Lyall's Story

Chapter 3 alpha/luna ceremony


The next day is the big day for Conall and me… I hope Lyall’s date went well after we sent him with some goodies for Lucy to spend the night. As usual Lyall, Conall, and I have our morning meeting to talk about what needs to be done for the day.

“Good morning soon-to-be alpha and luna,” Lyall smirks at me with my new title. I’ll admit it’ll be weird to be called luna instead of alpha, but Conall will make a great alpha.

“Good morning Lyall. So, stuff to do for today is food preparations for the after-party, decorations put up at the ceremony spot, chairs have to wipe off since it snowed some time during the night, and of course, us getting ready. Will Lucy be joining us?” I hopefully ask Lyall that maybe she will.

“I haven’t asked, but she wants to get back to her shop, and it closes soon before the ceremony starts, and by the time she gets here, she’ll be here for the after-party, which is actually good timing since she doesn’t know about us yet… I will tell her, but I didn’t want to scare her on a first date!” He had a fair point, not exactly a date conversation.

“Alright fair enough. Just let her know that we’ll be ready for her with open arms when you tell her about us.”

“I will… thank you for being patient with her. This will probably come as a shock.”

“Well duh, it’s not every day that your boyfriend says ’hey by the way I’m a werewolf.” I roll my eyes at him. “Why don’t you take her back to her shop and you can come back and help set up.”

“Yes, luna… anything else you need me for?” He smirks at me as he calls me luna, and no I don’t think I’ll get used to that. Although Luna Lyna has a nice ring to it.

“No not yet, but be around if I do. You can go.”

“See you later.” He walks off and I let out a sigh of relief. Conall smirks and laughs at my conversation with him but wraps me in his arms to help me calm down. “What am I going to do with him…”

“You’ll make him your beta and best friend.”

“Yeah… he may be a knucklehead, but what can I do? I wouldn’t have survived these past few years without the two of you. Come on, let’s get our work done so we can play later…” I smirk at the idea of the alone party just the two of us after the party. The hours go by quickly and the ceremony is decorated with extra white lights from Christmas and flowers along the stage. My fellow she-wolves come to our house to get ready and we kick out Conall to visit his guy friends. Lucy had shown me a gorgeous forest green, floor-length ball gown that had off-the-shoulder straps with see-through sleeves that curve into a sweetheart neckline, the bodice and skirt have sparkles all over it and I’ll wear my white, floor-length cloak to keep me warm.

I let Reika and Calla help me do my hair and makeup since they did so well with my wedding. Some light moisturizer, silver and green eyeshadow, brown eyeliner and mascara, and retro red lipstick. My hair was done in a half-up, half-down with some soft curls. My snowflake dangly earrings, his mom’s emerald necklace, and my mom’s sapphire bracelet were all the accessories I needed. As I put my heeled boots and cloak on, I glance at myself in the mirror.

“You ladies always seem to surprise me with what you can do. Thanks, ladies!” Everyone was dressed for our cover story of a celebration party of us coming home. I had to look the part of becoming a luna and being the hostess so I had to stand out more. I took a deep breath as Lyall came to knock on my door.

“You look beautiful, my luna.” With a slight bow of respect, I smile and take his arm.

“Thank you, my beta. I just wish mom and dad were here to enjoy this moment with us…”

“I know you do… but the people outside waiting to see you are your family… Conall hasn’t stopped talking about wanting to see you all day! You’ll always have me… I’m here to walk you down to him. We may not be blood, but we love you very much.” He gives me a light hug, and it warmed my heart to know that I have such a loving pack.

“Thank you… I needed this…” Before we go, I find my dad’s alpha ring on his dresser and give it a quick kiss. “Wish me luck, dad… love you and mom…”

We go to the ceremony space where the rest of our pack, Luna Griselda, her sisters, and beta Sterling from Crescent pack, and the council all came. Conall looked so handsome in his black tux wearing his silver dress shirt and forest green tie. As I approach the pack and stage everyone bows their head in respect for me probably one of the few times, I’ll allow it. I wasn’t really about titles and ranks but for tonight I’ll indulge them. As we get closer, I see a single happy tear go down Conall’s cheek, and his smile makes my heart skip a beat. When I take the stage, Conall takes my hand to help me up and they all bow to me to show respect as my last time as alpha.

