Lust for Power

Chapter II Routine

A school loomed into his view, not a very huge one actually, it was smaller than most, and placed in an obvious view along a highway, though it did not particularly stand out, He had spent two years in this one, his past year was not exactly something he would call happy, but neither was his current, varied only by his recent obtainment of exotic capabilities. Much has changed, but his emotions did not, he was still as discontent as ever, however he had the illusion that his power had filled the void in his soul, never knowing he would only desire more, it is human nature. To want what they cannot have. In he went through the gate, by the square he passed, along a hallway he walked, up a stairway, then on a seat he sat.

Six-thirty. “Pretty early, don’t you think Aer?” Observed Terrence, the only person in school left that is someone he could actually call friend.

Switch-switch and the head turns a different face. “Why Terr? Do I have to be late? I get late often enough, besides you know what I’m after.”

Two coins made a round trip around Aries’ hands, a coin for each hand passing in between his fingers in random patterns, facing the window staring into the unknown or watching the morning blue haze vaporize in the sun, as the highway traffic proceeded with its natural course.

The art of procrastination, an art Aries and Terrence have become masters in. Switch-switch, Aer and Ter, also part-time sociopaths shift their colors more often than a chameleon, although they seem to have a genuine understanding of each other despite their unpredictability. “Yeah, Ter, look, damn what I’d give to...” Stimulated, or horribly lusting, as Aer stared at one of their prettier female classmates somewhere at the second row from the front. Aer and Ter seemed almost territorial about their left fourth row corner, which was the last row, it was also beside the windows. Where they both had a beautiful view of the traffic, and overall street sides, they were at the third storey of the school building. “Damn, straight, but don’cha ever get tired of same ol’ scenes Aer?” Aer was grinning “You know me, man, everyday always gots sum’in diffrent, I mean just look at Faye, if I had me a girl like that, I’d just take her every day, and I wouldn’t quit till theres nut’n left. Yeah” Good boy Terrence held his own grin but not as perverted as the magic man’s, though he knew what his friend had meant, since there were times they went quite philosophical on each other, where they opened up whatever hearts and minds they had, he knew Aries was a romantic at heart.

Ter knew that Aer knew he knew but they just always pretend, they believe it keeps them sane in a world that lacks of sanity, he also knew that Aer’s perversion was his defence mechanism that helped him coup with the reality that he could not bear to break a girl’s heart, but knew very well that the girls he truly liked or felt for would never let him in their hearts, because he knew that he was odd, insane and all too complex for the people of the land he was borne to, he was a living anomaly even without the power he obtained once upon a summertime, Aries’ complexity is what he used to understand the power he wielded by the amulet he wears. “You don’t happen to have learned mind control hav’ya Aer?” Asked Terrence. Aer chuckled. “If I had, man, yous wud’a been my personal slave by now” There were limitations to the amulet’s capabilities.

The day went on, like how it always had, to summarize, it consisted of them simply chatting nonsense, and from time to time Aer, did some tricks, card tricks, making small items, disappear and materialize elsewhere, illusory tricks, like making some one think they saw something that wasn’t there, which he normally did to scare people, or sometimes used his talents to do some small-time theft, like snacks at the school canteen, or loose change from their wealthier schoolmates at anytime available, These two weirdos we’re partners in crime, there was not a secret the other did not know about the other, if the other would have been a female, they would have been a loving couple. The students had their suspicions on who were to blame for the disappearances of various items, after all, Aries’ magic was not exactly a secret amongst them, it was like something everyone knew yet did not much speak of. A public secret. However, they were unaware of the potential, they just wanted to keep at a safe distance, but occasionally did watch when Aries’ did his public performances. Only Terrence knew of the amulet, only Terrence knew the actual threat that Aries’ posed to the people around, but he didn’t care much, it was them against the world anyway. The day went as it did, ended at five in the afternoon, always in time for him to see his favorite scene of the day, sunset. The duo took some time to sit down somewhere at the square, with a good view of the sky. . . And potential targets for theft or otherwise, the people were scarce, most were headed their respective ways home. “Hey, Aer, gotta head home early today, gots stuff to do at home, and I’m just a little tired man, still gots chores to do, you know...” “No, I don’t, you’re just wussin’ out, think am’a do shit yous gon’ regret, haha” Ter was a little surprised, unaccustomed to Aer being testy on him, he just raised a brow with a half-wit’s smile. Aries chuckled, restated “Nah, just screwin’ wit’cha man, you know me...” They finished their farewell cussings, and their suggestions to just head down to hell instead, but today Aries stayed in the school grounds, as to why, he did not know.

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