
Chapter CHAPTER 8

The Rogue Luna

Chapter 8: His Touch


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Oh, that can be arranged. I heard Nicholas sover

“You would really kill the Alpha’s best friend? I am sure that will not giver easily with Bernant. You can’t touch me even if you wanted, Nicholas Bernard would have your head if you ever harm me, you know that very well and the entire Pack knows it as well. I heard a growl coming from the other side of the door and I felt my heart rate quickened. Liam was putting himself in the line of fire to save me. If only proved that Laam is a good man with a good heart.

I heard some shuffling behind the door before it opened, revealing an angry looking Nicholas. He stared diggers at me.

hope the sleep you got will make you more compliant today?” He said as he entered the room with two ladies dressed in scrubs.

He stalked over to my bed, his steps stealthy like a predator circling its prey. His eyes never left my face, it was completely focused on me I could see them dissecting me layer by layer and he is trying to get a read on me. Seeing where my weak points were and how he could exploit them.

“I will ask you again. Who are you and what are you doing in our Pack? His voice was demanding and dangerous, steady as well as calm, a stark contrast to the emotions that were playing out in his eyes.

“My answer has not changed since yesterday, Beta Nicholas. I don’t remember anything, I suffered from amnesia when I hit my head on the ground.” I replied to him. His jaw locked into place and he stared down at me. I knew that he didn’t believe me, Nicholas is very


Fine.” He spat.

“Have it your way, I will enjoy getting the answers from you in another way. Remove the drip, I am taking her to the dungeon.” He ordered as those two women that walked in with him came beside me and started switching off the monitor. One of them reached for the drip and started removing the tape that held it in my arms. I didn’t try to fight them, I just kept quiet.

“What is going on here?” Bernard’s voice bounced off the wall of the hospital room. I peered around one of the ladies to see him standing by the threshold. His fist was clenched and he was looking at the lady’s hand on my arms like he wanted to rip it off.

“Alpha.” The two ladies bowed their heads at him.

“Leave!” He yelled, although he was angry but his voice sounded like sweet honey to my ears. I could feel my wolf stirring to life. The ladies scurried out of the room and his anger refocused on Nicholas who had a stoic face.

Nicholas’s lips were in a tight line and held a lot of anger but I didn’t know if it was directed to me or to his Alpha. It was not unheard of for certain wolves to show anger towards their Alpha but it was rare for a Beta to do so. That’s strange.

“Nicholas, I asked you to question her not to take her as a prisoner. You are out of line.” Bernard said to his Beta.


Chapter 8: His Touch

I watched Nicholas fist clenched as he tried to hold himself together. The veins in his arms were protruding outwardly and he was doing his best to keep his wolf under control.

“She wasn’t cooperating so I thought I would try another method.” He responded as his gaze turned towards me with a look of disdain painting his face. Bernard’s eyes started to glow as he stalked into the room. He came in front of Nicholas and stared him deep in the eyes. They were about the same height but Bernard had a few inches on his Beta.

“Leave now!” His voice boomed throughout the entire room, shaking the walls.

“But, Alpha….

“You are my subordinate, Nicholas. You will obey my commands and do so as I say. Leave this room and do not come back until I say otherwise. Am I understood?” He cut off whatever Nicholas wanted to say.

Nicholas looked like he wanted to say something but he held himself back as he nodded his head and left the room without saying another word. My gaze followed Nicholas until he was finally out of my sight and the door was closed behind him. Bernard had his eyes closed and his fist was still clenched. I had an urge to reach out and touch him but I fought against it.

He opened his eyes after a few minutes and there was no longer anger in his eyes. His expression took on a tenderness that had my heart doing somersault in my chest. Thank the moon goddess that the monitor was disconnected otherwise, I would have embarrassed myself.

“How are you feeling, Elena?” He asked. The way he called my name made my blood warm all over my body. If I had it my way, he would be the only one allowed to say my name.

I am fine, a little sore but I am okay.” I replied as I watched him carefully. He walked up to my bed and took my arms.

“What are you doing?” I asked, the electricity surged throughout my body as his hands touched my arm. His touch was electric and I felt it right down to the tips of my toes. It produced a weird feeling in my chest that I had never experienced before.

“Your tape was coming off.” He smoothed the tape firmly against my drip.

“We can’t have that falling out now, can we?” He asked, his forest green eye looked into my eyes and I was instantly locked in his imaginary hold.

“Elena, tell me who you were running from?” His voice came out as a gentle whisper.

“I know you have been lying to me and I can see it in your eyes. You can’t hide it from me and you and I both know why you can’t hide it from me.” He said to me.

I panicked, this was exactly what I had been afraid of. Goodness, he knew, this **d mate pull that we shared. I fought so hard to try and keep myself safe and now because of this mate pull, I was going to get sent back to Richard. I refused to be sent back to him.

“I need to leave.” I said in a rushed panic as I tried to get up but he held me down.

“Elena, you can’t leave. You can barely stand on your own let alone make a run for it.” He said to me,

“Please let me leave! I said even more frantically. I was thrashing around, flailing arms all around me. I was running on pure adrenaline at this point.

“Liam!” I heard him call for the doctor.

I didn’t see Liam walk into the room but a few seconds later, I felt a slight pinch in my arm and the darkness welcomed me back into her


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