Lucius-Ever Green Series Book Three

Chapter 24


It has now been two months since Joe attacked the compound Ian, and Taylor addressed what happened to the council. Darius made a statement as well. Chloe had to make an appearance as well, which scared her. Miles made appearance as well to make sure vampires or other supernaturals did not cause problems. Everyone else went about their normal routine.

Now, Chloe and Lucius found a different place to live away from their friends in Jefferson. Lucius transferred to a university out in Montana to continue with his degree. He was thinking of taking a semester off for when the twins are here. The upcoming appointment tells them the genders of the babies. Personally, Lucius wants it to be a surprise.

There was a knock at the door, and Lucius went over to open it. Margo and Thomas were both outside. They must be here to talk with Chloe about wedding planning. Margo didn’t look Lucius in the eyes, only just walking past him. Thomas clapped Lucius on the shoulder. Both men went to the living room.

"How are you guys?" Lucius asked.

"Margo is a little stressed about the wedding. Ava is home schooled for right now to finish her sophomore year. I took on her on a tour of the local high school, but she wanted to be home schooled for now. That is why you guys barely saw her." Thomas says to Lucius.

"She will go back to school in person?" Lucius asked.

"Not until after the wedding and summer is over. I heard Taylor would be attending. Ava needs a friend, not only Serena." Chloe replied.

"Oh, okay," Lucius said.

Lucius ended the conversation and went to the kitchen to make lunch. He took in how large the kitchen compared to the apartment on the compound. Then again, it would always be different after the events that happened two months back. Chloe strolled in and looked at Lucius, who was taking the kitchen. She bumped shoulders with him and laughed him.

"Why are you laughing at me?" Lucius asked.

"I never saw someone so transfixed on a kitchen. The look on your face said it all. I just could not help it," Chloe says, giggling.

"I can pick fun at you when we first look for another place. The house we are looking to get one day. Then I will laugh at you," Lucius said poking Chloe in the arm.

Chloe just wrapped her arms around him. He never noticed that with her. She never did that in the past few months. Joe did a number on their relationship. She has been going to therapy to help with the past, hoping to move on. It scared him to know the person he thought was a friend was labeled an enemy based on his relationship with Chloe.

"Do you think we will ever be the same after the events at the compound?" Chloe asked seriously.

"I think it will take time. We had to move so you are comfortable. We need time to recover." Lucius told Chloe. He hugs her.

There was a knock on the door. It made Chloe jump out of her skin. Lucius goes to the door, and Miles is outside. He ushered his father inside. He goes to sit down next to Chloe on the sofa.

"How are you guys?" Miles asked.

"We could be better. Chloe is taking care of herself. She is still rattled but talking to someone about what happened. Moving helped me somewhat." Lucius said.

Miles nodded and said,"Darius made a new rule for the vampires and trackers to follow. He hopes it would work. I am hoping my grandkids won't have to deal with this stuff in the future."

"Hopefully," Lucius said sarcastically.

Chloe gave him a look and hit his arm. She says to him," Your father did enough for us. Have some respect."

Lucius was caught off guard by Chloe's reaction. He did not expect her to say that to him. Then, they were interrupted by another knock at the door. This time, Chloe answered the door. Her parents were on the porch.

"Is today drop by your child's place unexpectedly day." Chloe said sarcastically.

Chloe's mother and father moved past her to sit in the living room. They sit on the love seat. Miles sat in the armchair. They did not expect to see Miles again so soon. They shook hands.

"Nice see you again. It seems we were thinking the same thing to see our kids. I wanted to see the new apartment." Mrs. Swartz said.

"It appears they don't like random visits all that much." Miles joked.

"Clearly," Lucius said.

"Anyone want a drink or anything?"Chloe asked, walking towards the kitchen.

"Do you have tea?" Miles asked Chloe.

"Yes, we Lipton Black Tea, Green Tea, Raspberry Tea, Earl Grey, and normal Iced Tea in the fridge." Chloe yells from the kitchen.

Mrs. Swartz goes to the kitchen to help Chloe make the beverages. Both ladies made extra tea, so if anyone wanted seconds. Chloe sits down next to Lucius again, drinking her tea.

"Do you know what the gender is for the twins yet?" Mrs. Swartz asked.

"We have an appointment tomorrow, so no, we don't know yet," Chloe told her mom.

"I think we should know so we know what to buy for the upcoming baby shower in a few months," Mrs. Swartz replied.

"Of course," Chloe said, went back to drinking her tea.

Her father and Miles excused themselves to talk about council business. Lucius stayed since he got bored talking about council stuff. He came back inside to sit with the ladies.

"So, Lucius, are you going to finish school?" Mrs. Swartz asked.

"I am planning to take a semester off after the twins are born. I think it would benefit Chloe to have the help. Considering that both of us will not be getting sleep." Lucius comments.

"That would be great. Chloe is still going to try to do the freelance writing after giving birth?" Mrs. Swartz questioned.

"I will have to since no money would be coming in," Chloe replied, taking tea cups to the kitchen.

"She would not have to since my father agreed to help with expenses," Lucius told Mrs. Swartz.

Miles and Chloe's father both come in. He tells them he needs to leave that he has a meeting to get to. Chloe's parents both say their goodbyes and leave soon after Miles does.

"Thank god, they both left." Chloe said, sighing, then sat down.

"I couldn't agree more." Lucius agreed.

They spent the rest of the day cleaning and unpacking the rest of the apartment. Both were tired by the time night came and went to bed soon after.

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