Love & War

Chapter 14


That fiddlesticking toadstool! How dare he have the audacity to accuse me of something like adultery!? What in the name of the Gods came over him to behave like that?! To humiliate me like that!? In front of everyone! Gah!

I return to Elliot’s house and I close the door to the spare room before sitting on the couch with my hands on my belly.

I promise you, baby, I will shield you from that. I will be strong for you. I will protect you if nothing else. I promise you will not grow up as I did. You will know affection and you will have the freedom I crave but will never have. I am so mad at that prick I even forgot my apricots. I really wanted those too.

I feel tears well up in my eyes but I just feel numb inside. My hands are shaking and tears start streaming down my face.

Why am I crying? Humiliation is nothing new to me. Why did it hurt so much when he did it though? Why was I stupid enough to fool myself into believing he would be happy? Why was I stupid enough to believe the illusion of things finally looking up? The other shoe finally dropped.

I lay over on the couch and curl up on my side. My belly pokes over the edge a little bit. I feel my baby moving a bit then close my eyes.

A field of flowers, daisies to be specific.

The meeting place? Why am I back here?

“Illiana.” A voice I do not recognize speaks from behind me. I turn to see the man with the stag breastplate.

Why is he always there?

“Who are you?” I cross my arms.

“My name is Theos.” He raises an eyebrow. I cock my head to the side.

Theos. Why does that sound familiar?

“Okay. You already know who I am. What do you want with me?” I raise an eyebrow.

Theos smirks. He is amused. I’m glad one of us is.

“I need you to help Elliot.”

I glare at him. “And why the hell should I do that?”

“Because I asked you to.” He stares unflinchingly at me.

“Should that mean something to me? You are just the man that shadows him. You help him. I can’t say I quite have the inclination to do anything for that man.” I glare.

“You took a vow before me and my siblings. You will do as I ask.” Theos stomps his foot.

“And if I refuse? Will you throw a tantrum?”

I will not back down to this man.

“A tantrum? Have you no fear?” He asks incredulously.

“I will fear no man anymore. I refuse. So no. I am not afraid of you. Or your tantrums. You came to me. You can respect my decision or you can get mad about it. Makes no difference to me.” I shrug.

I hear a thunderous laugh from behind me. I look over my shoulder and see a woman. She is dainty. Faery-like. Familiar?

“Oh, gracious. This is a first for you isn’t it, Theos,” she laughs.

“Shut it,” he grumbles putting a hand on his hip.

The woman walks up to me and smiles.

“Hello, Illiana. It’s nice to finally speak to you. Your magic is refreshing.”

My magic? Who are these people?

“Oh! My manners. My name is Arabella. Goddess of nature, renewal, and growth. That,” she points to Theos, “is Theos. God of War and the hunt. He’s the leader and God of the armies. Your husband’s deity.”

Goddess? God? Deity? This dream has to be the hormones. That is all this is. A weird, vivid pregnancy dream.

Arabella stands in front of me. “Illiana, Elliot needs you. Your father’s army ambushed them. They took Zander. Elliot and Jessilyn both need you. Now. Please help them, Illiana.”

My father’s army came into the elven territory? They have Zander? There’s no way. This is a dream.

“And what would you have me do?” I decide to humor them.

Arabella smiles and looks over at Theos.

“We need you to help them see. Help them understand. There’s a map in Elliot’s dresser. In the top drawer. Draw out all of the outposts. Draw the safest entrance to the fae kingdom.”

I raise an eyebrow. “The safest way is the meeting place. The field. Why do you need a second entrance?”

“Insurance, sweet girl.” Theos grins.

I feel someone shaking me slightly.



“Wake up, beautiful.”

I open my eyes. Elliot is sitting on the floor in front of the couch. He looks tired. His complexion is pale with dark bags under his bloodshot eyes. His eyes are a little puffy like he has been crying.

“Elliot?” I mumble.

“Illiana, I’m sorry.” He hangs his head in defeat.

I reach out and touch his face. “I’m not ready to forgive you. You humiliated me. You hurt me. But I have to do something for you. Help me up?”

Elliot stands up silently and extends his hand. I stand up and steady myself before walking to the bedroom. The top drawer of Elliot’s dresser. I put my hand on the copper handle.

Time to see if that was real or a hormone dream.

I pull open the drawer and there is a stack of documents with a map of the kingdoms sitting right on top.

Oh, my gods that was real.

I turn and look at Elliot. He is propped up on the door frame watching me intently.

“I need something to write with.”

“There’s a charcoal stick in that drawer to the side.”

I rummage around until I find it. Outposts. I draw small circles around all of the outposts I remember and a large “x” at what I think is the safest entrance to the kingdom of the fae folk.

“There are also outposts here and here.” A hand reaches around me poking the map. It’s a hand larger than Elliots.

Theos. Is he helping me?

I circle where he pokes.

“Thank you. You’ve done me a kindness.”

I turn to face him, but he is already gone.

The elven gods are real.

I shake my head and turn to Elliot. “Here. This is to help you get Zander back.” I hold out the map.

Elliot looks bewildered. “How did you know about Zander?”

“It doesn’t matter how I found out. This is a map of all of my father’s outposts. The “X” is the safest way into the kingdom of the fae folk other than the meeting ground. The rest is up to you. I did what was asked of me.” I stare at the floor.

Elliot stands there wordlessly examining the map. “Who asked you to do this?”

“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you. Now I’m going to go to the living room. My feet are aching.”

I walk by him. He sits the map on top of the dresser and hugs me from behind. He rests his forehead on the top of my head and wraps one arm around mine and places his other hand on my belly.

“I am sorry, Illiana. I messed up. I will never forgive myself. I’m not asking you to forgive me. Just please, talk to me,” he whispers.

