Lust for Power

Chapter IV Blood Price

It was high noon, somewhere at the outskirts of St. Magdalene, on an semi-undeveloped area of the land, there was substantial amount of trash and some ruins of a demolished building or such, however among the ruins one could have a fair view of the forest that lay across a thin shallow river that separated the city lands from the more rural areas.

The day was bright; a spry old man roamed around the concrete ruins, a teenage boy observing the scattered trash within the vicinity. The area however had green grass and a few trees that gave the impression it would be the in-between of development. “You know, boy, they keep expanding like this, there ain’t gonna be much left of nature, and they don’t even bother to keep the city in top shape anyway, makes me sick.” Said the old man, while looking around from under the shade of a young tree. “Funny, I didn’t think you were the type who’d care, but yea, man, wasn’t always like this back in your days, huh?” Said the youth from beneath the shade of an untoppled wall. The old man chuckled at the question. “Ol’ timers always say that, huh, yea, I guess it was a little different, though not much, today, they just chop down trees way faster...” “And throw more shit around in less time as well, hehe...” They passed time that way. Till the old man said “You should know Aries, that this power I got here, I got it way too fast, it takes its toll, on your soul, but I thought it was worth it that time, I was young, and you know how it goes, we all want it fast. Saw it took way too long for a man to learn little tricks, and with this I could do things yer good ol’ magic men couldn’t. Made me feel like ama sorcerer or sumthin. But...” Mansell trailed off lost in thought. Aries concluded “You reget...” “yeah...” The old man checked the amulet every few minutes, Mansell continued “I know what cha’ want kid, I know you’re type--” “Coz I remind you of when you was my age?” “Haha, close, but not quite, I just know them kids, gots lotsa hate in their hearts, and like they don’t even have a reason, but you’re intense, you out to prove something, I just know” Aer said nothing and simply looked away to the reddening sky with such a serene gaze as if the moment was held for him. A minute later “Aries, come here I want to show you something”...

Back in reality, Aer realized a man, was already a step behind him, and in seconds a short knife was by his throat. “Just drop yer stuff infron’ya” “Ain’t got cash man, I’d be walkin if I did?” “Sunovabitch, you so tough, huh?” Stick-up pricked Aer’s neck a bit, to show he was serious. Stick-up was holding Aer by the collar with his left from behind, and the knife to Aer’s neck with his right. They were on a street, actually with some light, it was on a route Aer usually took. Aer got pissed off, elbowed Stick-up’s gut with his left and quickly followed a swing with his right as he turned to face the man, he connected his attacks, Stick-up staggered just after he slid cold steel into Aries’ gut, which Aer did not quite feel yet. The man got angry himself, they both slugged it out a couple times, before Aer felt a short blade once again enter his side, he quickly held the hand with the knife, made fluid movements with his other hand, the knife was now on said hand, he made figure-eight slashes, and gave the stick-up man several light cuts. The man stared stunned. Aer hissed “Thats right muthafucka” and stabbed him in the gut before he was done talking. Stick-up made a sort of quick squeak then in panic Stick-up gave Aer a good punch in the face causing Aer to sprawl face down in the dirt, though he propped himself up some with the knife and made a hissing-growl accompanied by a murderous glare at Stick-up. Aries could have sworn the man shivered then backed off before he went to run off holding his gut.

Aries kept the glare till the man was out of sight, then after, started coughing up blood and kind of staggered then crawled on the pavement trailing red stains from holes on his gut and at his side. “Talk about karma” Aer muttered to himself as he crawled up to an alley where he could get to a sitting position and hide from view by anyone around the main road which didn’t seem necessary, it was always quiet by that road, tonight was no different, no one was around, till he noticed a homeless old man, just five feet away around the alley corner where he sat, apparently wakened by the hoorah they caused earlier. “You ok, son?” The man honestly looked concerned and very much baffled. Aer started to chuckle before the pain reminded him he was fundamentally dying. Aer thought the man must have been blind or was just born a comedian. “Sorry for the noise ol’ timer, just you get back to dream land, I’m just fine and dandy.” “You sure you--” “I’m damn fine man!” The man reluctantly laid back down on the trash-ridden alleyway and pretended maybe he was just dreaming, the old man fell asleep, or at least looked that way.

“Am I... Dying?” He muttered to himself amused and startled, the street was quiet, the nearest hospital was too far, at least too far for him to make it alive at the rate he was bleeding. He took out a cigarette from his pocket. “Man, haven’t smoked shit since this morning, guess I better just die in style if I’m gonna croak anyway” he muttered some more, he reached for his lighter. His hands were trembling horribly, He dropped the stick before he could put it at his lips, it fell in the pool of blood he had noticed just then, he had lost a lot of blood since the fight. “Well, shit” he started laughing at himself, he thought it was all very funny, and decided it was about time he quit smoking anyway, he was dying. For so long was he convinced of his immortality, never did he expect death in such an anti-climatic manner.

He then thought of his mother who never really knew who he was. Terrence who had lost his bet on who’d die first. Senna, who he knew for less than two hours but would have given everything he had up just to see her smile. Mansell who was the best teacher he’s ever had and alot of people he thought didn’t matter much to him, even the people he hated, he might miss them where he was going. He was very much concerned about what they all would feel if... especially that he had never been able to sincerely say “thank you” or “sorry” to anyone he cared for. He felt a tear roll down his cheek...

“Kid, You piece of shit” He swore it was old Mansell’s voice he just heard in his head. He felt his amulet come to life, or at least made its presence felt, he took it out, it had a glowing purple aura, and it seemed blacker than pitch, the stone reflected oblivion. Then all light went.

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