Lyall's Story

Chapter 26 wedding day!


The day of my bachelorette party was a blur, but I remember having a lot of fun… ugh too many fruity drinks… but now it’s finally the wedding day! Honestly, it felt like the longest month ever. Unlike most of my weddings where I have to wait a year or longer to prepare for things, all the things we needed were already taken care of! The guys went to Conall and Lyna’s house to get ready while the girls got ready at mine. Lyna, Reika, Calla, Ulva, Aurora, and Mia all showed up squealing like little school girls carrying their dresses in their garment bags.

“We’re so excited for you!” Lyna gives me a hug and soon the rest follow.

“I’m excited too! Come on, let’s set up our stuff in my bedroom.” Lyna insisted I didn’t be the photographer for my wedding so she insisted she does it to repay me for doing hers. Never knew she was so talented with a camera. It was a beautiful, warm, sunny spring day couldn’t ask for a better day! I was so nervous excited about the day ahead I figured a shower and breakfast would be a good start to the day. After my shower, I put on some moisturizer and even put on a mask to make my skin silky smooth for Reika and Calla who were helping with hair and makeup. Breakfast smelled delicious I go to the kitchen and see Lyna and Aurora making it! Two highly respected lunas making me breakfast! Am I dreaming!?

“No, you’re not dreaming. We wanted to do this for you.” Aurora smirks at me answering my question. Oh yeah, powerful wolf… right I almost forgot about that… “How could you forget!? Nice mask by the way.” She laughs at me as we have our conversation, sorta. I laugh too and sit down to enjoy some bacon and eggs. Hopefully, I won’t get any food in it.

“This is amazing, I’m shocked… all this for me??” Bacon, eggs, fruit, muffins, juice, even mimosas! I felt like a queen but may be easy on the champagne this time. Otherwise, I’m repeating last night... yikes...

“Lucy, you’re officially going to be a part of the family today. Soon after your honeymoon, you’ll have your beta ceremony which you’ll need your best formal gown you got because you’ll officially be our beta female and you’ll shift with us for the first time.” Lyna hugs me and it really felt like I was really feeling the close bond this pack has and I’m so glad that I get to be a part of it. I finally wash off my mask and marvel for a moment how soft my skin is… yeah good idea. I change from my normal clothes to my white bridal robe. I hear Lyna take pictures of my dress hanging up. I make a sassy pose for a secret picture for Lyall that I’ll save for later. Lyna smirks and laughs at me but she knows he’ll like it. Reika and Calla come in and squeal with excitement.

“Alright, miss bride let’s get you more beautiful for Lyall!” I sit down in front of my vanity and let them do their work. As the hours went by, I was getting more nervous but excited. I wonder how the guys are doing?

Lyall? Lykos? How’s it going for you guys?”

“Lucy! I miss you, Lu lu!” Mom must’ve told him my childhood nickname… it’s cute when he says it.

“I miss you too but soon you’ll see me in my beautiful dress. Lyna and Aurora have been spoiling me all day so far.”

“I’ve seen Aurora around the ceremony space decorating, but she closed the curtains so I wouldn’t see what she did. I didn’t want to ruin her fun.” The sound of his chuckle makes me smile. I just can’t help it.

“She knows how to throw a party. I’m so glad we got to meet and get to know them this past winter.”

“Me too. I can’t wait to see you.”

“Soon, my love… soon. I’ll see you soon.”

“I love you.”

“I love you too” I cut off the mind link to him and focus on the rest of the group.

“Nice of you to join us again.” Lyna was smirking at me…

“I wanted to make sure the guys were doing ok.”

“Conall has been keeping me in the loop of what they’re up to. Nothing crazy, yet…” She smirks at the yet. That makes me nervous.

“Same with Oliver.” Aurora walks into the room a little dirty from being outside.

“And what have you been up to?” I’d move my head if I could but I’d probably get in trouble with Reika and Calla.

“Oh, you’ll see… I know you want to find out but it’s my surprise to the two of you.” She smiles at her as they continue to do her hair and makeup. When that’s done, the rest of the ladies had theirs done and got into their bridesmaid’s dresses. They had picked a daffodil yellow, knee-length, V-neck, sleeveless dress that crisscrossed in the back. It looked so pretty on them and reminded me of the dress Lyall got for me when he proposed. Soon my dad and Conall came in to check in on us and I got to have my first look at what the guys would be wearing.

Dad was wearing a light gray suit with a forest green tie, he was so handsome. Conall was similar, but he wore a bow tie instead of a regular straight tie. I was all set with my hair was done in soft curls half up, half down, the part that was up was in a braid that had some matching wildflowers Aurora used to decorate outside. My dress fit perfectly, my veil was just as beautiful and even Conall got a little teary-eyed.

“It’s almost time to start. Oh, Lucy, you look beautiful…” Dad kisses my cheek and I wipe away his tears.

“Don’t get soft on me now dad… we still got to get through the ceremony. Conall don’t you look handsome.” I smile at my soon-to-be alpha. It made me so happy that I was going to be well taken care of with this pack.

