Luna - The Predator of Revenge

Chapter 60

Alpha Meet

On seeing that my mark had vanished, Raden contacted Carter immediately. He said that the mark was just to neutralize the previous mark, so it was just a temporary one. He was so casual about it. I mean, in the whole process, he had told us about the consequences only after it was done. Who does that? I stared at the mirror for a long time, looking at the place I had had the mark on, the previous day.

It felt odd seeing the mark gone, even if it had been only one night.

I got adapted to it slowly. Day by day, Raden and I started spending time together at his pack, getting to know each other, while he governed the pack alongside. It was a known fact that Raden was a softy when it came to me. He was very sweet to me all through the time we had spent together.

The other fact I discovered was that he was a romantic. The other day, he took me out, saying he had something to deal with and wanted me to accompany him. When we went there, he went on his knees and proposed.

“What are you doing, Raden?”, I asked.

“Will you stay quiet for a moment?”, he countered back teasingly.

When I remained silent, he took it as his answer and continued on.

“You are a sweet girl. Smart-mouthed sometimes, but I can handle that. You bring out the best in me, like now. This proposing and all is new to me. So seeing that I am already in lack of words, I will get to the main matter. So Caroline, will you do me the honors of becoming my Luna?”, he asked.

I swear I fainted at that moment. It was a given that I would be becoming the Luna of the pack, but the fact that he prepared so much to actually ask me that, made me giddy on the spot.

It’s been one month since all the chaos got over. Today we were heading over to grandpa’s pack to attend the meeting held there. Yesterday, grandpa contacted us, informing about the meeting that is to be held today. He also told that Asher had already conducted a meeting of similar kind yesterday and that it was a success. He didn’t tell us what the meeting was about. I wish I knew though.

Once we arrived at the pack house, Raden went to put the car in a free spot while I went in to join the meeting.

Grandpa sat at the center with a few other alphas on either side of him. I had seen some of them from when they had come to meet grandpa. Of course, one of them was alpha rude. I went past all of them and sat in one of the two seats vacant to the immediate right of grandpa.

I greeted grandpa, uncle and settled on waiting for Raden to come join. He did, in a short while.

Once grandpa made sure everyone was present, he started the meeting.

“We are gathered here to discuss upon an important issue. I called you all here to come to an agreement on not to involve in disputes with the vampires. If anything we should try to be acquaints with them. Even -”, before he could precede further, alpha rude interrupted him.

“First rogues, now you ask us to cooperate with the vampires. Doing it within your pack was shameful enough, at least then it was just the rogues who are in any case werewolves only. But now you ask the whole werewolf species to join with the vampires. I would like to remind you of something you seemed to have forgotten about. It was the vampires who made you lose your pack, your family. Don’t you think that it is poor of you to fall back in old steps?”, he asked.

“First of all, I remember the one who was responsible for my loss. It is definitely not the new vampire king. And secondly, not all rogues were banished because they were found guilty.”, he said looking in Jude’s eye.

News around is that, he had banished many for not acting along by his wishes.

That shut him up. He grunted and slumped back in his chair. Grandpa smirked at that before continuing.

“As I was saying, before I was rudely interrupted, the vampires have agreed to this condition. Now it is up to us to accept to it or not. I personally like for all of us to agree to it. If we do so, there is one thing less to worry about. So do we agree?”

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