Lust for Power

Chapter XII Last Game

Exhaustion was all that Aer felt when he got back Outside, the teacher’s discussion had only progressed slightly and was now about her neighbor’s attitude problem, and no longer of her son’s. It was as if all the while Inside, had been nothing more than a vivid dream, that he had felt and enjoyed, he knew it would be a long day. Especially that Roon started with his mischief once again, by way of throwing a tightly crumpled sheet of paper aimed to the side of Aer’s head, naturally, no one else noticed, or pretended not to, Mrs. Storytime on the other hand couldn’t even notice a few students sneaking out, or was just plain indifferent. “What the hell’s your problem Roon?” “Oh, so now you grew a pair, huh Aer? Is that what you got from bein’ creepier than you normally was?” Aer, just sneered, making some indifferent noises. “Get a life Roney. You don’t wanna mess with me no more.” Roney, unaccustomed to being brushed off, had a look on his face which said he was itching just to teach Aries a lesson. Nobody else was paying attention to the underlying tension in the classroom, someone may have, though was excited enough to see some action and just kept shut. Such are the ways of Dealtwell High.

“Heheh, Aer, you’re lucky we’re in a class—” “I could say the same for you Roon, you might just wanna shut up for awhile, save that for later” Aer was overflowing with confidence, a confidence he had never shown before, that which could’ve unsettled Roon were he a subtle sort.

“What in the actual hell is your problem man? You wanna get us suspended?” Ter asked in a whisper. “Heheh, Ter, it’s almost like you know what I plan to do” “That amulet’s gone way too far in your head man.” “Chill, Ter, I ain’t gonn do nuth’n, ’ight, besides, even if I did, s’not like yer gonna take any heat for what the hell ever I do.” Ter’s face produced a rare expression of concern, mostly for what may happen, or because he understands that he is incapable of prevent anything from happening .

The bell rang. Ter hastily lead Aer out of the room. Rooney on the other hand just had a smug look on his face, and didn’t bother to go after them. “Ter, it’s fine, man. You havent seen what I can do yet, I know I’m better than that time I got mugged, so just chill yo.” Ter took his words indifferently, even if in a way he knew Aer could manage it fine, he was still a little uneasy, like he understood something big would go down.

“Hi, you guys” Senna greeted casually along the hallway. She wasn’t with anyone. “Oh hey Senna, what’s up? We’re just gonna have lunch here at the back canteen...” Aer was cut off “Can I eat with you guys?” She had a smile on that made it almost impossible for the two to decline, it wasn’t like they had any legitimate reasons not to let her anyway. They had a quick side glance at each other before Aer said “Aheh, well yeah Sen, I mean, you’re sure thats ok with you? I mean...” Then as if she had read their minds, she said “Nah, my friends over there wont mind” Smile. Aer understood though, that directly, that wasn’t the problem, people would start getting suspicious, and might learn how to put handles on them, still...

“Oh, so you bring your lunch too huh?” The three of them were now stationed at a table at the back canteen. “Huh, what do you mean Aer? Only the rich kids buy lunch here in school, do I even look like a rich kid to you?” Sen asked with a playful tone. Ter was a little quiet, maybe due the tension that had transpired earlier in the classroom, Aer on the other hand, was calm and almost seemed to be happy, though Ter knew that Aer being jolly was not a good sign, he understood that it meant Aer had destruction in mind. A grim man, this Aries, or so Terrence thought, because it meant it was only natural that he would be in a bright mood since he was going to indulge in his pleasures, in this case of course, the pain of his enemies. But when was this going to happen? Either way, they ate lunch in peace.

Meanwhile someone from the sidelines were watching them with malice before making himself felt. “Why, if it isn’t my favourite pal, Aries, and his wife Terrence, but oh you cheatin’ boy! Whose this chick?” Roon announced, obviously trying agitate Aer. “Watch it Roon, If Aer kicks yer ass, no one gon save ya boi.” Ter warned from the side.

It was a circular stone table with all their food on plastic containers, a few people from within classrooms looked out of the window to see what was going on. Some girls on the nearest table moved away. Senna from the side was looking at Roney who was just an arm’s length from Aer who was right beside her, with an irate look, thinking how nice of a lunch break it would have been if this jerk didn’t show up. Aries, was grinning with malice. “Roney, Roney, Roon, tsk tsk tsk, I happen to enjoy eating lunch without the smell of “dumbass” in the air, now kindly get the hell over anywhere outta sight, I mean common, aren’t you ashamed of Senna over here?” Aries said smugly. “Senna, huh? Damn girl, now I know your poor and all, but you just wanna make things worse hanging out with creeps and losers like this bunch, hahah, well, what would anyone expect, from a cheap slum girl like you” Roon said to Senna, who muttered something around the lines of “excuse me?“, Aer slowly put down his spoon and fork, swallowed his food, drank water, and calmly stood up, staring dead at Roney, who still continued to speak. “Infact girl, I think you’d be better sucking my—”

Bam! A fist landed square of Roon’s face, it was quick left jab Aer threw, that knocked him three steps back with the look of utter surprise, then a angry smile took over. Aer just looked on with slightly furrowed brows and a blank stare. “Tch! Hahah! wow, my, my, tough guy! Hahah, cummon, creep! that all ya got creep?!” Roon exclaimed, he was hyped, moved forward to charge Aer, for a second there was a dark aura that formed around Aries, barely visible to unperceptive eyes, Ter and Senna were already standing at this point, while alot of students were already slowly closing in to get a better view of the action, but on the instant Roon’s huge fist was about to hit Aer’s face, before you could blink he vanished without a trace.

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