cut her off. "I invited them as the Queen and I intend for them to stay. As for your brother, I will address him. The pack members would relax once they see their King do the same." I was searching around, grabbing anything I could to put on to assist Kora.

I had wasted too much time already. Thanks to Ashton.

"I'm not a part of this one, Gwen." Abby was starting to pace. She was not even dressed.

"Perhaps, you should go dress up and come help me welcome the guests. Let me deal with it, please."


"She's going to be alright, I tell you."

She howled and stomped for the door.

"Hurry!" I hollered after her.

"Your Highness, are you sure you can handle this one?" Korea queried after the door closed. I was doubting myself too, to be honest. When I invited those people, it was because I wanted them to come, to stretch out an olive palm. Still, I was sceptical that they would accept it.

To me, I envisaged them dumping the invitation letters in the trash and cursing us out. And now they're here.

It meant the goddess was in support of this. She made them come because it was the right thing to do. And I am going to make this work.

Once done with prepping and priming, trying all the knots that left me tardy breathless, accessories and other necessities, I only took my purse and left, telling Kora to keep my shawl close and also stay near wherever I was in case I needed them.

I left the room and as I was turning in the direction of the staircase, I saw Abby come out of her room, fully dressed in an almond-shaped hazel ball gown. I was skittish, my mind doing a 100-degree full spin, nevertheless, I couldn't help but admire how it brought out the loveliness in her.

"You look absolutely dazzling, Abby." I waited for her to reach me.

She blushed and took my right hand to draw me close. "You too. I must confess, chaos aside, I have never seen a more beautiful Queen."

"Am I?"

As we took small steps down, her eyes were wide. "I will assume you merely ask to tease. Even the blind could see that."

I looked down to make sure I didn't misstep and go tumbling down the stairs as a result of my jittery nerves. Ashton made me this beautiful tonight and now I had ruined everything. I knew he was not going to take it lightly. He might be sweet to me nowadays, still, I couldn't help but recall how mean he could be when he was not himself.

We got to the first wing that faced the foyer and I stopped to pinch my cheek for extra colours, putting on the best glamorous smile I could evoke and with my hand slightly on my friend's, we faced the front door.

Once out, Mousy was there, fully fitted in a new white officer's garter that was an improved version of his former uniform. It was nice seeing him in this. At seeing us, his head nearly hit the floor in prostration. "Your Highness, Princess!"

"Mousy," I looked on with a smile as a couple approached, hailed us, and left after bowing. "How's the evening going?"

"Very well, Your Highness." He shifted to the side, to create enough room for people to pass. The door was wide enough for all of us. "If you would permit me to say, you look stunning, your highness," He mustered.

"Thank you, Mousy." I flipped an escaped hair to the back of my left ear still smiling sheepishly. I was growing more nervous because there was no presence of Ashton. I hope he was not in the main hall causing havoc. We had to check. "We have to go now, Mousy, keep an open eye down here."

"Yes, Your Highness, Princess." He bowed once more as we made our way out.

"The man seems to like you a lot," Abby admitted on the way.

"Well, I don't know why. In fact, I personally used to be appalled by his over-excitement but not anymore."

We reached the main hall, and from the outside, it was already buzzing with different creatures. Some of the creatures were in their forms roaming about. There were the werebears traipsing around, their huge forms intimidating as they watched from the sides, almost seeming threatening.

I looked away to see Abby watching me.


"I hope you know what you are doing?"


"Fine, I am with you. My brother is going to be mad... You should be ready."

"I know," I said with a note of confidence. I was waiting for whatever came out of this.

The room was tense. Despite the music humming in the background, and some dancing, one could easily tell that the atmosphere was full of eerie suspense. Like everyone was ready for attack. No one trusted the other; each ready for anything.

It was not supposed to be like this.

I spot the Queen long before her eyes rounded on us. She was speaking to a group of women but soon took an excuse and made her way to us.

"I was starting to think you two won't graze us with your presence." She made it to us, nursing a glass of oxblood substance.

"Mother." Abby bowed.

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"Your husband is going nuts," The Queen went on, afterwards. "I had managed to tame him, telling him to go back to the squad and come in when he was calm."

I caused this. He would surely know. I'm certain his mother must have told him.

"I warned you, Gwen," The Queen stood beside me, sipping from her glass while watching two couples dancing in the middle of the dancefloor. "This night is likely not to go down well."

"Not if we make the most of it," I interjected. "The night would go how we want it. I told you, we have to lead the way and believe me, if these people could come here, they'll follow without batting an eye."

Charlotte let out a deep-throated chuckle before taking another swig of her wine. "You amaze me, child."

The door swung open again, reminding me I was supposed to be welcoming our guest. I took an excuse and went to station myself there. It was not long before Abby joined me as Charlotte made her way back to her friends.

"Welcome," I nodded to a beautiful couple, with siren eyes who gave me the loveliest smile and expressed how delighted they were to be invited to one of the grandest balls in the history of the supernatural, then they grabbed their glasses of champagne from a nearby waitress and made their way in.

I was enjoying this and from the manner Abby was grinning from ear to ear, I could deduce she was too.

It was getting late and the ballroom was filled to capacity and still, there was no presence of Ashton nor any of his men.

I was growing worried. His mother too.

She came back to us. "I have been trying to reach Ashton he isn't responding."

"Me too, Mother." Abby intoned, looking at her wristwatch. My eyes travelled to the ballroom where our guests danced and merried, not caring if their hosts were there or not.

"Something is off," Charlotte admitted. "I can perceive a foul smell in the air."

"What do you mean, Mother?" Abby inquired in a voice thick with dread.

Immediately, a horse galloped in full speed into the front yard, and the rider; a man in a black cloak jumped down, sprinting towards us. It was one of the second in command to Merit. He fell to his knees in front of us. "Your Highnesses, Princess," he was breathless. "There has been an attack. The King and his Beta are down!"


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