Lust for Power

Chapter XV Graduation

It was my turn to walk on the stage, Terrence was smiling at me, I was wearing my red toga, it was graduation, I was finally getting my diploma Daddy’s looking so proud of me, I’ve never seen him so happy in my life. I graduated a valedictorian. It all happened so fast, I Dealtwell High had not been the best school for me, but I have learned more than I ever could, and met people I never thought I’d know, never thought I’d love...

Though I still remember that day so clearly though, Aries was not a magician, he was a monster, but he was kind monster that I really liked, he was cute monster. It’s just that, that day, that Roon guy, he was asking for it, but, I never thought Aries could be so violent, and have those... powers.

He disappeared in front of our eyes with shadows moving around him, he reappeared a second later with one of our wooden chairs and smashed it on the back of Roon’s head, Roon was a strong guy tho, He was down on his knees but Aer, the shadows got even more darker and kept swirling around him, and it almost seemed like Roney couldn’t see him, although everyone else could see him, Roney was just flailing around while Aries kicked and punched away with so much aggression, He beat Roon completely, nobody dared to interfere, Terrence was at awe, like everyone else. I was just scared of what was happening. Especially at one point when Aries held onto Roon’s head, and whispered something in his ear while Roon couldn’t see him from his shadow magic, Roon when stiff, and flung downwards with his back on the ground, had the look of absolute terror on his face, It almost looked like shadows were holding him down. Then Aries had the most vicious look when he started to pick up a large rock, from the small garden on the side, Roon could already see him at that point, when Aer probably decided to show himself, not only Roon was petrified at this point...

“Whaddya think now boi?! Who’s the tough guy now boi!! Cummon, lemme hear ya beg!” Aer goaded, Roon was in was absolute terror, knowing there wasn’t anything he could do, he couldn’t move, he was down on ground and menace holding a rock big enough to smash one’s face with was standing over him. “Are please, please don’t!! Don’t! No” Roon, was whimpering, and pleading for Aries to stop. “Yeah? You didn’t stop back when I politely asked you to back then, when you sent brooms and shoes flying my way ei? Among many other things, but relax, I won’t kill you..” Aries was having a great time, he had a demonic grin on his face, everyone just stared on, some brave guys tried to stop it, but whenever someone got close enough the shadows swirling around Aer would make a face that shrieked at them with a horribly chilling sound, some students were already running away. Teachers already started showing up with absolute shock on their faces “’re life’s not worth taking.. heh, however, you know that slum girl you were mocking, maybe it would be quite a humbling lesson if you were in her dad’s shoes, let me help you with that..” I didn’t know whether I should feel glad that he was sticking out for me, but it was.. Too much, he smashed Roney’s knees with rock he was holding with both hands, then he smashed the other as well, repeatedly until you could actually see how crushed and dislocated they were even under school pants, Roon’s legs went limp as he screamed and shrieked in pain. Aer, dropped the rock looking exhausted yet satisfied, The shadows were still holding Roon, while more were swirling around Aer himself down. “Aries!! Please stop!! Please” I begged, tears were on my eyes. Terrence was still in pure shock, just staring with wide eyes. For a moment the look on his face was sudden panic and then shame, when he looked my way. The shadows stopped swirling, and they let Roon go although Aer still had a dark aura. Roney already passed out from the pain, the teachers and other staff started to rush in, to try and restrain Aries, for an instant he turned to Ter, and then to me, with the saddest guilt ridden look I have ever seen in my life, looked down and then just before one brave teacher almost got a hold of him, he vanished. Just like when the fight started he vanished, and he never showed his face again...

It was graduation, I tried hard enough not to think too much about the incident just last month, I had tears in my eyes, and I wasn’t sure why anymore, I wanted to talk to Aries before leaving this school behind, I just wanted to talk about why it had to end this way.

Soon the applause and the loud ceremony remarks, and the music drowned everything away, and Terrence actually graduated along with me, he is a loving guy himself, but surely he’s just guilty about what happened and is trying to comfort me, maybe Aries wanted him to. No, Ter, doesn’t have to. He doesn’t have to love me for Aer’s mistakes, but I love Ter, I just didn’t think things would turn out like this.

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