Loved by the twin alphas (Alexia Miles and Michael)

Chapter 134


Chapter 134

Miles leaned in, his lips brushing against hers in a chaste, romantic kiss. He lingered for only a brief moment, but deep down he had hoped that it would last longer than it just did. He didn't want to push her beyond her limit so he pulled back in understanding.

Miles smiled, his voice soft and loving. "Hold on for just a second, my love. I'll be back with Michael soon. I can't wait to see the joy in his eyes when he hears that you're awake." Miles said, his voice pumped with enthusiasm.

Alexia smiled back at him, her voice filled with affection. "Take your time, Miles. I'll be right here." Alexia said, she blew an invincible kiss over to him at a distance that set his heart in a flutter.

With one last lingering look at her, Miles reluctantly let go of Alexia's hand and stepped away, his heart filled with excitement and a sense of urgency. He quickly reached for his phone and dialed Michael's number, eager to deliver the news and witness the expression on his brother's face when he heard the great news.

As the phone rang, Miles's mind raced with anticipation, the sound of the ringing echoing in the room. Finally, he heard Michael's voice on the other end, "Miles, what's happening? How is she?" Michael asked, impatiently.

A smile tugged at the corners of Miles's lips as he shared the long-awaited news. "Michael, she's awake! Alexia has regained consciousness. It's a miracle, Michael. She's fighting and getting stronger."

A rush of excitement flooded Michael's voice. Miles could hear how excited he was on the other side of the phone. He could almost see the expression on his face. "Thank the heavens! This is huge news, Miles, I can't express how relieved I am to hear that. Please tell her how much I love her and that I would be there in only a second. Please, tell her to wait for me. Do wait, Miles! It will only take a minute."

With that, he terminated the call and began to unravel how he would mysteriously appear at the hospital in only a minute. Slow down, Micheal! Of course, she was going to wait for you. She could barely sit up on her own. Where the hell did you think she was going to run off to with those wobbly legs of hers?

As Miles shared the news of Alexia's awakening with Michael, a wave of disbelief and astonishment washed over Michael. His voice trembled with excitement as he struggled to find the right words to express his emotions.

"Miles, you're not kidding, right? She's really awake? I can't believe it!”

Miles laughed, his voice filled with delight. "I'm not kidding, Michael. It's true! Our prayers have been answered. Alexia has regained consciousness, and she's asking for you." Chapter 131

Michael's heart soared, and he could barely contain his enthusiasm. "Oh my goodness! This is incredible!"

Miles nodded, the joy evident in his voice. "It's a miracle, Michael. I can't begin to describe the relief I felt when I heard the news."

Michael's voice grew even more animated, filled with infectious excitement. "I feel like I could jump for joy! This is the best news I've heard in so long. I've been so worried, Miles. I didn't know if she would make it."

Miles's voice brimmed with reassurance. "We all had our doubts, Michael. But Alexia is a fighter, and she's proven time and time again that she has the strength to overcome any obstacle. She's defying the odds."

Michael couldn't contain his enthusiasm any longer. "I want to shout it from the rooftops, Miles! Alexia is awake! Our love has brought her back! It's a miracle, an absolute miracle!"

Miles laughed, sharing in his brother's exuberance. "I know exactly how you feel, Michael. The joy in your voice is contagious. I can almost see it." Miles teased.

you for being Michael's voice filled with gratitude and emotion. "Thank you, Miles. Thank there for her, for keeping me updated. I can't wait to see her, to hold her, and to tell her how much I love her." Miles's voice held a note of affection. "You'll have that chance soon, Michael."

Michael took a deep breath, trying to steady himself amidst the whirlwind of emotions. "I will, Miles. I'm on my way to her right now. I can't wait to see her beautiful eyes again and feel the warmth of her touch." Miles's voice softened. "Take your time, Michael. Drive safely. Alexia is waiting for you. We'll

be here."

Micheal sprinted to the car in speed.

Michael's hands gripped the steering wheel tightly as he drove towards the hospital. His foot pressed firmly on the accelerator, urging the car to move faster, as if he could somehow will time it to pass more swiftly.

The radio played in the background, but Michael's thoughts were consumed by the overwhelming joy and disbelief that filled his heart. The world outside the car seemed to blur, his focus solely on reaching the hospital and being by Alexia's side.

With each passing mile, Michael's excitement grew, his enthusiasm radiating through every fiber of his being. He couldn't help but let out bursts of exuberance, singing along to the songs on the radio, and occasionally shouting with giddy excitement.

"Alexia," he whispered to himself, a smile lighting up his face. "She's awake. My love is awake!" He hit the steering wheel in excitement.

11:02 Tue, 23 Apr AG

Chapter 11

The wind rushed through the open windows, tousling his hair as if celebrating the remarkable news. The passing scenery became a blur of colors and lights, matching the whirlwind of emotions that swirled within him.

As he navigated through traffic, Michael couldn't help but steal glances at the passenger seat, imagining Alexia sitting beside him, her smile radiant and eyes filled with joy. The thought of being reunited with her filled him with euphoria that he could hardly contain.

The radio played a familiar love song, and Michael turned up the volume, singing along at the top of his lungs. The lyrics resonated with him, expressing the overflowing love and happiness that surged through his veins. He couldn't help but let the music fuel his enthusiasm, his voice carried away by the melody.

With each passing moment, Michael's anticipation grew, his foot pressing down on the accelerator with urgency. The car zipped through the streets, the city lights passing in a blur as he weaved through traffic, eager to reach his destination.

His heart pounded with excitement with the sound echoing in his cars. He glanced at the clock, his eyes widening in disbelief at how quickly the minutes seemed to fly by. It felt as though time itself was conspiring to bring him closer to the moment he had been longing


A smile crept across his face as he recognized the familiar song, one that held a special place in his heart..

He couldn't help himself. The melody tugged at his soul, urging him to sing along and he did:

"Tonight's gonna be a good night!" he sang out, his voice brimming with uncontainable joy.

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