Lust Of The Alpha Phoenix Mountain Series Book 7

Chapter 4


I'm still not sleeping. I’m running on fumes now. Why?

Soft breasts, flawless skin and mouth drooling lips.

I tried to stop thinking about her, but my fucking wolf won’t let me. Like what the hell does he even think I can do? She’s in prison and a vamp!

Ever since I said her name, he has been begging me to take her and jump her.

Seeing her is almost fucking torture at this point.

I had to fix some wiring on the door release of the cell across the hall.

As I pulled the wiring out, my nose kept twitching. That sweet scent floated across the hall and hooked my brain like a fishing lure.

I rub my nose and try to ignore it, but it’s really getting hard.

I come off the ladder and turn to her cell.

She’s sitting on her cot with her legs pulled up.

Her head was down, but like I put out a calling, she raises it and those damn eyes find mine.

I bite the inside of my cheek and raise my gaze to the vents.

In pure frustration, I grab my ladder and carry it to the vents above her door.

Once up there, I see they’re open a crack. I slam them shut and climb back down.

“Please help me.”

I look and she’s right by my ladder, on the other side of the glass, making me jump and lose my last step. I almost fall on my ass.

I snatch the ladder and narrow my eyes.

“No.” I growl.

I turn to cross the hall.

“Please. I’m so hungry. It hurts so much.” Her whiney tone makes my wolf howl from his internal prison.

I turn my head over my shoulder. I see her pained face and her arms holding her waist tight. “I can’t help you.”

She puts her hands on the glass. She tries to get me to see her better. “Hunter. I…I won’t tell…I promise. I just need a little to make the pain go away. Please. They don’t feed me enough.”

I drop my ladder and turn. “There’s a reason for that.” I grumble and cross my arms.

My eyes drop to the slight cleavage of her shirt. I push them back up to her eyes when my hormone jacked heat starts to rise again.

“I know. I just need enough to feel better. I won’t try to use my powers. I promise.” Her pleading eyes search mine for a positive response. She’s not getting one.

“Sorry.” I turn around and continue with my work.

I put the cover back on and screw the screws back in fixing it to the wall. My ear perks when I hear a noise.

I stop what I’m doing and turn around on the ladder.

In the back of her cell, it’s like a horror scene. Her legs and the floor are covered in blood and she’s got her head in toilet, violently puking.

“Shit! Lainey?” I jump off the ladder and run to her, slamming into the glass. “Lainey?” I slam my hand on the wall to get her to look at me.

She leans back and her arm drops to her side. Blood flows down it.

It’s then I see the scope of what’s going on. She rolls her head back and to face me. Her lips, cheeks and chin are covered in blood. “So hungry.” She chokes. Then leans her arms on the edge of the bowl and buries her head.

“Lainey, you ate yourself?” My face is full of confusion with concern.

She doesn’t look at me. Just nods slowly.

I lower my head and bite my lip. I look up the hall to the exit and back at Lainey.

I rub the back of my neck. “If I got you more blood, you promise you won’t try to escape?” I studied her as I spoke softly to her with a tone of concern.

She nods again, but doesn’t lift her head.

I push off the glass and back up a few steps. Once again, I look up the hall and back at her.

“Be right back.” I mumble and with a hop, I jog up the hallway to the exit.

As I reach the main hall for the Unit, I look at my watch. It’s almost lunch which means the labs should be free of people.

I head to the science unit and take the stairs two at a time.

I walk past Grahams biology lab. He’s not in there. I double back to the door. I look around and slip in.

Inside, are cages of white rats scrambling and trying to escape, lining one wall and shelves of biology stuff on the other.

On one of his metal tables, is the Lycan hybrid arm that Sawyer threw at us in the Caledon Sports complex. He must be studying it.

I look at the rats, but think how am I supposed to sneak that out.

I turn my head and at the back are bags of blood. He won’t miss one or two.

I go to his desk and open the top drawer. Searching it, I find keys. I palm them and go to the blood cabinet. I unlock it and open the door.

The small square bags are labeled human, shifter and lycan. I’m not sure what I should pick. My fingers float back and forth past the hanging bags.

Then I remembered, shifter blood makes them sleep. I grab two and shove them in the hem of my jeans under my shirt.

I pull the rest of the bags forward and lock everything back up.

Replacing the keys, I leave as stealthily as I came in and practically run down the stairs.

