Love’s Fortune A Billionaire Romance (Jasmine and Ethan’s)

Chapter 30

CHAPTER THIRTY–THE COURT OF PUBLIC OPINION  sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

By the time the witching hour arrived, the studio was awash in the proud, effervescent energy of their rallied accomplishments. 

Yes, tangible streaks of damage remained – but they’d been reclaimed and elevated into something undeniably more poignant, more triumphant than ever before. 

“It’s…magnificent,” Agnes breathed, pulling off her smudged glasses as she beheld the sprawling, wholly reborn masterpiece in awe. “Even more emotively rich and dynamic than we’d originally conceived.” 

Diego let out a rusty chuckle, caked in sweat and pigment yet beaming with a beatific, childlike wonderment. “Yes…yes, you’re quite right my dear! Our humble community fresco has been unexpectedly elevated into something…transcendent.” 

His amber eyes found Jasmine’s across the swirling center of activity, gleaming with profound gratitude and respect. 

“Gracias, senorita – for your steady vision, moral courage, and refusal to let the forces of negativity diminish our fire. I finally understand the true depths of this journey you’ve undertaken.” 

Jasmine held his look for a long beat, feeling an overwhelming sense of pride and humility in equal 


Words failing her, she simply gave a small nod of acknowledgment before turning towards the others. 

“Thank you all for your contributions and belief in this,” she said simply, voice catching slightly with emotion.” 

The community unveiling event for the mural was a joyous affair, with families and locals packing the center’s courtyard. 

As the tarp dropped to reveal the stunning, re–birthed artwork in all its vibrancy, a collective gasp of awe rippled through the crowd before swelling into thunderous applause. 

Jasmine and her students beamed with pride as director Miriam took the podium, voice thick with grateful emotion. This stunning mural is so much more than just a beautiful work of art. It’s a celebration of the spirits that intertwine to create our wonderful community tapestry!” 

Miriam continued extolling the mural’s virtues and detailing the arduous process behind its creation. The longer she spoke, the more Jasmine noted a palpable shift in the crowd’s energy confusion and skepticism seemingly taking root amongst the initial enthusiasm. 

When Miriam finally yielded the microphone for the artists‘ own remarks, the first question came almost immediately from a stout, balding man near the front. 

So…what’s the deal with all the, uh, unusual brush strokes and stuff?” He gestured vaguely at one of the more abstractly–rendered quadrants. “I mean, don’t get me wrong, it’s striking and all. But it also kinda Tooks like a kid’s handprint smeared across parts of it? 

Jasmine tensed slightly, but Penelope was already taking the mic with her usual poised confidence. “An astute observation. Those spontaneous embellishments were a…unexpected yet meaningful addition to the piece’s evolution.” 

She leveled her cool gaze outward as a hush fell over the attendees. “You see, during our assembly of this mural, we endured an…unpleasant disruption from an unstable, vandalistic outside element.” 

A scandalized murmur coursed through the spectators as realization bloomed. Pressing on calmly yet firmly, Penelope continued. 

“Rather than be demoralized by this bad–faith attack, we channeled our community’s resilience into 

directly reclaiming and elevating each defacement. The spontaneous strokes and textures you perceive are a visual embodiment of that perseverance over toxicity.” 

For a pregnant pause, the courtyard fell utterly silent the audience clearly hanging on her every word, rapt. Then another voice called out, this one an elderly Hispanic woman’s reedy tone. 

“Who was this deviant attacker? They must face consequences for such disrespect!” 

A fierce outburst of murmurs and calls for accountability followed her question. Taking the moment, Diego strode forward and raised his hands imploringly 

“My friends, my neighbors…I can indeed unmask the malcontent who so maligned our artistic truth,” he began, infusing his words with his trademark dramatic flair. “For it was none other than my former protegé – a man by the name of Marco del Rio.” 

The tenor of the crowd’s rumblings shifted once more, a dangerous edge of anger sparking within it now. Diego pressed on, undeterred. 

“You see, the vandalistic del Rio once studied under my tutelage, yet possesses none of my ferocious. creative spirit – only the small–minded avarice of a bourgeois narcissist!” 

The crowd was fully animated now, swelling tides of outrage and disbelief surging. Seizing the moment, Marcus abruptly shoved his way to the front and jabbed an accusing finger outward. 

That pretentious douche canoe is right there!” he shouted, bringing a hush as all eyes swiveled to follow his aim. “Lurking in the back like a little bitch, trying to sneak away from the truth again!” 

And there indeed was Marco, slinking through the courtyard’s back entrance with a studiously nonchalant air. Upon being exposed, however, he froze momentarily – throwing one last contemptuous sneer over his shoulder before breaking into a sprint. 

What followed was a scene of utter pandemonium as the outraged crowd surged forth, dozens of furious people giving chase to the fleeing vandal. 

Wild shouts and threats echoed through the entire center as Miriam desperately tried to regain order over her microphone. 

In the end, however, Marco’s sense of self–preservation apparently overwhelmed his ego – he went to ground, disappearing before the mob could apprehend him. But the damage to his reputation and credibility had well and truly been done. 

In the aftermath, Jasmine found herself approached by a sheepish yet similarly reinvigorated Diego, his usual bombast banked to a low simmer for once. 

“…you have my most sincere apologies and gratitude, Jasmine, he began simply, no grandiose poetic flourishes or flowery affectations to be found. “My unrestrained ego brought that unforgivable darkness upon our sanctum, gave shelter to such insecurity and bile.” 

One wizened hand found her arm, squeezing gently. “Yet through your profound grace and leadership. that toxicity was not just removed but changed into something amazing.” 

Diego’s eyes crinkled at their corners as he managed a small, modest smile. “I can think of no finer partner to help steward these creative journeys than you, ma chérie.” 

Jasmine couldn’t find her voice for a moment as deep wells of emotion swirled within her – pride, vindication, and above all else, a renewed sense of purpose blazing more intensely than ever before. 

When she finally managed to speak, her reply was simple yet heartfelt. 

“Then I likewise look forward to witnessing the artistic rebirths you’ll unearth within yourself and others, 


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