Love You Or Hate You, I Can't Decide, Book2

Chapter the twins

Episode-1 the twins

Celeste's POV: (in capital of N country)

I am Celeste Millar, 22 this year... I am not

special, well maybe I am.. I am topper of the university... I have dirty blond long hairs, grey eyes.... I am in third year of university... one more years.. I mean this is my last year.... and I am free... totally free.. I am from a small town out from the coastal region of the

country, my mom works at a mart there... I am studying in the top most university, the scholarship pays for it.. I worked my a** for it... but this is stressing me out now.. it's morning and I am holding this cup of strong coffee as I am sleepless for the night... the college is talking everything out of me..

I want to cry and sleep... that's it...

My friend and roommate Daisy said, "girl... get some

help.. look at you.." yea I look like I just got possessed by a ghost.. I want to sleep.. I walked in the shower instead.. I have a submission today... I just want to sleep... I got ready and my phone rang, I answered it, "good morning, mom..." she kept asking few questions I lied about the breakfast.. and ended the call with, "mom.. I have to go now.. I will call later..." we are not rich, just

mom and me... I do part time jobs to support myself... this is hard but I am doing this all to find Dad.. my Dad.. he left us when I was 14, I got to know he use

to work in capital, so I got here in this city.. I need to find Dad and ask my questions.. mom doesn't know it, she won't let me do this.. she hates Dad.. but

I love my Dad..... I will pull my family together... I know I can...

Author's POV:

In the palace

Evelyn walked in the main hall as she was busy with her assistant Jean. Jean said, "Ma'am, your manager called and said there is shoot today." Evelyn the youngest twin is a model, no one knows she is Princess because her father protected his kids from the media... she is known as Eve in the model industry.. she was the most popular model of last year, even though she is just 20.. success ran to her quickly, like her brothers.... She had

these blond hair, blue eyes delicate features of her mother... a beauty no one

can harm but everyone wants.... Her brothers are her protectors... even though they

help her secretly...

Her Assistant asked, "Ma'am... should we say yes.."

Evelyn said, "No!.. today is mom's

birthday... today is for family, big bro is coming today... and second bro too.. I can't miss it... at last

I am the only princess." She smiled at herself, she said, "today.... I will give

the best present to mom.. I will win..." she giggled to herself... she felt a light hit on her head, she

grasped.. and turned in anger to face her twin brother, Aaron.. he smirked and

said, "no... I will win.... You are loser.." Aaron, even though he takes after his father, he got soft side of his mother.... he is genius.. the best hacker of the country maybe in the world... he goes by a secret name MASK'... only his siblings and father knows it, mother might be angry so helps in the secret... he is the best student everywhere he goes, his mother, Queen Alisa is quite proud of him, even though no one knows he is the youngest Prince, he is runs a secret hackers organizations.. no one knows him but everyone talks about a genius hacker.... the kids enjoy their own identity as they rule their own world... what do you except from King Edwin Arthur Grey's children..

Evelyn chased her brother as she screamed, "You stupid!!... hey!.. stop

or I am killing you today...." Evelyn's assistant sigh on her own crisis..... Aaron smirked and ran away from her... they both

stopped as they say their mother glaring at them as she folds her hand around

her chest... the twins smiled at each other like nothing happened, then at their

mother Queen Alisa...

Evelyn and Aaron both said together,

"Happy Birthday mom!!" they both glared at each other on this.. Evelyn said, "I

said it first.." Aaron immediately fought back, "No.. I did, loser..."

Alisa warned, "Stop!" the Twins smiled as if they were kids.. Edwin

stood beside Alisa and sight, they knew these kids were childish and don't

listen at all. Alisa walked to the kitchen as she said, "if you two fight then you are doing dishes.... Anyways your brothers are coming for dinner after long." Evelyn whined, "but I am a Princess... I can't... I am a super model too.." Alisa smiled at her and said, "right now, you two are my kids and are going to get punished... if you fight you are done.. Aaron, I warn you too.."

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