
Chapter CHAPTER 24

The Rogue Lima

Chapter 24: He Is Awake

Chapter twenty-four: He Is Awake


The smell of drugs hit my nose followed by the slight pinch in the elbow ofy arms. Behind the darkness

in my eyes, I could see the faintest hint of light from the above, I groaned as I tried to shut it off.

“Bernard?” I heard a distant voice calling out to me. I wanted to sleep more, why couldn’t they let me


“Bernard?” It called out to me again but this time, it sounded closer and much clearer. I turned around and saw Laima. What was he going in my room?

Behind the smell of the drugs, there was another scent, although faint but it was there. A scent that I had grown addicted to in the last few days, Elena, she was here. She was in my room,then my eyes snapped open and everything came flooding back to me at once. Elena ran away and the wolves that attacked her and I clashed with them in the woods.

My eyes were hit by the fluorescent bright light above me, I quickly shut my eyes and then opened them again slowly to give them time to adjust. I felt a hand on my shoulder and was greeted by a sorrow filled Liam. He looked like he aged ten years since the last time I saw him. Then, he looked at me and I saw the hint of a smile slowly creeping onto his face.

“You idiot, I knew you were too stubborn to die.” He joked.

“And leave the Pack in N*** hands? Never.” I responded, trying to laugh but my side felt painful. I hissed in pain and looked down at my torso. There was a bandage around it and I could feel the aching

pain in my right side.

“You lost quite a lot of blood, you came here with a g**h on your right side. I was able to close it and make sure that there were no internal injuries. The wolf’s claws were coated with wolfsbane which is why your wolf was having a hard time healing. Your body had basically been poisoned.” I leaned my

head into the pillow.

“Good job, how long will it take before it heals fully?” I asked him and he pointed to the drip that was in

my arm.

“We are flushing out your system, so within the next seven hours, you should be fine. You just need to give your wolf enough time to rest. We moved you to the Alpha’s wing.” I nodded in understanding. I hated being immobile but at this moment, I knew that I couldn’t fight him on this. I didn’t feel the usual strength my wolf gave me, the wolfsbane must have taken a lot out of me.

“Where is she?” I croaked out, I smelled her but she was nowhere to be seen.


Chapter 24: He Is Awake

The last time i lost sight of her, she crossed over the border and into another territory which almost got her killed, I badly wanted her to be by my side,I wanted her to climb into this small hospital bed and let me hold her while my wolf healed.

“I told her to leave for a while, she was scared and flustered and I knew she wasn’t going to be able to watch what I had to do to you in order to close the g**h. So I sent her out of the room and the last I checked, Alisha took her to go and get shower as well as change her clothes.” My eyebrows scrunched together

“The g**a?” I asked and he nodded.

“Yes, they have taken quite a liking to each other. I am sure she took her to go and get some food. She will probably return back to your house and will come see you in the morning.” He huffed and got up.

“I am going to leave you now to get some rest. Your body has been through a lot and it needs time to regroup.” He said and was about to leave but I stopped him.

“Can you keep an eye on her for me, Liam? She tried to run away before and I am worried that she might do it again. I need someone I trust to look out for her. Can you do that for me?” I pleaded with


“Of course, brother.” He nodded, giving me his words as he left the room, leaving me to my thoughts.

My anxiety about Elena eased for a momen but not entirely. I wouldn’t be satisfied until she was standing in front of me and I was able to hold her in the flesh. When I found out that she ran away, my stomach dropped to the floor. It felt like someone s***r punched me in the gut and I was left winded. The thought of never seeing her or feeling her again was a fear I never wanted to live through. That hours of searching was like torture for me, I never wanted to relive that experience ever again. When my wolf is healed, the first thing I am going to do is kiss my mate and tell her that I am done with her petty game. I want no more secrets Ond lies.

I felt the weight of my eyelids grow as I battled to stay awake. I didn’t want to sleep, in case she came into my room wanting to see me. But I knew that my wolf needed his strength and I needed to sleep for him to heal faster. Then, I allowed the darkness to envelope me again.

When I opened my eyes, I turned to my side and saw Helen, the daughter of Alpha Ronald sitting beside me with a concerned look on her face.

What is she doing here and why was she in my private hospital room? I have only met this girl one year ago and I was often told that her beauty was like none anyone had ever seen but I had to disagree. When I saw her some week ago, I would have said that she was the most beautiful woman I ever laid my eyes on but then, I met Elena, my fiery jewel eyes temptress.

“Oh, thank goodness that you are awake. I was so worried about you, Bernard and I came as fast as I could.” She brought our connected hands to her chest. I pulled my hand out of her hold, not feeling comfortable at all. I didn’t like her touch and I certainly didn’t want my hand anywhere near her chest.


Chapter 24: He Is Awake

“What are you doing here, Helen?” I choked out and she narrowed her eyes,

“Really? That is how you greet me after I traveled all the way in the middle of the night to make sure that you were okay.” I sighed, massaging my temples.

I am sorry, Helen. I am just not myself now.” I said to her.

“Yes darling, I know and you don’t have to worry, I am here now and I am going to nurse you back to health. I will be with you every step of the way throughout your recovery.” I shook my head at her words

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