
Chapter CHAPTER 15

Chapter 15: He Is A Good Alpha 

Chapter hteen: He Is A Good Alpha 


Bernard left me in my new room and told me to get some rest. I laid in the bed and tossed and turned for what felt like hours as I felt restless. 

I almost kissed him, I was still trying to wrap my head around that. I hadn’t meant to lean in but I did, I hadn’t meant to close my eyes but I did and I hadn’t meant to want his lips on mine but I did and then he rejected me. 

“Screw this.” I got up from the bed and mad my way to the window. The moon in the sky and the stars were scattered all around it. I remembered the nights I spent in the forest, I often looked at the darkened sky at night in search of the brightest one. I told myself that the stars were my parents, letting me know that they were watching over me and guiding me from above. I knew it was not really them but I liked to imagine it, it made me feel less alone. A knock sounded at the door and for a second I thought it was Bernard but it wasn’t. 

“Come in.” I said, turning to face the door. I was surprised when the same girl from the hospital walked into my room with a tray in her hands. 

“I brought you some dinner, I thought you might be hungry.” Her voice was gentle and soft. 

“Thank you.” I responded with a smile. 

I haven’t had any real food even since I got here, I had been fed through a tube on the first day and my wolf has been hungry for some time but now she was on the mend, she is famished. The girl moved to set the tray on the table by my bedside and bowed her head at me She then turned and headed towards the door. 

“Wait.” I called her and she turned. She looked at me, her purple eyes held so much warmth and kindness in them. They reminded of doctor Liam. 

“Can you tell me your name?” I asked her. 

“Alisha.” She responded. 

“I never got to thank you, Alisha.” I said, moving towards her. 

“I really appreciate you for trying to help me when Nicholas attacked me and I am so sorry that you ended up getting hurt.” She seemed a bit taken aback at my words. 

“You don’t have to thank me, I was only trying to do the right thing. Nicholas is not a kind man and no one deserves to be treated the way he was treating you.” She muttered. 

“Well, thank you nonetheless.” I said as I moved towards the tray she had set down for me. 

“Would you like to stay? I would really appreciate it.” She looked conflicted. 

“I am not sure if that would be allowed.” She said to me, I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. 

“Why wouldn’t be allowed?” I asked, she looked down at her feet as if she were ashamed of something. She played with her fingers and bit down her lips. 

“I am an Omega, the lowest ranking in a pack. You are staying in the Alpha’s house so you must be high ranking. It could harm your reputation if you are seen with me. She replied. 

Chapter 15: He Is A Good Alpha 

“What?” 1 exclaimed in disbelief. 

Are you serious? That had to be some kind of joke.” She looked at and shook her head. 

It is not, a lot of people in the Pack don’t associate with me for that very reason. I am seen as the weakest one in the Pack and the most easily disposable. She responded, I walked over to her and placed my hands on her shoulder. She was a little shorter than I was and the innocence her face displayed made me want to tuck her under my arm and hide her from the world. She seemed to be about the same age as me but I felt this overwhelming need to protect her like a big sister would do for her younger sister. 

‘Well, I don’t think you are disposable at all, in fact you are my own personal hero.” I said to her and I felt her shoulder sag slightly as relief washed over her. 

“So, what do you say? Will you stay with me for a little while? You could tell me all about the Pack and Alpha Bernard.” Her face split into a bright smile and she nodded. She moved to the edge of my bed and sat there while I went over to the tray had set down for me. I lifted the lid off the bowl. 

“Mushroom soup?” I was surprised and she stood up quickly, 

“If you don’t like it, I can go and prepare you something else. I just thought maybe you would want something light, seeing as you haven’t eaten much within the last few days. I will take it back right away.” She tried to reach for the tray but I stopped her. 

“It is fine, Alisha, I love it.” I assured her. 

Mushroom soup is actually one of my favorites foods. Please sit down and stop worrying.” She sat down reluctantly, fidgeting with her fingers. 

I sat beside her with the tray on my lap, I tasted the first spoonful of the soup and moaned as the salty deliciousness hit my tongue. 1 hadn’t had real food for a very long time, I already got used to the taste of raw flesh and blood. I continued to eat the soup like it was going to run away from me. I only slowed when I felt her heavy gaze on me and I turned my head slowly towards her and raised my eyebrows. 

“What?” I asked and she averted her gaze from me quickly and started apologizing profusely. 

“You don’t have to apologize, Alisha. I am only asking the reason why you are staring at me like I ate your cat or something.” She shook her head, offering me a timid smile. 

“You are just beautiful, I have never seen anyone with this type of your eyes before.” She complimented me. 

“Thank you.” I placed my hand on top of hers to stop her from picking at her nails. 

“And you are so very beautiful.” I saw the colour rise to her cheeks as she averted her gaze from me. I pulled away and went back to eating my soup and after I was done, I turned towards her. 

“So, tell me about yourself, Alisha?” She shrugged. 

“There is nothing much about me. My parents died during a raid when I was just five years old, I was left with nothing and no one. The Pack had to take care of me and ever since then, I no longer had the backing of my father’s status as a Gamma. I was reduced down to an Omega. My heart bled for her. I knew exactly the feelings of losing one’s parents. It was like your heart was being ripped right out of your chest and then stabbed right in front of you. 

I am so sorry about your parents, Alisha. That must have been really hard for you.” I could see her fighting against the tears as she tried to hold herself. It was a pain I knew.all too well, I set the tray aside and enveloped her in my arms. At first, she didn’t respond to my embrace but then after a minute, she returned it. Her frame was so small against mine. We stayed like that for a few minutes before pulling away. She brushed away a few stray tears before gathering herself. 

It wasn’t that bad because Alpha Davis made sure that I had everything I needed. I went to school with other kids and I had shelter, food and clothes. It was hard for some time but then eventually I got used to my new status within the Pack. They ignored me and I do the 

Chapter 15: He Is A Good Alpha 

work that is assigned to me.” She explained. 

“Does Bernard treat you well?” I asked and she nodded. 

Yes, he does. He makes sure that all the gammas are treated fairly in the Pack. He can’t protect us all from all the harassment that we sometimes get from the high ranking wolves but he does his best. Her response made my heart swell. From what she showed me, Bernard 

is not a cruel man, it is nice that he respects all members of his Pack equally. 

“So, he is a good Alpha, then?” I asked. 

“Yes, he is.” She replied with a smile. 

He treats all his Pack members with the same respect. He genuinely cares about our well–being and safety. Whenever one of us is in need, Alpha Bernard never hesitates to step up. We can only hope his Luna will be as kind as he is. My heart jumped, I was meant to be his Luna yet I had no intention of staying here for long. A pang struck my heart as I tried to keep my emotions neutral. 

Chapter Comments 

Egle B. 

not gammas but omegas 


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