Luna - The Predator of Revenge

Chapter 40

Story of Melaine and Hana

Soon, they both came back and settled on either side of us. He announced that she was his mate, since she had been practicing to hide her scent, he hadn’t found her earlier.

The bitter-sweet taste returned in my mouth when he said that. But I didn’t question them, no matter the amount of hurt I felt. Instead, I smiled through my pain. Soon they both left, leaving me to my thoughts.

Earlier after dad broke the news, telling she was a beta blood, he refused to explain further. He told me to ask mother to tell me, if I wanted to know.

Dad had congratulated them before leaving to meet with uncle.

After trying to persuade him to my level best, I gave up on it. I settled down in the couch, tired, waiting for someone to accompany me.

I played with the flower bouquet that had arrived at my door, while I immersed myself in deep thoughts.

Mother arrived at time distracting me from those thoughts.

“How are you doing today?”, she asked sitting next to me.

“I am good, mother. I want you tell me about you and mom.”, I asked, getting straight to the point.

She was shocked at first but she smiled nonetheless.

“You deserve to know. She was my sister by heart. She was a sweet woman with a kind heart. She was a special woman to say the least.”, she said repeating dad’s words.

“It all started with a fight.”, she said smiling to herself.

Third person’s POV

~Thirty two years earlier~

Being the alpha’s only daughter, Hana was a part of almost all the gatherings. She was very vibrant and outgoing, for an alpha blood.

She talked and mingled with everyone, no matter their rank, just like her parents. Matthew and Amelia Sharp were one of the best leaders the pack had ever seen.

Their pack was one of the top five strong packs in the world. Matthew Sharp who never listened to anyone, never once went against his daughter’s words.

Melaine Harper was the beta’s daughter. She was an introvert when it came to communication. She was indeed a strong girl for a six year old.

They both were never in the same circle despite their ranks, until one day. It was a bright summer day and as usual the head trainer was training the pups hard. Today he decided on group attack. He paired Melaine and Hana to fight against 10 of the others. Of course, they being the highest bloods in the whole group swept their attackers off the ground neatly. Hana, who had never known the other girl previously, was impressed by her skills. And that had been the start of the friendship that passed through generations.

Soon they were comfortable with each other in their fighting styles. From then on, they both paired together whenever they had to spare. But, that was only when it came to fighting, otherwise they remained in their own circles.

Since then, whenever they met during gatherings they passed courtesy to each other before going back to their works. That was until Hana noticed that Melaine stood alone all along the meetings waiting for her father, without conversing much at all with anyone.

She being a person, who never liked people to be left out, left her group and started spending time with her in the meetings. Melaine, though surprised by the company, appreciated the presence. They kept to themselves and started telling each other about themselves. Hana, who was not satisfied with the amount of time they spent, called her to spend time with her in her house. She agreed immediately, euphoric at the invitation.

Amelia Sharp who was used Hana’s cheerfulness was not surprised when she brought a gleeful Melaine to their home. In fact, she was happy that the girl was finally breaking out of her shell. Minutes turned hours, hours turned days, days turned weeks, Melaine lived there rather than her home. No one in the house questioned it. Matthew was happy that they were getting along well.

As for Hana and Melaine, they had hit the notch the day they were paired, they just never noticed it. Every blissful moment had to cease somewhere, and that was what happened in this case too.

Olivia Harper, mother of Melaine, had been the pack slut in her old pack. After she found her mate, Elijah Harper, she came to his pack. Aware of her past, Elijah still accepted her with open arms. She stopped her ways and acted like how a mate was supposed to act. But that lasted only for some time.

Hana and Melaine’s friendship saw the first crack when Olivia tried flirting with Matthew. It was one of those days, when Melaine stayed over at Sharp’s. Olivia, who was bored of being alone, went to the alpha’s house. When she passed the alpha office, she saw that he was alone and took her chance.

She started having a normal chit-chat before she began flirting with him. Feeling violated by her open flirting, Matthew shouted on her face before ordering her to leave. Annoyed, Olivia pulled Melaine away, along with her. For days Hana and Melaine never met again, until after a few days.

One day, out of blue, Olivia suggested for a walk. Melaine accepted to it knowing she will be made to go no matter her answer. She made her wear nice clothes, which was something out of habit, before she took her out.

They kept walking until she noticed that they were walking towards the border. She told her mother to return back telling that they were nearing the border. She kept moving forcing Melaine to follow her. When they reached the border she called out for someone.

After a minute or two, a man came out from behind the trees. Olivia smiled widely at him.

“Have you got her?”, he asked.

“Have you got the money?”, she asked.

Before neither of them could talk further a cry split through the air. They turned around to see Melaine a few feet away, being ambushed by a large wolf.

“Here is your money.”, he took out the money and gave it to her.

She was busy counting the money that she didn’t see the Luna approaching them with her guards.

The guards went ahead to where Melaine stood scared and dealt with the wolf. As for the other man, he had run the moment he saw them. Olivia, who was still oblivious, was yanked backwards, to receive a tight slap to her cheek. Her cheek burned as she looked into the eye of Amelia.

“Submit!”, she snarled.

Olivia immediately bowed down her head baring her neck, despite herself.

Once Melaine reached Amelia, she ordered the guards to take her to the cells. Melaine, who was unaware of her mother’s doing, was shocked to hear the order.

Later after she was taken to Hana’s house, she was summoned to the alpha’s office. Olivia, Elijah, Matthew and Amelia were present in the office. Amelia asked Melaine to tell what happened in the morning. She told them and Amelia explained the rest of the things which she never knew before. She looked at her mother waiting for her to disagree but she did no such thing. When Elijah and Matthew heard the full story they were beyond furious. Elijah rejected her as his mate, almost immediately. Matthew banished her off the pack.

Melaine was moved into Sharp household shortly after. That was the day when Melaine and Hana advanced from best friends to sisters.

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