Luna - The Predator of Revenge

Chapter 14

Meet the Vampire King

“And we finally meet, princess. I see that you have been asking around for me. Now that you have seen the old man himself, what do you think?”, a voice boomed behind me.

I swirled around to face the so called old man. Even though vampire facial age was not reliable, he could very well pass for a forty. He had black hair with a French beard. He had black eyes similar to his hair.

He signaled me to sit on the couch behind me.

I raised my eyebrows at him.

“Asher, could you leave us for a moment? I will call you when needed.”, he told the vampire prince.

So, Asher was his name. It suited his pale face well. Now that I think about it, I never asked for his name all this time. How stupid of me to not even ask the name of the person who happened to know things about me, who also happened to be my mate.

Mate?! Did my traitorous mind really think that now? I really need some serious run to clear my mind of unwanted thoughts. I need to stop this before Liza starts entertaining this idea too much.

By the time I was done with my pondering, Asher had left and the man, now known as vampire king, was looking at me as if I was crazy to have had thoughts like that.

Wait did I say them out loud?

As if answering me, he shook his head before looking at me in the eye.

“You look just like her.”, he stated, continuing to analyze me as if I was a piece of art.

His statement was simple but it weighed quite a lot for me.

“Who are you talking about?”, I asked him, not bothering to shut my curiosity.

He merely ignored my question as if he couldn’t hear from the little distance between us.

Next question from him had me on hunches.

“You are stronger than the alpha blood, aren’t you? -”

“How do you know that?”, I asked, shocked. Only Tah and I knew about this, maybe uncle, but he was the alpha, so it was inevitable. How did this man in front of me know all these?

“Now, Carol, I guess Asher forgot to remind you. I am a very irritable person and I don’t like anyone disrespecting me. And I definitely don’t like to be cut when I am talking. So talk only when you are asked for and don’t try to question me.”

Even though I wanted to protest him I knew better than to provoke a vampire who might as well have experience double my age.

“So, have you ever wondered about it?”

“Tah never took training seriously while I, being a beta’s daughter who trained everyone, had to train hard. So, obviously I have more strength than her, which neither of us have a problem with.”, I said shrugging.

I didn’t hesitate to mention Tah’s name, because I was sure that he knew about her too, if he knew this much.

“I never thought you were as dumb as the others.”, he said shaking his head, “Training has nothing to do with how powerful you are. It is just a median to sharpen your skills. It has to be in you by birth. You have it enough to beat that old alpha’s son.”

“But how is it possible? He is an alpha blood while I am a beta’s daughter. Tah you say? Yeah I might believe it to some extent. But an alpha is no cakewalk. You are spouting shit.”

“If I was you, I would watch my language, reminding myself whom I am talking to. Also whatever I told you was true, because you are my blood.”

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