Lustful Hearts

Chapter 120: Family At Lаѕt - P1

It hadn't taken much, a Google search of the family name through Joel's limited information and a quick check through the voting records, to give me the valuable information I needed.

I was hesitant to their reaction, praying that my decision to reach out to them wouldn't totally blow up in my face. Joel was at work as I sat curled up on the sofa, Ruby snuggled against me.

I sat with the telephone number clutched in my hand and the phone in the other. I quickly dialled the number wanting to disconnect every few seconds, but my love for Joel gave me the strength to go on.

I could do this for him.

The phone finally connected and a soft gravelly voice filtered down the line, this was the moment. I took a deep breath and knew that what I was about to do could change things forever.

"Izzy, the house is as clean as a whistle, your mother is not going to notice a hair out of place, sit down with me, you're making me crazy."

It was true I'd been up since six cleaning like a looney, the house didn't need it, but it was the only thing to distract myself from going crazy and telling Joel what I had done.

I knew if I did he would panic so the only thing to do was to surprise him and give him less time to think.

I'd just finished putting the polish away when the doorbell chimed. Oh god, I felt sick. Joel stood to answer the door thinking it was my mother.

Another lie.

"Joel, stop, I have something to tell you before you answer the door." I bit my lip hard, my eyes flashed to the floor before Joel's touch brought them back to his loving face. "Iz, what's up?" he asked, looking nervous.

"I did something for your own good, but I don't know how you'll react."

His eyebrows scrunched together in confusion and then his eyes widened in horror. "Please tell me you didn't."

Oh god.

He shot me a look of anger. Why the hell had I done this? But it needed to be done, I had to stay strong and get him over this next hurdle.

"Joel, Bill and Joan, your mother's parents are here, I called them. They are here to meet you, to get to know you."

He flinched at my touch. "Iz, I can't, just send them away."

"Joel," I pleaded. He needed to do this even if I had to push him off the edge.

I moved past him, and his hand grabbed me, clinging on for dear life. "Don't do this, please, I'm begging you."

"You've got to trust me on this one, Joel."

I pulled away and walked to the front door where I could see two figures retreating down the drive. "Hello," I quickly shouted, and they both turned in surprise and smiled in relief.

"Are you, Izzy?" Bill enquired and I smiled, seeing the older man who held a strong resemblance to Joel staring back.

"I am," I sighed. "I've just told him. He's a little shaken up, so please don't be too offended if he's taken aback by you. It's my fault I should have told him earlier, but I was scared what his reaction would be. Please come in."

I ushered them both in closing the door behind and said a silent prayer that I hadn't totally ruined everything.

I walked through to find Joel stood there, clutching Ruby while Bill and Joan stood in complete shock, staring at the grandchild they hadn't seen in over eighteen years.

Joel's eyes flashed to mine and then back to each of theirs, I knew he had gone into complete meltdown and I had to step in.

"Bill, Joan, this is Joel, I know it's been a long time."

"I forgot how much he has her eyes," Joan whispered, slowly walking forward, her hand outstretched to Joel. He hesitated, and I walked forward, taking Ruby from him so Joan could take a closer look.

She grabbed hold of his hand, clutching it tight while her other hand reached up to cup his face. Joel bent down, slowly making up the distance as a tear rolled down his cheek.

"Oh my dear precious boy, we've waited so long for this day, seeing you now is the best present we could have asked for." She broke into a sob, pulling Joel into her arms as they both cried for everything they had lost.

So much wasted time, my heart broke at the sight of them, knowing Joel had missed out on so much.

Bill pulled me in beside him, wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

"My dear girl, you are an angel, thank you for bringing our family together again. We lost everything that day. Our hearts broke when Linda died, but to lose Joel too. We tried everything to see him but John was so vindictive. He always hated us and stopping Joel from seeing us was one of the most spiteful things he has ever done. We missed out on so much, but we won't miss out on a moment longer."

He gently placed a soft kiss against my cheek before walking forward, pulling Joel into a hug while Joan continued to softly cry beside him.

I walked through into the kitchen, placing Ruby in her basket to prepare a round of tea.

I was busy arranging all the cups on

the tray when a strong pair of arms pulled me back into their hard chest, his lips gently nuzzled my ear.

"Thank you, Iz, for being you, for nex

doing this, for pushing me. I needed

this I wouldn't have done it on my


I quickly turned around in surprise. "So you don't hate me?" The look he had given me before opening the door would stay with me forever.

"God no, I was scared, so damn scared, but you did this out of love, how could I hate you for it? You gave me back my family. You showed me that I have people that love me, that I wasn't alone. They don't hate me like I thought they would."

"How could they hate you, Joel?"

He looked away unable to speak, tears brimming in his eyes.

"They love you, that's all they've ever known love, not hate. Your dad wanted you to believe that so you would be tortured by the guilt. You can see it there in front of you that they love you so much. Go back in and spend time with them, get to Know them and try to make up for all those lost years."

He smiled like he couldn't quite believe my words, that he had family that loved him unconditionally. It broke my heart to see a flash of bewilderment, but I knew more walls had been knocked down today. He was now building relationships with his family, ones I hoped would strengthen and allow strong bonds to form.

"I'd better get back, but don't be long, okay? Oh and Bill said to bring extra cake." He winked and I could tell he was clearly joking, but it was just good to see a smile on that beautiful face of his.

"Yeah, you mean more cake for you. You can't lie to me, baby, I know you. You can't hide your love of sweet things, I see it in your eyes." I shook my head in amusement, turning back to slice the cake.

I smiled, feeling his mouth against my ear. "I love how you know me so well, you know me better than I know myself."

"You got that right, and you'll do well to remember that."

He held up his hands, backing out of the room. "Baby, I'm hardly likely to forget."

I grinned, turning around, pouring the tea and finishing off loading up the cake and biscuits on the plate. Today was going to be an afternoon to remember.☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐

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