Lust for Power

Chapter VI Creep

“Huh, wow, that amulet sure is badass huh?” “Yea, I swear, I just walked in man, she didn’t see anything, she didn’t see the blood, I just had to make shit up, didn’t think it’d even work, but it did anyway, had to wash my damn clothes after she went to bed thou, where I cast another spell, as so she wud’nt wake from noise, and another for the blood to be less stubborn bout coming off” Terrence thought it was all very amazing. And disturbing, he asked “Ya felt bad for your mom?” Aer was blindsided “Well, you know Ter, there are things that unnh, guys like us just gotta do. Besides, what you don’t know won’t hurt you, right? I wouldn’t wanna hurt mom, so yea, told her I just did sum stuff, school, n stuff with a friend, she halfway bought it, she didn’t make a fuss, she was just glad I was home...” Aer did speak his truth in that statement. He did feel guilt, of continuous lying to his mother about everything, but his mom, didn’t seem to mind, she bought his lies all the time, she loved her only son very much, she smothered him with care and affection, and always thanked all her stars for having such a sweet child like Aries, which constantly nagged at his conscience, but would he have the heart to break her illusions. He believed life was short, and that everyone deserved one way or another to be happy. He would let his mother keep her illusions forever if he could, he just knew one day, they would all have to go, and what then? But those would be on a day yet far far away. He believed in the present, that all else did not matter.

A recess later, they all scattered about like how it always went. Senna peaked Terrence’ curiosity. “She hot? This Senna.” “Damn straight, tho not exactly like our Bettys or Fayes or Tinas or the usual, probably more like our Maes, our Shaynes and so on, natural, and not your rich type” They had a certain standard, most males understood, they after all were high school boys, Terrence liked the rich class more than not, he liked their sauciness, their elegance, their princess-like manner, it was all very enchanting to Ter, not to Aer though the rawness, the tactlessness, the irresponsibility and naivety of the promiscuous girls, were the stuff that elated him. But on the contrary, his ideal girl was just a humble, simple girl who could accept him for what he was, who could appreciate the little things in life, the little things Aries could do for a girl, a girl he had never yet met or known, or had the chance to. Then Senna came, he thought she was the girl he had always been hoping to meet, but its impossible for a girl his side of the world to accept someone as controversial and unpredictable as Aries.

He knew it was also recess for their counter batch mates; it would probably be a moment of truth for him if he talked to her in front of everyone who knew him. Where she’d jump is the determining factor.

Aer and Ter shambled by the hallway leading to their A-class batch, sure enough, there she was, already talking with a few friends in the classroom. The set-up seemed very similar, scattered students everywhere, the difference was the aura, the students here were mostly talking about your standard high school student concerns, or this love-life all the girls seemed to always be so crazy about, and what not, it was a female-dominant class the sex ratio was the counterpart of Aries’ class, the B-class. Where the students talked more streetwise and seemed to procrastinate constantly, and had the air of potential crime. There was no such air in this A-section. Senna spotted Aer with a guy who could have been his brother. Standing almost pointlessly by the outside of the doorway chatting with him, both had eyes that seemed to survey the surroundings constantly. Aer noticed Senna looking, he smiled at her, she smiled back her winning smile. Then she seemed to be asking permission from her would-be-friends that she was going to talk to the weird guy by the doorway. The other girls didn’t seem to mind, but their expressions gave them away when they saw who Senna went to meet.

“Hey, so what’s up? You seem to be getting along well with them.” Aer said. “Yeah, but it’s kinda weird, they’re kind of uhn, I dunno” then she smiled meekly. She noticed Aer’s friend who seemed to be studying her intently but pretended indifference, Aer noticed “Oh by the way, this’ a good friend of mine, we just call him Terr, for Terrence” to Ter “Terr, this is Senna, girl I told you about earlier” They said their “hi’s” Senna looking as sweet as ever. But there seemed to be a question behind her eyes. Aer noticed, didn’t ask, the three small talked awhile, by the hallway, not much concerned of the eyes and ears tracking and tuning on to them.

Just before the break was over. “Yea, haha, don’t you ever trust this guy, he’s evil I tell ya’” warned Ter. “Hehe, nah he’s ok, I think he just looks that way” Observed Senna who kept on melting hearts just being who she was.

The show was over for the gossip girls, class was due in a couple minutes. On the way back to their room Ter was very animated in happily expressing his opinions about Aer’s manhood and supposed state of impotency.

Aer kept his silence, staring into the pavement with a weak hollow humor as Ter carried on. He knew what Ter meant, he felt no cause to opine, there was an underlying exhaustion that kept him from attaining the maximum potential of the emotions he would have felt in those moments.

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