I go back to Lainey’s cell and she’s laying on the floor. My wolf picks up her soft cries.

I stop at the food drawer. “Here.”

She lifts up onto her hands and looks at me.

“They’re…um…cold…I hope it’s OK.” I say as I pull the bags from my pants and place them in the drawer. “Just…try not to make a mess…I kind of stole them.”

She gets up and walks to me. She pulls the drawer open and I get another look at her close up.

Her hair, although dishevelled and the ends are bloody, still make my hands ache to fist it and pull.

The sight of her soft cheek and jaw, make my mouth water.

Her scent is still stuck in my nose.

I watch her closely as her thin hand reaches into the drawer and pulls out the first bag.

She calls her fangs and tears off the IV connection with the sweetest growl I’ve ever heard.

She quickly puts the hole to her lips and sucks the bag back, tipping her head. My eyes watch her neck as she drinks. I feel my own growl start to brew, but I don’t have the same hunger.

She drops the empty bag and grabs the second one. She drinks that back and wipes her lips.

Her eyes glow green as she gets her strength back. I really hope I don’t regret this.

Pulling my side of the drawer open, I remove the bags and carefully tuck them into my pants again.

I check my shirt for blood, then my eyes meet hers. “Better?”

She holds herself and nods. “Thank you.” She mumbles.

“You’re welcome.” I mumble back and turn.


I stop and look over my shoulder.

She ticks the corner of her mouth up quickly. “Thanks…for being nice.” She turns and walks to her cot. She lays down on it and curls up. I can see she’s passing out.

I turn back and heave a breath.

Am I being nice? Am I doing this for something other than satisfying my overwhelming sexual urges? What am I doing?

I walk into my lab and pull the bags out of my pants. I look at them and consider. What would I be getting into?

I toss the bags into my trash and bury them into it.

I walk to my desk and turn on the three monitors.

Punching my keyboard, I bring up the prison feed and Graham’s lab.

I push some more keys.

‘Delete Yes/No?’

The question sits in front of my eyes. I hit Yes and any evidence of me helping Lainey is replaced with fill in feed.

I can bring her blood. What’s the harm in that? What I saw today isn’t how she should be treated regardless of who she is.

I know Zander is trying to get information, but having her starve to the point of that? No. No way. I won’t let that happen.

I switch back to the live feed and get lost in her. I hit a button and it zooms in a bit. Watching her sleep is mesmerizing. She’s so still. I start to imagine what it would feel like to climb in behind her and hold her in my arms.

“Knock, knock!”

I’m jostled out if my fantasy and quickly switch my screens.

Declan is at the door.

“Hey.” I smile. “What’s up?”

He leans on my door frame. “Nothing. Just wondering if you were going to present our findings to the council right now.” He smirks.

“Shit! Right…I need the pieces.” I stand and Declan holds out the bag.

I walk over and take it. “Thanks.” I tap his chest and book it to the council meeting


After explaining to the Alphas about the door, we all agree there’s a whole prison out there we have to find.

Zander called Fate and I wanted to grab her by the throat for my own selfish reasons.

One…why make my pack suffer the way she has and two…why throw fucked up feelings my way for a vampire?! This has got to be some sick and twisted entertainment for her because even she knows nothing can come of it.

I tried to concentrate on the meeting, but my lust for that tiny Omega infiltrates my chest and I get heated again. I’m taking deep, nonchalant breaths. Trying to not let anyone see what’s going on.

They know my pack is full of males, but they have no clue what that means or what we with suffer with everyday. They’re packs are all healthy and balanced. If I thought they could help, I’d let them in, but it’s best just to keep them out of it.

I do a fair job keeping my aggression in check. Except for right now, that is.

Zander tells me to search for the prison.

I’m confident that with Mateo’s piece, I can come up with a scanning program that can find the same energy level as the prison.

Confident, only if I can keep Lainey out of my head.

After the meeting, I swing by the prison for a last look before heading home.


Why am I so…whatever?!

There’s thousands of very eligible she wolves in this city, but here I am. Staring at a creature I can’t possibly consider getting with. It can’t happen. Not even as a hook up. I mean, they eat us for fuck sakes.

But deep down. In the dark, deranged pit of my gut, I want nothing more than to just rip her clothes off and pound the shit out of her until she's unconscious.

I turn and run my fingers through my hair. I rub my nape and heave a breath.

I’m a sick bastard.

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