Lustful Hearts

Chapter 54: New Home - P4

"Hey, here's my favourite girl," Joel shouted. I blushed at his loud announcement walking through the pub door. I cringed as virtually everyone inside turned to look at me. He was far too loud for his own good, but I secretly enjoyed his display of affection. Especially seeing a small group of girls sat opposite intent on shooting daggers my way. I stared, amused by their attire. They were way too overdressed for an afternoon in a pub. I was guessing by the seating arrangement, they were all vying for Joel's attention. I smiled in delight, knowing his sole concentration would only be on me.

I walked though to the back to greet him in private. He smiled, pulling me into his arms and I sighed, it was my favourite place to be.

"Guess which lucky girl gets to work along side me over the summer?"

"Really?" I asked, leaning back to look into his eyes.

He nodded grinning. "Yes, really."

I squealed with delight. "That's amazing!" I hugged him tighter, excited at the thought of seeing him more.

"You'll be working three days a week and we need to get you a T-shirt."

"Am I going to be working the same shifts as you though?" I frowned at the thought of being here without him.

He chuckled, tilting my chin up to look into his eyes. "Well, I do the rota so yeah that's a given."

I squealed again, squeezing him tight. "Thank you." Our lips connected, and I momentarily lost myself, his kisses always had a habit of doing that.

"You're more than welcome, especially if I get thanked this way. Now, come on, you need to practice pulling a pint."

I made a face.

Oh god, not right now!

I wasn't up for any form of embarrassment, but Joel kissed my hand reassuringly, leading me out to the front of the bar. The girls' instant smiles soon turned into scowls, openly glaring at Joel's arm wrapped around me.

He dropped his arm momentarily, grabbing a glass to demonstrate how to pull the perfect pint. It looked easy enough, but then again this was me.

He smiled handing me a glass, and I heard everyone as they turned to watch my first attempt.

Hmmm, no pressure then.

I pulled the lever forward, concentrating on the golden liquid beginning to fill the glass. I tilted it at an angle, like Joel had shown me.

There was more head on mine, well basically half the glass was froth. Joel laughed when I frowned, holding the glass up.

Well that was an obvious failure.

He handed me another glass, this time standing behind me, his body pressed up tight behind mine.

How the hell could I concentrate now?

He helped angle the glass as I pulled on the pump, and this one was perfect. He kissed my hair, and I grinned like a Cheshire cat.

"Now you try it." He moved away much to my dismay. I began filling another glass, and this one was just as good.


Joel held it aloft smiling as all the pub cheered. "Now who wants Izzy's first pint?" All hands shot up. I smiled, slightly embarrassed at the attention I was attracting, but more elated I had conquered pouring the pint.

Joel returned my smile. "Keep them coming, Iz, looks like we have a lot of thirsty customers."

I concentrated hard, filling each glass, smiling at my handy work. When I'd finally served the last customer Joel grabbed me, pulling me into a kiss.

"Iz, you're a natural, and you have all the guys charmed."

I scrunched up my nose in disagreement. "I don't know about that . . ."

He chuckled kissing my nose. "I do, I'm going to be fighting them off." He grinned, and I rolled my eyes at his over exaggerated words.

"Is this your girlfriend then Joel?" An old guy with a beard and flat cap asked.

"Yeah, this is my girl," he said, drawing me in tighter. My back was pressed into his chest as his arms wrapped tightly around my waist.

"If you ever get sick of Joel, I'm single, love." He flashed me a smile, and I laughed in an awkward kind of way. He must have been around seventy.

"Hey, William, anymore talk like that and you're barred. Izzy is mine, so hands off." Everyone laughed at Joel's joke as he kissed my hair. "Are you ready for another surprise?" he whispered in my ear. "Good surprise?" I asked, turning round to face him.

"The best." He grinned, nodding over at Lee, who had just walked out front and was serving. They had a silent exchange before he led me out back, pulling out a blindfold.

No way.

I frowned, stepping back. I hated surprises, and I hated blindfolds.

"It really is a good surprise," he whispered, placing it over my eyes so I was encased in darkness. I squealed in shock clinging onto him for dear life when he swept me up in his arms.

He stopped shortly after, placing me down. I heard a jangle of a key. He kissed my head and took off the blindfold. "Surprise, welcome to our new home." He grinned and pushed the door open, waiting intently for my reaction.

I gasped, spinning round to look into his excited eyes. "Really?" I needed assurance this was real, unable to take it all in.

He shook his head smiling.

"But how can we afford this?" I asked frowning.

"Dave, my boss, is our landlord. He knows that I've been looking, and his other tenant left the place in a state so he's had to redecorate and was looking for decent people to move in.

He's even given me it at a discounted rate 'cause I'm such a great employee." He grinned at his own compliment, which made me laugh.

I grabbed his hair, pulling him towards me so our faces were barely inches apart. "I can't believe we finally have our own place, no more sneaking around, just you and me, together forever."

A look of disbelief flashed over his face for a few moments at the mention of our future. I knew he craved the stability he had never had before. Without even asking, I could tell how much this meant to him. He gazed at me, his eyes filled with love. He kissed me long and hard, taking my breath away.

I wanted him so bad.

His kiss set light to the fuse, and now I was burning with desire.

When he moved away, my eyes wrenched open in confusion. He grinned opening the bedroom door. "This is our room, where we'll sleep together every night."

His arms encircled me from behind, pressing my back into his chest, his lips resting against my ear. "Where I will get to hold you in my arms."

"Pinch me 'cause I think I'm dreaming." I squealed when he nipped my arm, and I spun around to look into his eyes.

"I think we're going to be really happy here." I smiled and stroked his face, looking into his excited eyes that held a glimmer of the future I'd been so desperate to find.

"I think so, just us, what more do we need?"

Right now, I couldn't think of a single thing, only Joel.

"Let's christen the bed." He scooped me up, throwing me onto it. He dragged his T-shirt over his head, and I leaned up on my elbows admiring the view.

"Aren't you working?"

A large grin spread across his face. "Got a ten minute break."

"Ten minutes?" I made a face pouting.

That wasn't long enough for what I had planned.

"Okay, I can maybe stretch it to twenty." He hopped around working his jeans off before launching himself at me. He dragged me down the bed, desperately trying to remove my skinny jeans.

"Better make it count then," I teased, in my best sultry voice. I ripped off my own top and unhooked my bra, throwing them both down to the floor.

"I always do." He winked, sliding off his boxers. He crawled up my body, and I sighed when his mouth reached my favourite place.

I didn't need anymore convincing.☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐

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