Luna - The Predator of Revenge

Chapter 26

Half Vampire

Third person’s POV

None of them could get the image out of their minds. His words took a toll on the alpha-beta pair. They both believed that his blood was indeed on their hands and that they couldn’t do anything to save him. Guilt washed Orion making him beat himself for making such a decision then.

The next day proved to be gloomy for them. Tah and Melaine, who were not present the previous night, didn’t know what had happened to them. None of them felt the need to explain it to them yet. Not knowing how to console the others without knowing what actually happened, they kept to themselves.

While all this happened on one side, on the other side the young couple was fighting. For Orion, Richard and Ethan, who had seen it themselves, they had known it was coming. But, for others it felt weird, seeing that they had sweet and lovely till before the kidnap. Daniel didn’t feel bothered about it in the slightest. Actually he was happy with what was happening after learning what he did to his sister.

After some forcing he had made Carol tell him everything from the very start. After that he made a vow to himself to prevent Noah from getting anywhere near her in the future, friend or not. This might strain their relationship in the future but he couldn’t care less.

A few days after the incident, Carol fainted during breakfast time. She was immediately rushed to the hospital with others coming along. After the doctor checked on her, she called for the alpha and the beta to talk alone. Upon checking her, she had found that her blood contained foreign blood, which was likely to be of a vampire’s. She discussed with them, her observation. They were shocked at first, but they made her do a vow of silence before leaving to analyze the new information at hand. After some time Caroline stirred awake. Tahliya and Melaine had been hysteric upon seeing her, before they were forced out of the room seeing that they were likely to be a disturbance to her mental stability. It was only Daniel, Orion and Richard left with her. Noah did not come to visit her. Either he didn’t know or he couldn’t bother, which no one bothered to think about.

Orion looked at Richard before nodding at him.

He cleared his throat before speaking.

“Caroline, do you remember anything that happened when you were kidnapped?”

She nodded her head at him.

“Did you by any chance get hurt or something while you were there? Were you injected with vampire blood?”, he asked testing the water.

“No-”, she stopped.

Carol’s POV

The letter.

The vampire king had told something about me having his blood in me, the letter will answer me.

I took off the IVs attached to my body ignoring the protest of everyone. I stood up to the confusion of others and took off to my home where the letter was kept at.

I could feel my body protesting my movements but I didn’t bother to stop. I could hear a series of foot steps behind me but I knew they wouldn’t be able to out run me yet, as I had the advantage of a head start.

Once I reached my room I made sure to lock the door before settling on the bed to take deep breaths. Once I made sure that I was fine, I tuned out the banging on the door and started reading the letter.

Dear Caroline,

Now that you are reading it, I hope that you are in a safe place, preferably your pack. I hope that you are doing well. As you seem to have so many questions, I decided that I shall help you with some.

Firstly, I am not the vampire king’s son. I was just a clan member until he chose me saying that I was to be the vampire prince. That was when I was seventeen, which was decades back. Since then my life has been controlled by him. I had no choice whatsoever until today. It was my choice to help you and I am happy about it.

Secondly, from what he had told, he had tried saving your mother giving her his blood, which, I am not sure, is the whole truth. Apparently, she was pregnant with you at that time and you had consumed some of the blood. That brings us to the main thing about you being a part vampire.

Thirdly, about us being mate, it is true. Remember the time when you had gone missing for a whole day. You had returned back home safely except for a cut on your palm. Since your wolf hadn’t been developed during that time it never healed fully. That was the day you were bonded to me by blood, making us mates. That was why I told you it was the vampire king who destined us together.

I am a half vampire.

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