Luna - The Predator of Revenge

Chapter 8


It’s been three weeks since Noah and I went on the so called ‘date’. Nothing happened that day except for his only question as to why I didn’t tell them for which I told him that it was him who has to tell them. He simply nodded before he left somewhere. They did a good job in selecting the spot. It was a secluded area in our land. I wandered around a bit before coming back home. When I reached home I had to make up a story for his absence, hiding his sudden disappearance.

This has been happening since then, minus the part where I make up stories. He would be gone by the time anyone is up and wouldn’t be back for days. Uncle did not appreciate his behavior the least bit. He decided that he will have a talk with him when he returns, which we are waiting for, since his disappearance two days ago. We as in, including me, as I was made to stay at Tah’s since they didn’t want me away from my mate.

There were curious stares and whispers whenever I went out, but they knew better than to question about it.

It hurt a lot to be away from him and there had been a few times when my heart feet like it was being burnt, when he was out. I really hope that he hadn’t gone out to do things. The only times he was at home, we never bothered coming out of our rooms. If anyone noticed, they never asked.

I knew that I was making a mistake by not accepting his rejection, but Liza believed that he will come around regretting what he did. I gave into my wolf instincts for now.

I was sitting in my room flipping through channels when I heard commotion downstairs. My first instinct was to run down to see what was happening until I smelt him. I relaxed back, leaving it to them to sort out their problems. That was when I smelt a new smell. Not able to help my curiosity I shut the TV to go down. I went down the stairs slowly at the same time with a level of urgency.

The moment I stepped inside the living room everyone’s eyes were on me. Dad, mother and uncle along with Tah were looking at me as if hoping that I was not present in the room. What was going on? Why would dad not want me here?

Tah came to my side immediately.

“Carol, why not leave this ass of a brother to be dealt by the elders while we go upstairs?”, Tah asked, though she never waited for my answer.

“Wait -”

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