“You ready?” He whispers to me before it starts. I shake my head, yes and he kisses my cheek before Elder Mona holding the ceremonial gold dagger covered in a black cloth starts the ceremony.

“Welcome everyone to this very special occasion of appointing a new alpha and luna. I have watched this young female alpha grow and learn over the years and I could not be prouder of you. We as the council have seen you struggle, and watched you blossom as you have taken over alpha as a young teen, alpha Lyna Channing, but now it is time to be presented with new alpha and luna rings, say your vows to each other, and the ceremonial first mind link as alpha and luna. Although we wish the former alpha and luna were here to see this, I’m sure they would be very proud of you two.” She takes a deep breath to collect herself probably remembering my parent’s ceremony and turns to us.

“Are you ready, my dear?” She asks me with a smile on her face.

“Yes, I am ready.” She turns towards the crowd “Repeat after me:

I, Lyna Aiyana Channing Clell, do solemnly swear to preserve, to protect, and to serve the members of Wild Forest Pack. I swear to uphold the values of this pack and lead with strength and grace to the best of my abilities until my final breath. I swear to stand by my Alpha’s side, to guide and to lead him down the right path should he falter. I swear to offer my knowledge and wisdom so that we may both lead Wild Forest with peace and understanding I swear to it until my final breath.” As I was repeating the words, I see some of my fellow she-wolves crying tears of joy. Now for Conall to say his vows to me, Elder Mona turns to Conall with a smile on her face.

“Are you ready, my dear?”

“Yes, I am ready.” He takes a deep breath “Repeat after me:

I, Conall Ryker Clell, do solemnly swear to preserve, to protect, and to serve the members of Wild Forest Pack. I swear to uphold the values of this pack and lead with strength and grace to the best of my abilities until my final breath. I swear to stand by my Luna’s side, to guide and to lead her down the right path should she falter. I swear to offer my knowledge and wisdom so that we may both lead Wild Forest with peace and understanding I swear to it until my final breath.” As he was repeating the words to me it felt like it was just the three of us in this field together. Our alpha and luna rings were simple gold rings that had our pack logo on them, a wolf howling in a forest and we put it on our right ring finger. Mine had a sapphire on it and Conall’s had an emerald. Elder Mona motions for Lyall to come over and to stand in front of us. As he goes to his spot in front of us, I see some car headlights near my house and realize it’s Lucy! She takes her seat in the back of the audience… oh boy this was not how we’d hope to expose her to our world…

“We all know that Beta Lyall has been your beta for a while, but with new leadership, we can officially make it his title. Repeat after me:

I, Lyall Evan Teowulf, do solemnly swear to preserve, to protect, and to serve the members of Wild Forest Pack. I swear to uphold the values of this pack and lead with strength and grace to the best of my abilities until my final breath. I swear to stand by my Alpha and Luna’s side, to guide and to lead them down the right path should they falter. I swear to offer my knowledge and wisdom so that we may both lead Wild Forest with peace and understanding I swear to it until my final breath.”

He smiles at us, and bows to show his respect before going back to his spot behind us. Elder Mona unwraps the dagger gently and carefully to not slice herself. She makes a small slice across our palms and we hold our hands together joining him to the pack mind link and soon we hear the rest of the pack congratulating us.

“Welcome Alpha Conall and Luna Lyna!” we hear them cry out to us. It wasn’t as overwhelming as I thought it would be. I smile at them and have happy tears in my eyes. Conall pulls me into a kiss and it is stronger than I’ve ever felt them and I know our souls are tied to each other for eternity. This man is my life now… and I couldn’t be happier…


I thought I’d come early to help with some last-minute preparations, but to my surprise, the party is already starting! Crap did I write the time down wrong!? Well looks like everyone is at the ceremony area. I’ll try to sneak in quietly and sit in the back. Lyna is absolutely gorgeous in the dress she bought from me… and the guys look so handsome in their tux and suit… especially Lyall… ooh looks like he’s going to do something important. Beta? Pack? Alpha and Luna? What in the world is he talking about!? I thought this was just a party to celebrate them coming home from their honeymoon! Is this some kind of cult!? What in the world have I gotten myself into!? Why are they slicing their hands!? Are they going to be ok!? Well, at least this ceremony has a happy ending… Conall and Lyna seem to be happy so maybe this party is a good thing. Whatever it is, I have major questions to the people who I thought were my friends and they better have a damn good reason for hiding this from me!


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