Lucius-Ever Green Series Book Three

Chapter 37


Yesterday, too was exhausting for Chloe and did not really talk to anyone after coming back from the assembly. Having to retell what happened to her in front of full room of people. She felt personally violated again from the experience. It seemed like Darius was the only one who was asking the questions since it was his fault for turning Joe into a vampire. Now, Chloe has to deal with the possibility of dealing with more questions from the elders.

"Chloe," a voice said behind her.

The voice sounded familiar but could not place it. Chloe walked around to see where the voice was coming from. She found the voice of the person, and it was no other than Lucius trying to grab her attention. Guessing Chloe was so lost in her thoughts to listen to the conversation going on around her.

"Sorry, what did you say?" Chloe apologized.

"I said. We have to go home on Tuesday since it's Saturday. Due to your upcoming doctor's appointment for the twins again." Lucius told her.

Margo strolled over to Chloe when Thomas went over to Lucius to talk to him about something. Chloe turned towards Margo.

"Thank god. I am losing my mind by being here again," Margo comments.

"You were here before?" Chloe asked.

"Yes, supposely I was wanted for killing the former head of council seven months. He killed my parents in front of me. Ava was the one who did kill him. We ran for our safety, so it did make us look guilty at the time. The charges have since dropped. Now, while we wait for the chambers to open." Margo said.

The door opened, and everyone was to pile into the room. Chloe had sat at the same table with her loved one sitting behind her. She saw Isdorah and Jacob Jones come out in handcuffs to sit at the other table.

"Now, we can begin with the proceeding with where we left off but will ask questions to Isdorah involvement. Isdorah, may you please stand?" Darius instructed.

Isdorah stood up, and Chloe watched from her seat.

"How did you end up meeting Joe?" Darius asked.

Chloe waited and watched Isdorah for her answer. She also watched Darius to see what he would say.

"I met Joe the summer the year before. Joe was still human by then. He mentions his ex-girlfriend, Chloe, and told me what he did to her over the last three years. How he stalked her and so on. He made me a deal that would reunite me with my son, Lucius, if I cloaked their location from the likes of his friends who eventually found us. I don't know how they found us either," Isdorah told the assembly.

"What do you mean you don't know how they found you? They obviously had help from a powerful witch. I don't mean for the scunity of your strength in magic, but it is a must that one of Chloe friends is very powerful. I will say that the way you left years passed does not help with the fact you help my progeny. I also know of your affair with Magnus Weller when you were still married to Miles. The past always comes out. You would certainly know that," Darius comments.

"I don't know how my past has anything to do with my presence being held in this assembly trial. Are you going to charge with conspiracy in accessory with kidnapping. Or are you going to rehash everything I had done?" Isdorah sneered and went back to her seat.

Darius ignored Isdorah rageful statement towards him. He stood up soon afterward and addressed the assembly, "I hereby announced that Isdorah Evelyn Wentz is under arrest for the crimes of conspiracy to commit kidnapping. Also, put treason as well."

After the crimes were announced, Darius walked out of the assembly room. The rest of the elders stood up soon after, and they also left the room. The room was eerily silent. Isdorah sat staring at the door that elders had left from. Jacob was staring at his hands and knew his day was tomorrow to face the assembly.

Chloe looked over to Lucius. She also looked at the others present in the room behind. Then she thought, "What the hell just happened. At least, the truth was out about Isdorah's affair with Magnus Weller, and it was over with."

The door opens once again. Instead, it is guards that enter the assembly hall, and they surround Isdorah to arrest her. The leader spoke, "You are here by under arrest for crimes against the council, and hereby it's time to take you to your cell,"

Chloe was about to speak up for Isdorah, but Lucius put a hand on her shoulder to stop her. She wanted to shake him off, but his grip was firm on her.

The guards took Isdorah away before Chloe could help her. Chloe only stood where she had sat before. Lucius grabbed Chloe's hand and dragged her from the assembly room.

"Why did you do that?" Chloe demanded.

"You can not interpret an arrest. You will be charged as well for interfering," Lucius told her.

"She did nothing wrong but help when Joe took too much of my blood. She took care of me. She also wanted to help get away from him. Your mother knew he wanted to keep me there with him after the twins were born. He wanted to turn into a vampire." Chloe explained.

"That does not justify what he did the last three years to you," Lucius said,clarifying to Chloe.

"I don't believe this. You are wrong. How long have you known Joe?" Chloe said loudly.

"I knew him for nine years. I had no idea he dated you. He kept his dating life a secret from me. He wanted a superfical friendship and nothing else. I had no idea that he was terrible to you. He never mentioned that he was stalking his ex-girlfriend and told him he would get in trouble for it eventually. I am truly sorry," Lucius said. Then he walked away from her, leaving her standing in the hall alone.

Chloe stood there for what seemed ten minutes until there were footsteps behind. She turned to see Miles standing behind her to say, "Are things okay with you and Lucius?"

"I do not even know at this point. He just walked off to brood somewhere. Was he always like this before I came into the picture?" Chloe asked.

"At times, he was like this, but there were times when he used to be happy. Things have difficulty for him to adjust to having to see his mother get arrested. My wife left him very young and cheated on me with my boss for some time. It makes his life difficult for him. His mother found him alone one night and was a little psycho to him. It makes sense to me for him to feel like this. Just give him time," Miles said, padding Chloe on the shoulder.

Chloe gathered herself and let her heels click down the hallway. She made it to the car with Lucius Miles waiting for her. Noticing, the wild gestures coming from Lucius made her hesitate going towards the car. They stopped talking when she opened the door.

"What’s going on?" Chloe asked, confused.

"Nothing," Lucius said,icily. Then he went quiet.

The rest of the ride back to the Wentzes residence was quiet. It was starting to feel suffocating to Chloe. She decided to just go to bed.

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