“Thank you, Lucy. Ready to meet him.” I squeal in excitement!

“YES! I’ve been dying all day to see him!” The guys each take an arm, dad to my left Conall to my right. I make it outside and I am just amazed by what Aurora did to the ceremony space. Almost everything is covered in wildflowers. The chair ends, the stage where we’ll be standing, and where I first found out about Lyall being a werewolf, there’s a brand new arch to represent where we’d enter, flower petals to make a makeshift aisle. Everyone looked so nice in spring clothes. There was an older woman that I didn’t recognize on the stage, but I didn’t pay attention to her long. I finally got to see


He looked so handsome in his suit. He was wearing a light gray almost white suit with a forest green bow tie. Dad and Conall let me go, and while Conall goes to the stage with the older lady, dad kisses my cheek and shakes Lyall’s hand.

“Take care of my girl…” Dad smiles at us and takes a seat next to mom in the front row. Lyna had told me as a memorial to her parents and Conall’s they put roses on their seats as if they were there. I suggested doing that for Lyall’s family.

“I will.” We got onto the stage, where Conall took a step back and the older lady talked.

“Welcome everyone. I’m happy to be joined again with this pack for another joyful celebration. For any guests here, I am Elder Mona the rest of the council is in the second row. I am part of the werewolf council around this area. We rarely show up but when we do, it’s for something fantastic like a wedding or a new ranked member or something terrible like an execution or banishment. Alpha Conall let us start the ceremony.” I guess that meant they’ll be here for my ceremony.

“Welcome everyone on behalf of Wild Forest we are happy to celebrate the wedding of this man and this woman. Despite missing some beloved family that we wish could be here, we memorialize them with a rose on their chair. Now Lyall, take Lucy’s hands and repeat after me. Do you Lyall Evan Teowulf take Lucy Celeste Amelie Artaud-Shaw to be your wife and mate?”

“I do… with all my heart.” He squeezes my hand with endearment I squeeze it back.

“Do you Lucy Celeste Amelie Artaud-Shaw take Lyall Evan Teowulf to be your husband and mate?”

“I do…”

“Maid of honor, best man, the rings please?” I had made Lou my maid of honor, but Lyna was a close second. Since Conall was the minister Lyall had asked Lupe to be the best man. Lou and Lupe give Conall our rings.

“Lyall, take her ring and put it on her left hand and repeat after me… with this ring I thee wed from this day forward.” I choke up as he’s saying his vow to me. Thank goodness for water-resistant mascara! The ceremony went smoothly and finally, we’re almost done.

“As part of our tradition, we repeat a wolf saying that has been passed down through the generations at weddings. Now it’s your turn, Lyall and Lucy… you are my other me. If I do harm to you, I do harm to myself.” We repeat it back to each other and finally, the ceremony is done, and now the best part!

“Well, as alpha and the blessings of the entire pack, along with the bride’s parents. Lyall Teowulf you may now kiss your bride!” He gives me the biggest smile and kiss before dipping me.

“I now present to you the new Mr. and Mrs. Lyall Teowulf!” I grab my bouquet from Lou and we turn to the crowd and suddenly flower petals are falling on us as we walk back up the aisle. I look to find Aurora smirking at me and knew she kept this as a surprise for us. Soon we make it to the forest to do some pictures. I leave my bouquet with Lyna to put at our table. We take about an hour to do pictures just the two of us before doing pictures with the bridal party while the others enjoy cocktail hour.

“What a day this has been… I love you, Mrs. Teowulf. You look beautiful.” He kisses my cheek and Lyna snags a picture.

“I love you too, Lyall. You look handsome as well.” We laugh at our conversation with each other, and decide that was enough pictures for now, and went inside to join the other guests. The upside of not having a lot of guests except for Wild Forest, my family, and the council is that I don’t have to spend hours thanking people for coming. My mind was already on the honeymoon! As much as I loved spending the day with the people I loved and cared for I’m ready to spend alone time with my new husband.

The events of the night went smoothly, and everyone had a great time. I changed out of my dress right before we left per Lyna’s idea to not bring it on the honeymoon. I changed into the dress the bridesmaids were wearing except it was in white. To send us off everyone was given a small box of flower petals to throw at us, but I think Aurora beat everyone to that when she did it at the end of the ceremony. His car was decorated by the guys with a giant JUST MARRIED on the back windshield with a heart on the side window. Finally, in wedded bliss, I was ready to spend a week in wedded bliss with no interruptions and spend time with my new husband.

“Finally, alone at last!” Lyall gets into the driver’s seat and helps me dust off some petals that people threw on me. He gives me a long kiss before dusting himself off of the petals.

“Yes, at last… let’s finally go on our honeymoon.” He kept the honeymoon a surprise for me so I had no idea what he had up his sleeve. All I knew, it was in the mountains easily accessible with a good four-wheel-drive car. All our luggage was packed in the trunk by Conall and Lyna. He starts the car, opens the windows, and honks goodbye to our guests.

“I love you, Lucy…” As he kisses my cheek.

“I love you too, Lyall…” As I kiss him back…

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