Lust Of The Alpha Phoenix Mountain Series Book 7

Chapter 21


“Hunter. Who is it?” I grind under my breath.

“It’s Ash. If he sees you in here, he’ll lose it.” He says as he throws on some track pants.

“HUNTER! YOUR FRONT DOOR WAS OPEN!” Ash yells from the next room.

Hunter slams his head. “Fuck.”

I guess in our heated excitement, he forgot to shut the door.

He hops to the door, getting his foot into his pants. “Just sit tight and be quiet.” He places a finger to his lips.

I press my lips together and nod.

He slips out and closes the door.

I sit in bed and pull my legs up. I cross my arms on my knees and lower my head.

Concentrating, I train my ear.

My hearing extends to beyond the door to the living room on the other side.

“Hey. What's up? Wha…what are you doing here?” Hunter says.

I can hear his heart beat. Slow it down, Hunt.

“I just came to see how you were doing. I know you’ve been working with the vamps and I’m just you know…checking in.” Ash says.

“You’re checking to see if I’m sleeping with Lainey.” Hunter says.

“No…no…that’s not…” Ash seems like he’s grasping for words.

“Don’t lie to me, Ash.” Hunter says.

I shake my head. Shifter emotions get them every time.

“Ok. Maybe…I still worry.” Ash says.

“Well, you don’t have to, Ok. I’ll see you later.” Hunter says. I hear footsteps.

“Wait…is Lainey here?”

“What? No.”

“Why do I smell her then?” Ash questions.

Shit. I grab for my bag and grab my scent blocker. I spray it like mad.

I listen again.

“She was. She left a little while ago.” Hunt supplies.


“Honestly, Ash. I’m not blowing up the world, ok. Relax.” Hunt says.

“Just looking out.” Ash mumbles.

“Ok. Thanks. See you at work.”

I hear the door close and Hunter comes into the room.

He blows out a breath.

I smile. “That good, huh?”

He smiles back. “It was close, but not close enough to turn me off.” He walks up to the bed, dropping his pants. “Come here.” He growls as he jumps on me, making me laugh as he bites at my neck.


I’m woken by soft kisses on my neck.

I open my eye and smile.

“Goodnight.” He grins.

I lift my head and stretch. “Mmm…goodnight. What are you doing up?” I say with a sleepy voice. My eye finds the moon in the window.

“Can’t sleep. Now, I could just make you scream and beg for mercy some more.” He kisses my cheek. “Or we could do something fun.”

I arch a brow. “Like what?”

He smiles.


Through the speed of my vamp run, I see Hunters black wolf huffing and panting through the trees.

I smile at him and jump to a trunk. I climb the tree and jump across the branches.

Hunter looks up and barks.

“You have to catch me!” I yell through a laugh.

He growls and digs in.

I watch as he tries to follow me in the trunks. Weaving and dodging through the brush.

I grab and branch and launch off to the ground.

My feet hit the ground and I run up to him, matching his speed.

I look at him. “Let’s see how you do in a foot race.”

I pick up speed and so does Hunter.

We hit the desert and sprint in the open sand. Our bodies leaving dust clouds behind us.

I hear Hunter huff out breathes every time his paws hit the ground and dig in to go faster.

I’m ahead of him and I look back and smile.

I turn my head and I see a rising dust cloud on the horizon in the dark night. It’s coming this way.

I focus my eyes as it gets closer. My eyes go wide. I skid to a stop. Hunter runs by me.

“HUNTER! STOP!” I yell.

He skids to a stop and looks as the cloud of sand almost hits him.

I speed in front of him and collide with the solid mass of muscle and speed. I go flying into the sand and roll.

I whip my head up and hiss with anger on my face. “Kincade.” I growl.

Hunters wolf takes an attack stance as he faces the large Vampire.

Kincade. Gias muscle for keeping us in line. He’s also her son. Her real son. 500 years old and as evil as they come for these last few centuries.

He stands with his dark green eyes glowing as his short black hair flips in the desert wind. His black vessel flips, showing his muscles. He’s not shifter thick, but compared to us, he’s big.

He hooks the pockets of his black jeans with his thumbs.

“Lainey. We need to talk.” He booms.

I stand. “I don’t think so.”

“You’re breaking rules, Lain. Gia doesn’t like it.” He yells to me.

“Who cares what that bitch thinks.” I bark through clenched fangs.

I speed up to hunter. “Leave now or I’ll kill you.”

He breaks out into hysterics. “You can’t kill me.” He grins. “You’re an Omega.”

“Not anymore.” I tilt my head.

Hunter shifts. “And I’ll help her.”

He looks between the two of us. “What’s this? Lainey, are you slumming with a dog? Really?” He laughs.

“Shut your fucking mouth.” Hunter growls.

“Last warning, Kincade.” I stick my chin out.

“No, Lainey. This is your last warning. Stop killing your people and I might let you go in a dozen or so hundred years.” He smirks.

“Not a chance.” Hunter sneers.

“The day a piece of shit dog tells me what to do, is the day I rip his throat out.” Kincade grits.

“You can try.” Hunter squares into a challenge.

Kincade breaks into a vamp run and Hunter uppercuts him right out of it. He hits the sand with a big wave behind his body.

“Is that all you got?” Hunter yells.

Kincade glares and runs.

