Lust Of The Alpha Phoenix Mountain Series Book 7

Chapter 32


With the moon up high, we all stood in the night air.

I had Lainey in front of me with my arms wrapped around her.

We watched history in the making.

Once word got out that I was building a town for the hive, I got a knock on my office door.

A bunch of my pack came in with a list.

They handed it to me and I read it.

“Are you serious?” I looked at Raiden. Their apparent representative.

He nods. “Dead serious. As long as there’s no problems, we all agree until their houses are built. I’m sure living in the Unit is hell for them. From what you told us, they’ve been through enough.” He crosses his thick arms and the look on his face left no question in my mind.

“And these are all volunteers?” I ask as I scan the list.

Again, he nods. “Yep. All have nice dark basements and will supply all the food they need. They all also agree to be held responsible should anything happen.”

“I…I really don’t know what to say…Thank you.” I look up at him.

“Anything for the new Luna and the Alpha son. She helped us, it’s the least we can do.” He smiles.

I thought we would have to ease slowly into this. I apparently didn’t give my pack enough credit. We all may be just Alpha and Betas with high emotions, but they really do have your back whenever you need it.

“Ok. I’ll go get them tonight.” I smile.

“Great. Let us know when we go after that Gia bitch. I want a piece of her ass for almost killing our pup.” He growls.

I chuckle. “As soon as I know, you’ll know.”

He nods and walks out with the rest of the Alpha males.

I guess my son isn’t mine anymore I laugh to myself.

So now we stand with Lainey’s hive as her sisters are lead off to houses they can live in while theirs get built.

I kiss the side of Lainey’s head as she smiles.

“I wanted to bring more females to my pack. I had no idea they would be vampires.” I chuckle.

“From what I seen so far of this pack, vampire women are what they need. No woman tougher than an empowered female vampire.” Lainey says as she hugs my arms.

“Don’t I know it.” I kiss her neck.

She stops a woman and pulls her to us.

“I think it’s time you two met since you’ll be living with us.” She looks at the woman and back at me.

“Hunter…This is Willow. My sister.” She places Willows hand in mine. I’ve met her several times, but I had no idea she was Lainey actual sister.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” I ask Lainey.

“I wasn’t sure how we were going to go. I definitely didn’t know how the people around us would react. I wanted to keep Willow out of it, until I knew it was safe.” Lainey explains.

I look at Willow and smile. “Well, your more than safe here. Welcome home.” I pull her to me and give her a hug.

Willow chuckles as she hugs me back. “You’re right, Lain. He is nice to cuddle.”

“Alright.” Lainey pulls her off me. “That’s enough of that.” She lightly hisses.

Willow places a hand on her hip. “Relax, Lainey. I know he’s yours.” She smirks. “Looking around, I don’t think I’ll have a problem finding something to cuddle during the day.” She bounces her brow.

Lainey slap her arm. “You’re atrocious!” She laughs. Willow does too.

I rub my neck and chuckle. “I’m nice to cuddle, am I?”

“Don’t get a big head.” She points to me.

I cup her cheeks. “So are you.” I kiss her on her lips. “Let’s get Willow settled.”

After everyone found where they needed to be, we went to bed ourselves.

I laid in bed with my hand on Adam.

“I wish I could feel him like you do.” I whisper in her ear.

“He feels you. He feels your love. He can’t wait to meet you.” She whispers back.

“He better wait.” I chuckle. “I want him nice and strong.”

She chuckles back. “Don’t worry, Alpha. He won’t come before it’s time.”

I sit up and kiss her belly. “You will not know anything but love from me. I promise you that.” I mumble on her belly as Lainey ran her fingers through my hair.

“He heard you.” She smiles.

I smile and plant another kiss on her soft stomach.

Coming back up, I run my hand up Lainey’s naked body and up into her hair. “You will never know anything but love either.” I whisper on her lips before kissing her and rolling myself on top of her.

We made passionate love several times before passing out from exhaustion. I could make love to Lainey forever. I will never get enough.

My Luna and my son will forever be my most proudest moments.

I was in a very dark place when I started this. My mind was weak. Control was never in my possession. Lainey fixed that.

Destiny is strange. The path created is always the most complicated and messy way to get to where you need to be, but it’s almost like we have to do it this way in order to understand why we end up where we are.

If Lainey hadn’t lust locked me, I wouldn’t have lost my mind and drawn attention to the problems I had been hiding for years.

I understand now, that hiding something major from these guys, my friends, was a dumb idea. I know hind sight is 20/20, but if in the future, anything like this ever comes up, my friends will be the first to know.

The Alphas will always be there for us even if they don’t like what’s happening in the beginning. In the end, I trust them with my life. I trust them with my family’s life. We’re really not just a council. We’re brothers. Solid brothers. They’re my family too and I couldn’t be more proud that my son will have them with him for his life here.

As I lay with Lainey sleeping in my arms, I think of what we have to face.

The vision of the war and Eternity had been gnawing at my brain for a while now. I hug Lainey a little tighter as the thoughts of her dying during Gias first attack swirl in my mind. When the actual war comes, I will fight like hell to make sure that never happens again.

I think of the couple stuck on the mountain. I wondered who they were. How it fits. Why is Eternity so pissed? Is the prison down there? What does it all mean?

