Lustful Hearts

Chapter 110: Bіrthdау Surрrіѕе? - P2

"Hey Iz, did the birthday girl have a nice lunch?" He pulled me in for a quick kiss. "Mmm, you've had cake." He grinned as I nodded.

I didn't need to mention the second one. He grabbed the couple of empty glasses, guiding me through the front door.

I almost leapt back when the surprise erupted from everyone's mouths, Joel snaked his arm around me, pulling me in tight.

"Surprise, baby," he whispered in my ear, and I spun around to face him.

"What... how?" I literally was at a loss for words.

His smile grew wider at my look of disbelief. "I'm not working today, I've been here setting it all up so I could surprise you," he explained, but the words were barely sinking in.

"You arranged this all for me?" I asked, still stunned he would go to all that bother. He pulled me in tighter, placing another sweet kiss on my lips.

I groaned the moment we were pulled apart. Of course it was by Elijah.

"Come on now, Joel, you've got to share the birthday girl." He grinned, slowly dragging me away. I reluctantly let him, knowing it wasn't possible to stay clamped to Joel throughout the party. Joel groaned, and I couldn't blame him I was exactly where I needed to be until I was wrenched away and everyone descended on me offering hugs with cards and presents.

Maybe this wasn't so bad after all? After everyone cleared away, I scanned the room for Joel, but he was nowhere to be seen.

My mother and Mike came through the door all smiles, rushing up to hug me. Mike's hug lingered longer than usual, we weren't fully back to normal but things were getting better between us. They both handed over presents that I quickly ripped open to reveal a book box set, jewellery and a whole lot of chocolate.

They knew me well.

"Here's the birthday girl." My dad shouted, walking across the bar, beaming from ear to ear.

It had been a long time since we had celebrated my birthday together and for that reason alone tears instantly sprang to my eyes.

"Hey, the birthday girl can't cry," he said, drawing me into a hug trying to soothe me.

"Thanks for being here, Dad, it means more than you'll ever know." I was becoming too emotional to speak, just having him here meant everything to me.

"I wouldn't have missed it for the world. I am so proud of you and to see you this happy is all I could ever hope for," he wavered, his voice thick with emotion, and I grabbed his hands.

"I am so happy too, now my family is finally complete."

His eyes glazed over at my words. "I never want to lose you again. I promise not a day will pass that we won't speak. You're my baby girl, no matter how big you grow, and I never want to miss a moment of your life ever again."

I clung to him as the tears flowed harder. Elijah came over, rescuing my makeup with a tissue; he always was reliant in those kind of situations.

He made sure my eyes were not smeared and blew my nose before he walked off.

My dad moved back and smiled, brushing away a tear. "What are we like?" He quickly composed himself reaching into his jacket to pull out a card. He handed it over smiling, and he looked at me weirdly handing it over.

Opening the card two plane tickets fell out and despite already agreeing to fly over for Christmas, it all seemed so much more real standing with the tickets in my hand. I stared at them in wonder.

I'd barely travelled only on the odd family holiday. My mother preferred to holiday here the majority of the time, but flying to the other side of the world was another thing.

"You do still want to go, don't you? I thought when you agreed the other day that it was fine to book the tickets, but if you've changed your mind...?"

I stared at him in wonder, feeling puzzled why he suddenly doubted me. "Yes, Dad, of course I still want to come. We're both thrilled that you're giving us this chance."

"Oh thank god, I rang Kay and the kids and they are thrilled that you are all coming over. I know it isn't for another five months, but just knowing you're coming is enough." "Hey, we want to spend Christmas with you. I need this, I want this Christmas to be special."

"I know it will never make up for all the many I've missed, but it's a start. I want us all to be together as a family to share this special day."

"I want that too, and you don't have to keep making it up to me, Dad, just having you there on Christmas day is enough."

He smiled, the gratitude of my words was there present in his eyes, no more words were needed.

Joel soon came over rescuing us before any more tears were shed. It was my birthday after all, and today was a day to smile-I had everything I ever wanted.

We all helped ourselves to the buffet, Joel made sure we each had drinks on hand ready for the birthday toast.

With plates heaped high, we tucked into the food, not standing on ceremony. Even after the carbs consumed at lunch, I still managed to put more away.

I was deep in conversation with Elijah when I heard a song strike up in the background, at the sound of his voice I turned around, looking at him astounded.

Joel was staring right at me, a microphone by his lips, as he strummed on a guitar, singing our song. There were two other guys beside him playing guitars and, Lee, the barman was right at the back on drums

I stared at him confused. It was the first time I had ever heard him singing out loud, but hearing his voice now fill the room, I knew it was a crying shame he had kept this under wraps for so long.

My eyes filled with tears when he reached the chorus, hearing him sing the words he often whispered along to me in bed at night.

I walked over to stand closer to him, soon feeling Elijah's arms wrap around me, encircling me from behind. I clung onto his arms, using him to maintain an upright position.

Joel's words were overwhelming me right now as he serenaded me with Lifehouse's Breathing.

A tear trickled down my cheek thinking of how far we had come. There was a time I never thought this would never be achievable, that I'd never get my fairytale ending, but seeing him up there, all my dreams had come true.

His eyes locked on mine, and I was gone. He had a habit of just undoing me with one look. His eyes never left mine as he constantly took my breath away with every word.

I felt the familiar pull, the electricity that flowed between us was overwhelming, I'd never fully adapt to it, he would always had the ability to completely disarm me each time.

I leaned back into Elijah, fully submerging myself in the song until he reached the final note.

The room filled with a loud applause, but all I could see was Joel heading towards me, it was like everything else just melted away. I felt Elijah's hands slip from me as Joel's wrapped around me tight. "You sang our song," I breathed, barely able to get the words out.

"I did, I wanted you to know." His eyes stared deep into mine, the love inside them was so breathtaking.

"To know what?" I whispered.

"That you mean the world to me, that you are my forever."

"And I am yours," I replied without hesitation. There was never anyone else.

He smiled, and we launched into a soft, sweet kiss before I pulled back.

"I never knew you could sing, or play the guitar, you were amazing."

He blushed and smiled shyly. “Thanks, I started learning when we were apart, it kept my mind on other things when I was missing you like crazy. We're thinking of starting to do a few gigs. We've been secretly practising for months now, we've mainly been doing covers. I've wrote a few from scratch, maybe I can play them for you later?"

I smiled at his words. "Of course, I'll listen to anything you play. Are they about anyone in particular?" I didn't want to assume, but god, I hoped it was me.

A look of amusement crossed his face. "You know they are about you, it's always you."

Oh my.

I sighed in relief. "Well, that's good to hear. Can I come to watch you when you get your first gig?" I asked eagerly.

His lips brushed up against mine. "Of course, I want you front row, you are my inspiration after all."

I leaned back smiling. "Can I be your number one groupie?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

A huge smile crossed his face. "You'll be my only groupie."

"Good to hear, I can show you my appreciation afterward."

Joel nuzzled my ear, and I willingly sank into his touch. "Does that apply today as well?"

"Oh you'll be getting extra thanks for today," I breathed, falling under his spell again. Those lips were always my undoing.

"Well that's good to hear, how about now?"

"Right, that's it, you two, there are parents in the room," Elijah barked, breaking the moment.

I flushed when Elijah brought my thoughts back to where we were. Dear lord I was just about ready to launch myself at him, I needed to cool down fast.

"You can pounce on him later." Elijah winked, dragging me off, leaving a slightly frustrated Joel behind.

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