I match his speed and grab his waist, plant my feet and throw him.

I run to him, grab his shoulders and rip a chunk out of his neck with my fangs. Because he’s first level, he heals quick.

He growls and grabs at me. I grab his lapels and pull him into a roll.

I kick him in the chest and he, again, flies through the air.

I roll to my hands and toes in the sand. Anger plastered on my face. Hunters wolf runs up and shifts. “Need a break?” He smirks.

I look at him and he holds his hand out. The corner of my lip turns up and I slap his hand.

Hunter walks to Kincade. “My turn.” He cracks his neck.

With an Alpha growl he shifts.

His wolf clashes with Kincade. He’s holding Hunter back as Hunter snaps and drools.

Hunter hits him in the face with a paw and shoves him off.

They clash again, but Kincade grabs Hunter around the ribs and squeezes.

Hunter bites his leg. The separate and Hunter limps away.

I run to him and lean to his ear. “He’s mine.” I tap his head and run to Kincade.

I jump at him and wrap my legs around his neck. I dig my nails into his face and pull back. He grabs my arms and tosses me forwards. I land on my back. Now, I’m really pissed.

I plant my hands and launch into the air, upside down, flip and land on my feet. I twist around and flash my fangs.

Kincade does the same. We clash in a bout of punches and claws.

I dig a chunk out of his face and he punches my jaw.

“You can’t beat me, Omega.” He hisses.

Hunter runs up and grabs his arms. “No, but I can.” He snarls and smashes his head into Kincade nose.

Hunter lands punch after punch. Kincade stumbles back. He grabs Hunters fist and twists it back. Hunter falls in pain.

“Hunter!” I yell. I run and try to set him free, but Kincade back hands me and I’m sent flying off to the side.

I sit up, rubbing my face. Hunter is in agony as Kincade twist his wrist more.

He calls his nails. “Let’s’s put the filth out of its misery.” He growls.

Just as he was going to bring his hand down on Hunters face, a man appeared and grabbed Kincade by the neck.

He glares into Kincades eye. “No. He’s mine.”

Kincade scowls. “Eternity.”

“Hey, Kincade.” Eternity lifts him up and throws him several feet away.

He turns to Hunter. “Hey. I hear you have a key to my prison. I want it.”

Hunter squint at him. “Fuck off, man. How many times do we have to beat your ass.”

I run at Eternity and jump on his back. I sink my fangs into his shoulder and my nails into his chest.

“Fuck!” He growls. He grabs my hair and tries to pull me off. He blinks out.

He blinks in behind Hunter.

Hunter stands up and backs off holding his wrist.

“Damn vamps. You’re worse than cats! “ Eternity scowls.

“I’m not giving you a damn thing, Eternity.” Hunter growls.

“I’m not asking…” He just gets the last word out, Kincade hits him from the side. Eternity is sent skidding across the sand.

He stands up. “That was sneaky Kincade.”

“This is my fight, Eternity. Not yours.” Kincade hisses.

Eternity brushes himself off. “Oh, it’s very much my fight. No matter what your mother thinks.”

“You can have the mutt. The Omegas mine.” Kincade balls his fists.

Eternity ticks his head. “Fair enough.” He blinks out and blinks in with Hunters throat in his hand. “Where is the piece!” He yells at Hunter.

“Fuck you!” Hunter growls.

He throws Hunter and I lunge at him. He grabs my arm and throws my into Kincade and we both go rolling across the sand.

We separate and I start swinging at Kincade, landing punches and kicks.

Hunter rushes Eternity and grabs him by the waist. He calls his canines and sinks them into Eternity’s side.

Eternity screams and grabs Hunter by the waist bringing his knee into his stomach.

Hunter lands on his back, coughing.

Eternity tries to stomp on him, but he moves and Hunter bites his leg.

“FUCKER!” Eternity growls.

He picks up Hunter and throws him.

I’m biting into Kincade’s arm and he punches me. Sending me into the ground. I look up and my pain filled eyes spy a dust cloud coming in fast.

I look at Kincade. “You better run.” He looks around and coming in like a speeding train, are all my sisters. I called them through my link.

They’re also mixed with wolves.

Kincade stands his ground as the army of women descend on him. They all hiss and bare fangs as they jump him.

He swings like mad. Biting furiously as my sisters surround him. They fight with all the anger they have for him.

The wolves come in and head straight for Eternity and Hunter.

They pile him while Hunter gets out of the way. He’s bleeding bad.

I run to him and pull him more out of the way. I hold his head in my lap while he hold his bleeding chest.

We watch as Eternity fights his way out and tries to get the upper hand. When it’s clear he’s outnumbered he disappears.

Kincade is suffocated in angry female vamps. They rip, tear and shred. I’m not sure if it’s because of the fear he causes or the fact that he’s a male. Either way, they are unleashing their revenge on him and he’s dying for it.

The wolves all shift. It’s all the Alphas with Zander in front.

“Hey! He’s dead!” One woman shouts. This stops all my sister.

Hunters in severe pain and I pet his head. He looks up as they look down at us.

“Nice timing.” He pants and winces.

Zander looks at me than Lainey. “We need to talk.” He crosses his arms and his face did not look amused.

Hunter looks at him and then me. I bite my cheek and rub my hand down his cheek.

Hunter looks back and hangs his head.

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