Luna - The Predator of Revenge

Chapter 38


I lay on a bed in the center of nowhere. I haven’t seen a place as blissful and enchanting as where I was right now. Whiteness surrounded the place making it even more pure than it was. I stepped out of the bed and wandered around. I kept exploring the place when suddenly a glob of light appeared in front of me. I tried catching it but it kept slipping past my fingers. I chased behind it until it vanished inside the falls it had brought us to.

I sat down at the bank of the downstream river with my legs swinging in the water. I played with the water splashing it around. The water rippled on the stones looking as clear as a glass. Suddenly the water clouded under me and showed me my reflection.

I looked old in the reflection. It was like, it was me but at the same time not me. I blinked but the reflection didn’t.

“It’s time for you to leave.”, a voice spoke behind me.

“But I like it here. I am not leaving here.”, I whined like a child, continuing to assess the perpetual reflection.

“You have been fighting the death for two months now. It’s time to face the reality.”

I turned around to see a silver wolf, awfully resembling Liza, with glowing red eyes.

I could hear the sound of splashing of water but I didn’t bother turning around. I was mesmerized by the wolf.

“But I came here just now.”, I said finally finding my voice.

“It might be what you feel, but you have been unconscious for more than two months in actual”, a voice said from little behind me.

I turned around and stumbled on my back from what I was seeing. There she stood, a woman who looked similar to me but older in looks. Water structured her body. She looked like a living human up until her neck, from down there water shaped her body.

“Who-who are you?”

“I am your mother Hana.”

“How do I believe you?”, I asked, even though I knew I was being groundless, but I couldn’t help but be shocked at what she was saying.

“If our similar looks doesn’t prove anything, you can ask your wolf Liza whether or not Ava is her mother.”, she said.

“Who is Ava?”

“Ava is my wolf you saw just now. They both are behind you at the moment.”, she said pointing her see-through finger behind me.

I stood up before turning around. There she stood, my wolf Liza, in all her royal blackness with her glowing red eyes, similar to that of Ava, who stood beside her.


“Caroline, she is my mother. What she said is true. Our time here is up. We have to leave.”

“Yes, you have to leave. You have things to discover and a life to live. Your time hasn’t come yet, so you are not welcome here. Now go, your loved ones are waiting for you.”, the wolf, Ava, said.



A distant voice called out for me.

“But why do you not look like a normal person? Why are you filled in water? How is your wolf silver?”, I asked her. I had so many questions that needed answers.

“You can’t learn about everything in just one day. The time will come, when you will discover everything.”, she told.



“Why is now not the time?”, I shouted.

They both stood on the riverside, smiling, while Liza and I stood opposite to them. The distance between us slowly started to widen. I tried moving but I couldn’t. It was as though I was stuck to the place. Little by little they disappeared into the air.

“Goodbye, my daughter.”, they said in unison.

Suddenly, all the white bliss, that had surrounded me, vanished and everything blackened.

Third person’s POV

Caroline had suddenly gone still. It was the time of the day when Tahliya talked with her. Suddenly her ECG machine beeped signaling that her heart had stopped beating.

Doctors rushed in with ECT device and crowded Caroline’s bed. Tahliya and Daniel who witnessed it called out for her. The doctors kept passing impulses to her heart through shock treatment, to have her heart beating again. Giving up hope, they stopped their treatment and packed their equipments. The head doctor passed a sympathetic look towards the duo passing them the unspoken message.

The room became silent, void of any sound other than the beeping of the heart machine.

Suddenly Caroline arched her back and sucked in a huge breath.

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