I can only pray right now, that we are doing the right thing. It feels right. We all know what will happen if we don’t. Eventually, I feel like Zander will give in at some point. I had this thought a few weeks back. What if he does decide to join his father? Could he actually do it? Could we save him after? I wonder what it would take to make a Zeta change his mind.

All my questions do is make me feel like I need to make sure that never happens. I’ll keep a close eye on him and if it looks like he’s heading in that direction, me and the guys will do what we do best…

Shut him down.




Incredible skin…Full pouty lips…

Licking her all over...She tastes so fucking good as I make her come all over me. Her golden tanned leg on my shoulder. I’m claiming her as she moans my name.

The feel of her nails in my back as my dick explodes inside her.

She grabs my hair and pulls me to her lips. “Do it again.” Her face is full of hot desire.

I jolt awake. I’m fucking soaked in sweat as I catch my breath. I look out my window. It’s still night.

I scrub a hand down my face and back up into my bedhead.

I blow out a breath from one of several hot dreams I’ve been having lately.

I feel the weight in my bed shift as Desi rolls over and wraps an arm around me.

“Brody Bear? You ok?” She’s still half asleep and has the sexist sleep voice.

I collect myself and plant a kiss into her silky blonde hair. “Yeah, baby. I’m cool.”

“You don’t feel cool. You’re burning up. Do you want me to get you some water?” She sits up slightly.

“You know. That would be awesome.” I give her a smile.

“Be right back.” She bounces out of bed and throws on her tiny pink silk robe.

Once she’s gone, I slam my palms into my eyes and rub them.

Sweet Jesus. I swear they’re getting worse by the day.

Every time I see her, my heart wants to pound out of my chest.

What the fuck am I doing?

I need to get out of here for a awhile.

I get out of bed. I pull on some tracks and throw on a cut off tshirt.

Desi comes in with a glass. “Where are you going?” She has this big doe eyed look on her face.

“I just need a run.” I walk over and take the glass from her and pound it back. I hand it back to her. “I won’t be long.”

“Great, I’ll come with.” She chirps.

I hold my hand up. “No. Desi. I just want to alone Ok?”

She turns on her sad puppy face. “We always run together.”

I walk over and cup her cheeks. “I know. We can run in the morning. Just, right now, I want to run alone, ok?”

“Ok.” She mumbles.

“Go back to sleep.” I kiss her forehead and leave.

After leaving the condo building, I stick my hands in my pockets. My mind turning that dream over and over in my mind.

The fact that Desi’s not here also has me questioning things. We’ve been glued to each other since we met, but lately it’s like I can’t breathe. We always ran together. Now, I don’t? I don’t get it. I’m totally in love, but now…I don’t know.

After my run, I ended up downtown. I’m still riled and want a beer.

Earlier tonight we celebrated Hunters mating. I had no idea she’d be there so I left early.

I walk into the pub and sit down a bar stool. The bars only about half full since it’s about an hour before closing. Slumping on the bar, I order my beer. Once the bartender puts it in front of me I take a big swig. I hang my head in deep thought.

“What’s wrong, muscles?”

I raise my head and turn.

I suck in a breath. “Nothing.” I mumble.

My eyes take in everything. Her long sexy legs in her tight blue jeans. Her delicious stomach showing. The way her tiny shirt hugs those amazing beasts.

Her full, pink lips smirk at me while she holds a pool cue in her hand. I watch her long, lickable neck as she pounds back a shot of whiskey.

She flings her golden brown hair over her shoulder as she bends her ass over for her next shot. My mouth is completely watering right now.

“Doesn’t look like nothing. What happened? Trouble with the other half?” She takes her shot and turn her head to me. Her hazel brown eyes lock with mine and it almost hurts how gorgeous they are.

I get up off my bar stool and walk over to the table. I lean on it while she lines up again. “No, just needed a beer.”

She stands up. “Oh, because you ran out of here pretty quick. I thought you heard your mother calling you.” She bounces her brow.

I narrow my eyes. “Haha. Very funny.”

She shrugs. “I thought so. So, you going to take me up on my offer or what, stud?”

“What? No.” I scowl.

She drops her cue on the table and walks close to me. Her scent is fucking amazing. “Ok, but you know, you’re missing out big time.” I watch as she flicks my cut off with her fingers. She leans to me. “I know you want to. Just need to say when.” She dangerously close to me. I feel the sweat build and I lick my lips.

“No.” I whisper back.

She steps back. “Fine. You’re loss.”

“Hey, Lucy. We gotta go. Alexi is feeling really good…I mean really good.” I turn and Luke is adjusting himself as he walks to us. “Oh hey, Brody.”

“Gross.” Lucy rolls her eyes and Luke points to her with a scowl on his face.

“Uh…hi…” I give a little wave.

“My sister's not bothering you is she?” He motions to Lucy.

I shake my head. “No…no…just talking…”

“Cool.” He turns to Lucy. “You ready?”

Lucy’s eyes meet mine. I see her bite her lower lip a little. “Always.” She says as her eyes practically undress me. “Bye, muscles.”

She pushes herself off the pool table and walks out with Luke and Alexi.

I blow out a breath.

Looking at the door, I can only think one thing.

I’m a dead man.


Thank you all for reading. As always, I thank you for sticking with my Alphas this far. It’s never possible without you.

The Phoenix Mountain Series continues with Book 8

The Alphas All Stars.

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