Luna - The Predator of Revenge

Chapter 29


Orion Jones’ POV

Daniel and Richard took care of her as she slept while I left to look after some pack business. I was going through a letter requesting an alliance when I received a call.

“Alpha Orion speaking.”

“This is Zach from Serene pack.”, the person on the other line spoke.

“Ah! Tell son, how may I help you?”, he was a good child of whom parents shall be proud of, unlike a child of mine.

“I called in to check how you were doing sir. Have you found the other girl? How are they both doing?”

“Yeah, we did. We found her a few days back. She is doing great, but the same cannot be said for Caroline.”, I said dejected.

“Why, sir? Is there any problem? Can I help you in any way?”, he asked concerned.

I told him the entire story from when she was admitted in the hospital to how she was given a dosage to restrain her.

“Sir, what does the doctor plan on doing next?”

“She has washed her hands off the case. She suggests that we get a witch to help her. Where do we get a witch at this age? That too within the next seven hours.”, I said massaging my temple.

There was a pregnant pause before he spoke again.

“Very well, sir. I have got the exact person who can help you with this. She also happens to owe me a favor. I will talk to her immediately and get back to you. If that is all, I shall hang up sir.”, he said and hung up not waiting for my answer. I didn’t feel a bit offended instead I pleased by his behavior as well at the fact that we will be getting help.

After sending the reply for the alliance letter, I went back to Carol’s room.

I informed the good news to Daniel and Richard before we waited for his call.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Zach called back, one hour later, saying that the witch had agreed to help. He had also told that he will come right away to the pack.

Right now, Daniel has gone along with Zach to bring the witch from the pack border. We only have one hour before the dosage wears off. She has already started feeling restless. We really hope that the witch has a solution for our situation. Tah and Melaine tried getting us to tell them what was happening but we stood our stand, while none of us had any idea as to what happened with Noah, Kira and Ethan, neither did we care.

Zach and Daniel finally brought her with 50 minutes to spare. She checked on her before settling down on the chair next to the bed. Carol was tied to the posts of the bed with the silver chain. She kept her hand on Carol’s forehead with her eyes closed and started murmuring under her breath.

50 became 40…

40 became 30…

Carol was starting to fidget more but the witch remained the same, except for one thing. She was bleeding from her nose and slowly she was spitting blood in little amounts. I went forward to shake her off, but Zach held me back and shook his head. Not knowing what was happening, I sat back.

Only 20 minutes was left before the dosage wore off, but there seemed to be no improvement in Carol’s condition.

With 10 minutes left, the witch fell off her chair breathing hard. Neither of us knew whom to aid to. On one side, the witch was thrown away and was having a difficulty in breathing. On the other hand, Carol was thrashing on the bed. Finally deciding, Richard and I helped up the witch while Zach and Daniel held back Carol.

“He-- He is -- strong.”, the witch said breathing hard.

“Who?”, Richard asked.

“The vampire controlling her, I saw him. He is the vampire king.”, she said finally bringing her breath under control.

We heard a loud crash from behind us. We turned around to see both the lads down on the ground, while Carol stood beside the broken bed, with the infamous red eyes.

“You are trying to stop me? You witch, what do you think you can do to me? I can kill you with the snap of my fingers. Or should I say her fingers?”, the male voice taunted.

“Don’t listen to him, he is testing you. Please save our daughter.”, I pleaded her not bothered about my alpha status.

“Hold her back!”, she shouted.

One command and we all went to hold Carol, she protested all long, while she started chanting something loudly.

“You bitch, stop it. I said stop it. Don’t think that I can’t kill you, I can and I will. Stop it. Stop your ---”, before he could continue further he started shouting in pain.

Soon the shouting turned to Carol’s. The witch motioned for us to leave her and step away, all while she continued chanting.

Finally, Carol stopped squirming and lay still as though she was having a good sleep. The witch finished the last of her chanting after placing her hand once on her forehead.

She left the room signaling for us to follow her. Once in the hallway, she asked for a room where we could talk relaxed. Richard showed her to the living room while we followed them.

Once she made sure she was in a comfortable position, she started.

“Your daughter is in danger. I don’t know the whole story behind this but she is being controlled by the vampire king himself. He is very powerful. I have tried to suppress him for a short period of time. We will know the result only in the morning. But he is bound to come back unless he is suppressed. If he surpasses her then we can’t save her.”, she said.

“Is there any way to save her?”, Zach asked her.

“There isn’t one as far as I know. She will either die by oppressing him or she sells her body to the vampire. Neither of it is desirable. We shall decide as to what can be done next after she wakes up tomorrow. She is exhausted from all the energy I had passed through her body, so am I. So while she rests, I would like it if I was to be provided with a place for me to de-stress myself.”, she said.

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