Luna - The Predator of Revenge

Chapter 5


“I, Noah Jones, the future alpha of Red Moon Pack, reject you, Caroline Dunbar, daughter of the beta of Red Moon Pack, as my mate.”

I was so shocked to even fight the piercing pain in my body.

Satisfied with his rendering, he turned around and went back inside without sparing me glance.

This was not the Noah I had imagined of. Even though we never conversed with each other back then, I always believed that he was a sweet guy. But no, he had to reject me just like that, to prove me wrong. How could he do that to me? Why would he reject me?

So my instinct was right, he did regret the kiss. Was someone behind this? But we only found out today, so why?

Liza kept calling out to me since the moment he rejected me but I shut her out. Finally making my mind stable I opened her link.

I talked to Aiden, but when he rejected us, I could no longer reach him. Even though, when he found out that we were his mate he was not happy about it, when he kissed us, Aiden believed that he will change his mind about it. The moment he thought he was going to change, he rejected us.

I felt happy that at least she could talk to her mate.

But why was he unhappy with us being his mate?

I could feel her being hesitant about it. So I asked her again.

Liza, if you know something tell me.

The thing is hewantedapowerfulmateandanalphaatthatsousbeingabetawasnotagoodthingtohim.

She said all this in one breath that I couldn’t comprehend a word as to what she was telling.

Liza, tell it again but slowly. I didn’t understand one word.

He wanted a powerful mate and an alpha at that, so us being a beta was not so good for him.

My heart shattered at that, but I know better than to waste my tears on such a judgmental person.

But we are powerful, so why not accept us?

I asked her because I was confident that she knew the reason.



He is a power hungry scumbag.

What do you mean?

He wants an alpha mate because there is a chance that he might get a pack to rule, which means more power.


With that she shut me off. She was hurting too. Knowing the truth first hand did no good to her either.

After making sure that I didn’t look different, I made a beeline to where Tah was.

After searching a bit I found her stuffing her face near the food counter. But on closer inspection I could tell that she was upset. I approached her and asked what happened.

“The ceremony is almost done but I haven’t found my mate yet.”

I didn’t know how to console her considering that I wished that I hadn’t found my mate at all.

All I could do was sit along with her and hug her from the side.

Once the ceremony ended, everyone left home either with their mates or with their friends. I went along with Tah to her place. We changed into comfy clothes and removed our hair-do and makeup.

We were relaxing in a comfortable silence when Tah broke through it.

“Why aren’t you with my brother?”

Because he rejected me for reasons you might not want to know.

“Come on Tah, just because I had a tiny crush on him doesn’t mean that I have to be with him. He has a mate out there.”

I was stalling, I know. But I can’t tell it to her face that her brother was a power hungry scumbag. Liza’s words not mine.

“Oh, cut your bullshit. I know that you guys are mates.”, she said not believing a word I had said.

I had to force myself to blush, to stop myself from crying at her words.

Suddenly the door ripped open and mother came in gushing.

She was around 35, with straight blonde hair. She had bright brown eyes.

“Carol, you found your mate? Who is he?”, she asked.

“Its Noah, mom.”, Tah answered for me.

“I’m sorry but not sorry that I eavesdropped on your conversation. This is so great. I have to tell this to your father. We have to organize the ceremony to introduce you as the future Luna and we have to do this and that. Oh my goddess, there is so much work.”, she said freaking me.

“Mother, relax. I know that you want the best for us but I don’t want anyone other than our family to know about this. Let’s keep it that way for awhile. I want to get to know him first.”

Mother reluctantly accepted to it after some protests. She went down to tell dad and uncle about it.

I lied down on the bed and patted the spot next to me, asking Tah to join me.

“I don’t know what it is, but I know that something is bothering you. You are keeping it away from me, but I also know that you are not doing it wontedly. Tell me when you feel like. I am always there for you, no matter what.”, she said snuggling into me.

“Thanks Tah. I know that you are.”, I said hugging her.

I was really thankful to her for not pressuring me for answers that even I was not ready to believe yet. I hugged her and went to sleep wishing that all this would be a bad dream.

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