Lucius-Ever Green Series Book Three

Chapter 22


The entire night, after reading up so much on twins. Lucius’s mind blows by how much information they had collected. He was not sure how he could handle two babies. Thinking one baby would be enough. Their doctor did tell them the ups and downs of having twins due to having two sets at home. Mrs. Clemmons did say to call if we had any questions regarding having twins.

Upon learning that Chloe was carrying twins, it could explain some things regarding her showing earlier than normal in her pregnancy. Lucius is lost in thought at the doctor's office and on the way back from Jefferson. They spent the rest of the day doing research on twins besides all the supernatural stuff that supposedly happens.

The next morning, Lucius spent some time in bed, just staring at the ceiling, thinking about how surprised his father was going to be learning about the twins. Speaking of his father, his phone starts to ring. He quietly got out of bed without waking Chloe. Knowing he was still tired from lack of sleep.

"Hello, son," Miles said when Lucius answered.

"Hi, Lucius mustered, "Why are you calling so early?"

"I am calling to tell you I did speak to Joe's master and he agreed there should be some punishment for him. He doesn't know when he can come out here to meet with us. He was thinking about some time next month he will have free time." Miles said.

"Thanks for telling me. At least, we know he will have some availability next month. Do you even know the vampire's name?" Lucius questioned.

"Yes, his name is Darius Sultan. He only turned Joe a couple of years ago. Bad enough, he befriended you. Darius regrets turning him. Something I never heard a vampire complain about, to be honest," Miles said, sighing.

"I have some news," Lucius anticipated, telling his father about the twins.

"What news?" Miles asked.

"Chloe expecting twins. Can you believe it?" Lucius said, thrilled and shocked.

"I never thought twins would run in the family. No one on either side has twins. This is the first for the family. Do you know the genders yet?" Miles questioned.

"No, not yet. Chloe wants to find out." Lucius said, smiling for once about having twins.

Miles addresses that they get married soon or at least get engaged. Then say their goodbyes. Lucius is just starting to get deeper into his relationship with Chloe. He does not want to rush getting engaged when they are already expecting. It will be too much for both of them at the moment. Going slow would be the best option, and that would be overstepping Margo and Thomas’s wedding.

A little bit later in the morning, Chloe was awake and moving around in the kitchen to make breakfast. Lucius got up from the couch to help her.

"What are you making?" Lucius asked.

"Just eggs and toast. Do you want some?" Chloe questioned.

"Maybe. Would you want some help with making breakfast?" Lucius wondered.

"Or you are going to watch me make something and stand there. Honestly, I really don’t need help making breakfast." Chloe said and rolled her eyes at Lucius. Then she resumed making her breakfast.

Lucius only laughed and walked back out of the kitchen. He went back to the couch to watch TV. There was a knock on the door. He did not bother to answer until the knocking got frantic enough for Lucius to answer the door. Opening the door, Margo was standing on the porch.

"Is Chloe here?" Margo questioned.

"She is but in the kitchen. Come in. There is no need to stand outside." Lucius said, gesturing for Margo to walk past him.

Margo walked around Lucius and went to the kitchen.

Lucius could not hear what the girls were saying because the TV was blasting. He only heard laughing and some crying. Now, that made him a little curious. Going past the kitchen, he saw Margo in tears.

"What’s going on?" Lucius asked, standing outside the kitchen door.

"Margo was attacked by Joe at her apartment. Ava was home. Luckily, Thomas was at work. I think she called me about before." Chloe whispered to Lucius in the living room.

"We should tell my father about this. It might help get Darius out here fast enough to deal with Joe." Lucius suggests.

"I will let Margo and Ava do that since it was at their place of residence." Chloe said before walking back into the kitchen.

Chloe and Margo were both sitting at the kitchen as Lucius came in to help with Margo’s situation. Kneeling down in front of Margo, Lucius took her hands and said, "You are safe, Margo. I will do anything in my power to get Joe for what he did."

"You think you could help me after all the drama you put me through?" Margo sneered at Lucius, "I lost another friend because of you. Cassandra would still be alive if you didn't absorb her magic."

Margo walked out of the apartment soon after that. She slammed the door loud enough to rattle the windows.

Chloe gave Lucius as see what you done kind of look. She follows Margo out to her car.

"Margo, wait," Chloe called as she was walking over.

Margo stood outside her car with her arms crossed. Clearly, she was really pissed off. Chloe stood in front of her friend and said,"What did you mean about Lucius killing your friend?"

"He killed her by absorbing her magic and left her like a dried out husk. Cassandra was only a friend back home before moving here with Ava and Thomas. His father wanted my parents dead for their positions on the council. They were next in line to be leaders of the council. Also, they wanted my magic for something. I had my magic binded for that reason." Margo told Chloe the whole truth in one sitting.

Lucius comes outside to tell Margo, "My father is throwing away your trial. Ava and you are not wanted anymore by the council."

Then he goes back inside. He was not sure if Chloe would talk to him after Margo spills the secret that he wanted to keep. It frightened him that he could lose Chloe because of this. He only hoped that when she came back from talking with Margo, things would be the same. He was sitting on the couch when Chloe came back in.

"What type of witch are you?" Chloe boldly asked.

"I am siphoner witch,"was all Lucius said.

"What is siphoner witch?" Chloe questioned.

"It’s a type of witch that needs to absorb magic from people or objects in order to do any type of magic. Hence, why Cassandra died at my hand," Lucius said while getting up from the couch.

"The twins will be siphoner witches,"Chloe whispered,more to herself.

"I need air," was all Lucius said before the apartment.

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