Lustful Hearts

Chapter 125: Gооdbуе - P1

"Hey, are you okay, why are you up here all by yourself?"

I turned to face Joel as a tear fell down my cheek. His face immediately changed from concern to horror.

"Iz, what's wrong?" He looked alarmed, his eyes scanning my face for some indication to my sudden change in mood.

"I don't want to say goodbye."

"What time is he coming 'round?" he asked soothingly, his hands softly caressing my skin.

I closed my eyes, sinking into his touch. "In an hour, it's not fair I just got him back, and he's leaving already."

Joel's lips brushed up against my hair. "He has got a family who miss him too, baby."

"Yeah and they've had him all these years, I've only had months, it's not enough." I knew I was being totally selfish, but I couldn't help it.

"You'll stay in contact and talk every day." His words were meant to bring me some comfort, but nothing would appease me.

"It's not the same."

"I know, but it's the best you can do under the circumstances. We'll see him in December; it's only five months away."

"Only." It felt like a lifetime at this precise moment.

"Baby, I wish I could make it all better. If I were rich I would whisk you out there all the time in my own private jet."

I sighed at his words. He would do all those things if he could. "A private jet would be nice right now, and you would look hot as a pilot."

"Oh I wouldn't be flying it, baby, I'd be in the back keeping you company. It's a long flight, I need to keep my girl occupied, I can't have you getting bored."

I smiled at his words, only imagining the kind of activities he would have planned.

His frown lines eased up. "There's the smile I've been waiting on. It's going to be fine, it will be sad to say goodbye, but Ruby and I will help you through it. What do you say, Rubes?" She gave a sleepy yawn and then snuggled back down once again to enjoy her nap.

"Well she's no help, but I think that could have been a yes."

I cupped his face with my hands. "You both are a big help, I'm going to need you more than ever. I've gotten used to seeing him all the time, and it's going to be a big change."

He sunk deeper into my touch, his hands covering mine. "You'll adapt, baby, it won't be so bad."

"How are you going to keep my mind off things?" I asked, moving my head away slightly to kiss the palm of his hand.

"I'm sure I can come up with lots of things." He pulled me in for a long, sweet kiss, the type that took all the breath from your body.

I leaned back and stared deep into his eyes. "I love you."

"I love you too. You and Rubes are my life. I'll help you ease the pain." From the steely look in his eyes, he'd do just that. "Come downstairs, I'll make you your favourite scrambled eggs. I know how much you love them."

I licked my lips involuntary just at the thought. "Are you ever going to tell me what you put in them to give them that extra creamy taste?"

I pouted, hoping he'd finally relent and spill the beans.

"Not a chance, that stays with me. I've got to keep these things close to my chest, you never know when I might need to use them." He shot me a wink, and I pouted even more.

"You're mean." I couldn't believe my persuasive powers were not working. I really needed to try to improve those.

"Don't pout, baby, you know what it does to me."

Aha, I had found his weakness.

"I'm hoping it will persuade you differently; let me know your secret ingredient." I quickly straddled him so our faces were barely inches apart.

He sighed deeply, and I could see in his eyes he was starting to crumble. "I've got to keep the mystery as things might get boring."

"Never, not with that mouth," I teased, knowing my words would have the precise effect.

A grin spread across his face. "Ahh, so you like what I can do?"

"Of course, you undo me in so many ways. Your words, your touch, this mouth should come with a warning."

His eyes turned dark, and I could feel the heat begin to radiate through him. "I think the only warning I need right now is to leave this room while I still have some kind of willpower."

I chuckled, quickly pecking him on the lips and climbed off him, handing him Ruby. She wagged her tail softly in response, lightly licking his neck causing him to chuckle.

I loved these moments. They were the ones that made me smile the hardest, even when I knew there was sorrow ahead.


"Hey, baby girl, Joel said you were out here."

I forced a smile at the sound of his voice; I had to stay strong. He sat down beside me, pulling me in to him as we softly rocked on the swing seat.

It was my favourite place to be just staring out into oblivion, soaking up the sweet scenery.

I placed my head on his shoulder, no

words were needed, the sadness

radiating from both of us was

enough. We just sat enjoying the memory we'd get to add to the many more we'd create together

"When is your flight?" I whispered, finally breaking the silence.

"Tonight, I'll be heading to the airport straight from here."

I sighed at his words, he was finally leaving, and my heart felt so heavy right now.

He frowned at my reaction. "I know, baby girl, but look how far we've come in the last few months. I may be thousands of miles away, but the divide between us has gone.

I'm only a phone call away, we're not apart really. We will always be connected by the love we have in our hearts."

"Dad..." I croaked out, but it was too late. I was gone in a sea full of tears. I tried to be strong, but his words were my undoing.

"Be brave, Iz, we can get through this, and it will soon be Christmas, we'll be reunited again," he said soothingly, but his words provided little comfort.

"I know, I'm just going to miss you, that's all." It would break my heart when I finally had to say goodbye.

"Me too, Iz, me too."

We sat in silence for a while just soaking up the beautiful summer's day, but the quiet was Quickly broken. when an excited Ruby came out to play. She came scurrying over to greet us in her own eager fashion.

"Here she is, the little lady herself." My dad chuckled when she bounded over to see him excited to give him more kisses.

"She certainly loves you," I remarked, she always went crazy when he came over. She would really miss him too, which saddened me even more.

"Next time I see her she'll be so big, I won't be able to snuggle with her on my knee, that's for sure."

"I'm sure she'll find a way." If I knew Ruby she would make that happen.

Joel peeped through the door. "Sorry, she was going stir crazy locked up in the house, the garden is her favourite place. She takes after someone else I know."

I smiled, scratching Ruby's head. We were like peas in a pod that way.

"I'll let you get back to your chat." Joel made to head back indoors, but my dad piped up stopping him in his tracks.

"No, Joel, come sit down. I came to spend today with you all, there's no more talk of sadness. We never really say goodbye, it's just so long for now, hey Iz?"

I faked a smile, trying to swallow back the lump. Joel sat down beside me and kissed my hair.

"Now I hope you take care of my baby girl, Joel, she'll need extra hugs once I'm gone."

"I'm sure I can do that," he replied, giving me an extra squeeze, and I smiled. I was sure he would do everything within his power to make me happy.

I looked up to him with tears in my eyes, and he quickly swiped the ones that escaped away, kissing my hair.

I caught my dad discretely wiping away some of his own, we were both just as bad as the other.

Although in my heart I felt such sadness, I didn't want the memory of our last day together to be all tears.

I took a deep breath and smiled. "Do you know what I'd like to do on our last day together?"

"What?" they both asked, looking at me curiously.

"I want to go out and spend some time with my favourite men and eat chocolate cake."

Joel grinned at my words mentioning his favourite subject. "Sounds like a plan, what about Ruby?"

My eyes dropped down to her

nestled up tight in my dad's arms. "I'm sure Elijah will be on hand to dog sit." I was almost certain of it. I Quickly typed out a text and @reply came back within seconds Content

I smiled at his enthusiastic answer. I was pretty sure he would spend twenty-four seven with Ruby if he could.

Ten minutes later we heard a knock, I'd quickly changed and put on a little makeup ready to open the door to a beaming Elijah.0000☐☐☐☐

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