“About what? What do you want me to say?” I stare at the door in front of me.

“Anything. Please. I just- I love you.” His voice cracks at the end.

My breath catches in my throat.

He loves me? What?

“You love me? You, the man who hates my entire race, loves me? What?” I feel him flinch.

“I can’t hate your entire race because I love you. And our child too.”

“The child you were convinced wasn’t yours a few hours ago?” I grit my teeth.

Elliot buries his face in my hair. “I’m sorry, my Queen.”

How do I respond to that? How am I supposed to?

“I- uh. Let’s go find a way to get Zander back. He’s been abducted, right?” Perhaps changing the subject.

Elliot lets me go and takes a step back. He stares at me for a minute.

“What?” I raise an eyebrow.

“Who told you about Zander?”

“That’s not important. If my father has him I don’t know how long he will last. My father is cruel.” I frown then hold out my hand to Elliot. “Come on.”

He takes my hand without any hesitation and smiles down at me.

“Before that, there is something I need to speak with you about.”


“We have a house guest. When we broke up the healer slave trade, there was a boy. And he is here now under my protection. I hope that’s okay?” He gives me a lopsided smile.

“So you brought a kid home that needed help? Yes, that’s okay with me. Where is he?”

“Obsidian is in the kitchen. We have a surprise for you as well.” He plasters a smile on his face.

I raise an eyebrow and turn to the door. “Lead the way then. Oh! Were going to have to get him a bed. He can’t sleep on that sofa.”

Elliot chuckles and grabs my hand. He leads me out of the bedroom and to the kitchen. A little boy, no more than ten or eleven at most, stands by the door. He has dark skin and even darker hair. His eyes are a lilac color with silvery flecks. The stars in his eyes. Trademark signs of a healer. He has something behind his back and is grinning from ear to ear. I smile down at him.

“Hello there.”

“Hello, Princess Illiana, ma’am! I’m Obsidian. Don’t worry I crossed my heart not to tell anyone about your wings. Your secret is safe with me!” He declares as he pokes his chest with his thumb.

“Well, thank you, Obsidian.” I smile at him.

He looks up at Elliot then back at me. “Prince Elliot picked this out for you, but I picked out the ribbon and tied the bow!” He holds a tin wrapped in a green and purple ribbon out in front of him.

I accept it and stare at the bow. “This is a very pretty bow. You did an excellent job!”

Obsidian grins proudly. “Open it! Open it!”

I untie the bow and open the tin. Dried fruit. It is a tin of dried fruit!

How did he know?

I spin around to look up at him and smile. “Thank you! I’ve been craving this!”

“I know. We also brought back the apricots you bought earlier. They’re over there on the counter for later.” Elliot points to the bag.

I pop a piece of dried orange into my mouth and savor the sweet taste for a minute before turning to Obsidian.

“Would you like some, Obsidian?” I hold the open tin out to him.

He looks shocked that I asked. “A-are you sure? These are your gift! You don’t have to share with me.” He looks at me then looks at the fruit again.

I smile. “I want to share with you. Go ahead. Eat as much as you’d like. We can always buy more later.”

Obsidian picks up a piece of dried apricot and inspects it before popping it into his mouth. His eyes widen and he smiles.

“Good?” I ask smiling.

“Mmhmm!” He answers with his mouth still closed.

What a sweet little boy.

I set the tin on the table beside me and pull out one of the stools around the table to sit down. I don’t know when it happened but I am out of breath. A sharp pain shoots up and around my belly from my pelvis. I take a deep breath and lean over. Syrafin said these are false labor pains, but they still hurt. Badly.

“That hurt, didn’t it?” Obsidian stares at me.

“I’m okay. I promise.” I smile at him.

Elliot immediately appears at my side. “Hurt? What hurt? Are you okay? Is the child okay?” He places his hand on my belly and stares at me intently.

“We are both fine. Syrafin calls this false labor. It is just an intense cramp. They come and go.” I look into his hazel eyes.

I hope our baby has his eyes.

“Both of you? Do you mean all three of you?” Obsidian cocks his head to the side.

“Pardon?” Elliot almost chokes.

“Princess Illiana and both of the babies. There are two auras in there. One is bright yellow and the other is weak but there.” Obsidian points to my belly.

Two? TWO?!


“What do you mean one is weaker?” I stare at Obsidian and place my hand on my belly over Elliot’s.

“This one is really bright and the other is harder to see around it. But there are two there.” He points again.

I look over at Elliot. He looks dazed.

“Elliot?” I whisper.

“We’re having twins!” He grins.

Two babies he claimed weren’t his just hours ago. I look at my hands and then back to Obsidian. Behind him, Theos is standing propped against the door staring at me.

Right. The map. Zander.

“Elliot, Obsidian can stay here with me. You need to take the map and get Zander back. Quickly.” Theos and I make eye contact.

“Tell him to take the map to his father and sister in the room of the stag. He will know what that means.” Theos’s voice booms. Neither Obsidian nor Elliot seems to hear it.

“Take it to the King and Jess in the room of the stag,” I look over at Elliot.

The way he is looking at me is different than usual. “How could you possibly know about that room? Have you been to the palace?”

“No, I haven’t. How I know isn’t important. You need to go now. Please Maður, just trust me this one time,” I plead.

He raises an eyebrow and nods. I look back to where Theos is standing. He vanished. Then I look back down at Obsidian.

“I liked your bow earlier. Will you tie one in my hair with this ribbon?” I smile holding out the ribbon from the tin.

Obsidian nods excitedly and takes the ribbon from my hand. I look over to the bedroom door. Elliot emerges from the room with the map in his hand. I did what I am supposed to. I only hope it is enough.

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